Teamspeak IP: ts.so-lo.co
Minecraft IP: mc.so-lo.co
EsperNet: #SomethingLogical
Our website: http://somethinglogical.com/
Mod Pack: MindCrack
Whitelist Applications are: Open.
- NO Griefing, swearing, spamming, raiding, unneeded pvp
- Protect yourself, our staff keep people fair, not keep your stuff safe
- Do not purposely lag the server
- Hard mode
- mobGreifing disabled
- 16 slots
- whitelisted, apply here, or post in this thread with your username and reason to add you.
Mods Added:
Server details:
- Dedicated
We are the Something Logical (SO-LO) team and we wish to invite you to our mature, friendly and well humored server. We are hoping you will be mature or at least act mature as part of a community of like minded people. We are a team of well established players who try to take a more logical approach to gaming. This means avoiding the constant fear of a world reset, or new players to the server stealing your items.
Because of this, our server has a whitelist. That, combined with the fact that our server encourages prevention and revenge, we have a slightly more logical approach to handling things similar to the way it would be handled in real life. Players are expected to protect their property, if you become a victim, you may exact your revenge. Depending on the situation, you're are may be able to be rolled back, though it is discouraged. (If a man steals your car, the police officer is not going to buy you a new one.)
That being said, we are a no tolerance, no griefing server, with a sturdy, friendly team. This is a dedicated server currently limited to 16 whitelisted slots.
Overview of our server:
- We try to maintain a friendly mature player base
- NO tolerance towards griefing, stealing, raiding, senseless killing
- Spawn is ever growing, if you have something you would like to build for public use (not dismantlement) feel free.
- Players are expected to protect themselves. (I will not refund a vanilla chest of diamonds left in the middle of no where)
Our world (Overworld, Nether, The End) is planed to NOT be reset. Resource gathering can be done in a Mystcraft world written by the admins. This means when a new mod gets installed (RedPower, Extrabees) the world will not be reset to have the new ores. You may explore further out, our mine in our Mystcraft worlds which will be reset with notification when new ores/features are generated. Because of this, please avoid building anything in the Mystcraft worlds that would be difficult for you to remove.
information on mods/features:Mystcraft Descriptive book (Age book) crafting is disabled, this is to prevent server lag, if you would like to see something in a new age, please ask an admin.
Mystcraft instability is disabled, this is also to prevent server lag, and allows us to have dense ores for better harvisting yield.
PortalGun Moon Portals are disabled.
PortalGun PlayerGrabing is disabled (Common sense)
PortalGun Turrets will not fire on players or friendly NPCs
GregTech is not, and will not be disabled. It increases the difficulty of mod items rightfully. If you are in need of higher end items, players are encouraged to trade.
Buildcraft Quarries: Limit yourself to a single full sized quarry in the mining (mystcraft) world only, this is to reduce server lag and keep the overworld looking pretty.
Whitelist info:Simply post here to apply, or apply at: http://somethinglogical.com/application-forms.php?appid=1
Reply on this thread with the following format:
Minecraft username:
Have you read and agree to our rules?:Why you should be whitelisted:
Post for more details.Thank you and see you soon!
The SO-LO Team