Something Logical | FTB Beta Pack A | 16 slot Whitelist | Mature

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Do you agree to the rules? yes i do especially the gregtech one
Why you should be whitelisted: Because i love playing feed the beast and enjoy playing it with a small group to create some sense of community.
IGN: Etilla
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes
Why you should be whitelisted: I want to join this server because I want to play with my friend.
IGN: Modestx
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes
Age: 19
Occupation: US Navy. (Just thought this would help my trustworthiness)
Why you should be whitelisted: I believe in following the rules, respect staff and owners, and I will commit to contributing to the server.
Please Accept my application with my two friends:
jay2350 (Jay)

SIGAAAAAA (Ali)and me (Modestx) Lee
IGN: AzureNight
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes, they look to be very fair.
Why you should be whitelisted: I like meeting people, and helping them. I also would like to watch my own place, among other peoples, grow over time.
IGN: hopdog
Age: 28
Where you live: USA
How long you have own MC: 2+yrs
How long you have played FTB: 2 weeks +
Why do you think you would be good on the server: looking for a good 24/7 server with a strong community
What will you do on the server: join up with a crew or start my own thing in the far reaches of the server
Minecraft username: avatarfan888
Have you read and agree to our rules?: Yes, and I find them very agreeable and well thought :) (specially the GT one, I love a challenge!)
Why you should be whitelisted: When FTB was out there were many Tekkit servers with little 9 year olds thinking it'd be funny to grief and if there was a protection method (settlements) then it became less industrial. When FTB came out it gave me a reason to play on a server again :D. I hope that my knowlage and personality would be a great addition to your server :)
(P.S I know about the childish name, made it back in indev XD)
Minecraft Username: AcornFrenzy
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes.
Why you should be whitelisted: I'm an experienced minecrafter and consider myself an advanced builder. I feel as though I would make a great addition to the server because of my building skills and would love to help with community builds or public builds that provide a purpose to the server.
Minecraft username: Spextrums
Have you read and agree to our rules?: Yes I have
Why you should be whitelisted: I've been looking around for a good minecraft server, and I'd like to play in one with a small community, but cool players, I'm good with the mods, been playing with them for a while and I can help anyone if they need it :D
IGN: stainfd
Do you agree to the rules?: yes
Why you should be whitelisted:
if im online i'll be on teamspeak
i would love to team up with someone to reduce overall machines and lag
knowledge on ftb tier 1 and some knowledge ftb tier 2
no prior bans
Minecraft username: mrgreentreestar

Age: 19

Have you read and agree to our rules?: Yes

Why you should be whitelisted: I enjoy playing on good community servers and this seams like one also talking to people about different builds and thing like that
i have a good Tech knowledge with the buildcraft and Forestry
I have ran Vanilla servers Before in minecraft early day

need any more info let me know
Minecraft username: Ryan784
Have you read and agree to our rules?: Yes, of course!
Why you should be whitelisted: I am a very helpful person and can offer a lot to the Server! I enjoy making public services more over than my own private ones (i.e. Things at Spawn). Besides that, I am very mature and get along with other players nicely!
Why you want to join: I really like the concept of the Server, while I won't break the rules, I like the idea and added difficulty of griefing being more realistic - and the revenge!
Hello! My IGN is furgey, and I would like to join your server.

Reason(s) to join: I have been playing with Tech Mods since 1.7.3, and want a good community server, that I can have fun on!

Minecraft username: furgey
Have you read and agree to our rules?: why wouldn't I? I want to join this server, so what would the point be? I might get in trouble.
Why you should be whitelisted: Good community; to have fun; make stuff( cool machines); along with a
non- laggy server.
Minecraft username: lolpierandom
Have you read and agree to our rules?: Yes, of course!
Why you should be whitelisted: Still looking for the perfect FTB server- I enjoy playing with tight communities and try to contribute and help other players as well.
Minecraft username: Mutchylol
Have you read and agree to our rules?: yes i have
Why you should be whitelisted: I want to get back into minecraft and with the FTB mod pack it had alot to keep me going, And with an online community it will keep me playing even longer.
Minecraft username: EGuT125
Have you read and agree to our rules?: Yes
Why you should be whitelisted: I'm looking for a close community driven FTB server to build on and share resources and ideas with other people
Name: mooselord021
Agree to the rules: Indeed
Why should you be whitelisted: I am but a humble moose that likes to dig and build stuff.
Minecraft username: hotpocket23
Have you read and agree to our rules?: yes
Why you should be whitelisted: Because I am looking for a good community, strong leadership, and someone to help me learn FTB :)
Agree to the Rules: Yes
Why I should be added: I am a team player who wants to learn FTB and can't wait to play actively on a FTB server.
We are the Something Logical (SO-LO) team and we wish to invite you to our mature, friendly and well humored server. We are hoping you will be mature or at least act mature as part of a community of like minded people. We are a team of well established players who try to take a more logical approach to gaming. This means avoiding the constant fear of a world reset, or new players to the server stealing your items.
Because of this, our server has a whitelist. That, combined with the fact that our server encourages prevention and revenge, we have a slightly more logical approach to handling things similar to the way it would be handled in real life. Players are expected to protect their property, if you become a victim, you may exact your revenge. Depending on the situation, you're are may be able to be rolled back, though it is discouraged. (If a man steals your car, the police officer is not going to buy you a new one.)

Interesting :3
This got me curious xD In what way do especially _new_ players steal items?
Also wondering how that sounds similar to real-life :o Any reasonable nation nowadays forbids self-justice (aka "protecting" and "exacting revenge"), there are laws and courts for that. And while a police officer may not buy you a new car your insurance and/or the culprit (or his insurance) may have to, depending on the laws, availability of insurances and if the culprit is arrested and sentenced.
Minecraft username:michaebrock
Have you read and agree to our rules?:yeah
Why you should be whitelisted:i like to play tekkit/FTB on servers but most have really immature players and my friend plays here and he says you guys are mature.