[SOLVED]Issues with AE sorting System(FTB Ultimate)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am a frequent watcher of Direwolf20 and I saw how is sorting system was set up. I set out to replicate the sorting system within my multiplayer server.

I followed it to the extent of how he had the input, output, and the pulverizer and powered furnace, yet it does not accept the ores into the pulverizer. I have the right bus' on the furnace and pulverizer (exports to pulverizers, imports to furnaces).

It just does not want to work.....there is also sufficient power. I am just curious if the way the cables are set up are the issue, but since it is technically a logistics system, it shouldn't matter right?

I appreciate any help :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also make sure that the furnace or pulverizer side is set to the no color option.

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Make sure that the side of the pulv you have the export bus on is the right color (blue) or else it won't accept items.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And post a picture of what you are doing if you try to explain that... Not everybody watches DW20's videos. I prefer WayOfTime and KirinDave (and it seems like Yogscast looks awesome, too)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have the right bus' on the furnace and pulverizer (exports to pulverizers, imports to furnaces).

Imports to furnaces?

1 - place down pulverizer
2 - place powered furnace to the right of the pulverizer
3 - place a ME Import bus on the right side of the powered furnace
4 - either place a ME Export bus or ME Interface (if you want to churn ores on demand) on the top of the pulverizer

If you use a ME Export on the pulverizer you need to place in the export bus GUI the raw ores you want to pulverize. Once pulverized they will automatically go into the furnace (pulverizer empties to right by default). Once turned into ingots the ME Import bus will pull them back into the AE network.

If you use a ME Interface on the pulverizer you need to create crafting templates and put them in the ME Interface processing boxes. what that means is that when your ME network runs out of an ore it will automatically send any ore to the pulverizer for processing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another option that people seem to forget about for the importation of items, most likely because Direwolf20 never thought about doing it this way so he didn't show it in his videos, is to use just another ME Interface as the exit point for items coming out of the powered furnace. This works with Thermal Expansion machines because they can be set to automatically output items into an adjacent inventory.

ME Interfaces automatically import items placed into them into the AE network. For example, you can pump items into them via BC pipes or RP tubes or Thermal Expansion machines because the ME Interface acts like an inventory.

So what you can do is place an ME Interface next to your powered furnace, and then in the interface for the powered furnace you set your output to be whatever color and side you placed the ME Interface on.

One reason it's better to use an ME Interface instead of the ME Import Bus is because every side of the ME Interface can act as an input (minus 1 side for a connection to the AE network). Whereas with an ME Import Bus you can only point it to one side of a block. Plus one of the crafting components of an ME Import Bus IS an ME Interface, so in this case you're using more materials to further limit yourself because of the somewhat more limited operations available in using the ME Import Bus. Of course for machines such as IC2 machines you WILL need to use an ME Import Bus because IC2 machines can not automatically output items.

Another good use of the ME Interface is for importing items from your Quarry into your AE network. If you have your Quarry outputting items into an Item Tesseract, place an ME Interface next to the receiving Item Tesseract in your base. I haven't seen a limit yet to how fast an ME Interface can import items. This setup works much better than dumping items into an Ender Chest and then having to use multiple ME Import Bus pulling out of the Ender Chest.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Imports to furnaces?

1 - place down pulverizer
2 - place powered furnace to the right of the pulverizer
3 - place a ME Import bus on the right side of the powered furnace
4 - either place a ME Export bus or ME Interface (if you want to churn ores on demand) on the top of the pulverizer

If you use a ME Export on the pulverizer you need to place in the export bus GUI the raw ores you want to pulverize. Once pulverized they will automatically go into the furnace (pulverizer empties to right by default). Once turned into ingots the ME Import bus will pull them back into the AE network.

If you use a ME Interface on the pulverizer you need to create crafting templates and put them in the ME Interface processing boxes. what that means is that when your ME network runs out of an ore it will automatically send any ore to the pulverizer for processing.

The odd thing is that if I manually put ore to be pulverized, it goes into the furnace and then gets sorted. The main issue seems to be the export bus' not wanting to accept the ores that I tell it to pull.

And post a picture of what you are doing if you try to explain that... Not everybody watches DW20's videos. I prefer WayOfTime and KirinDave (and it seems like Yogscast looks awesome, too)
I am not currently at my house to get the picture, but I will try and get some when I can.

Another option that people seem to forget about for the importation of items, most likely because Direwolf20 never thought about doing it this way so he didn't show it in his videos, is to use just another ME Interface as the exit point for items coming out of the powered furnace. This works with Thermal Expansion machines because they can be set to automatically output items into an adjacent inventory.

ME Interfaces automatically import items placed into them into the AE network. For example, you can pump items into them via BC pipes or RP tubes or Thermal Expansion machines because the ME Interface acts like an inventory.

So what you can do is place an ME Interface next to your powered furnace, and then in the interface for the powered furnace you set your output to be whatever color and side you placed the ME Interface on.

One reason it's better to use an ME Interface instead of the ME Import Bus is because every side of the ME Interface can act as an input (minus 1 side for a connection to the AE network). Whereas with an ME Import Bus you can only point it to one side of a block. Plus one of the crafting components of an ME Import Bus IS an ME Interface, so in this case you're using more materials to further limit yourself because of the somewhat more limited operations available in using the ME Import Bus. Of course for machines such as IC2 machines you WILL need to use an ME Import Bus because IC2 machines can not automatically output items.

Another good use of the ME Interface is for importing items from your Quarry into your AE network. If you have your Quarry outputting items into an Item Tesseract, place an ME Interface next to the receiving Item Tesseract in your base. I haven't seen a limit yet to how fast an ME Interface can import items. This setup works much better than dumping items into an Ender Chest and then having to use multiple ME Import Bus pulling out of the Ender Chest.

I will try this out if I cant get this setup to work :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you checked your TE machines' configuration? For input from the ME system to the machine, the side needs to be coloured. For output back into the ME system, you need the side to be a blank hole.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you checked your TE machines' configuration? For input from the ME system to the machine, the side needs to be coloured. For output back into the ME system, you need the side to be a blank hole.

Yes, the output for the furnace is non-colored and the pulveriser is a blue input.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The odd thing is that if I manually put ore to be pulverized, it goes into the furnace and then gets sorted. The main issue seems to be the export bus' not wanting to accept the ores that I tell it to pull.

Make sure the Export bus GUI button isn't set to "craft", it needs to be stacks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's also a redstone setting on the ME Export Bus. You might want to confirm that it's set to ignore a redstone signal.

As mentioned before a picture of your setup would be great. My comments regarding the ME Interface for outputs are really only for outputs, which it sounds like is working fine in your setup.

Again a brief summary, ME Export Bus with ore you want pulverized listed inside of it. Make sure the redstone setting is set to ignore, and the setting below that is set to stacks. Make sure that the ME Export Bus is pointing towards your Pulverizer, and that the color shown on the outside of the machine where you are attaching the ME Export Bus is Blue, and inside the machine that the Blue side is set to Input.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

This is what it looks like, and the setting are as everyone said they should be at, yet it still wont work. It will sort the way i have it set up, but it will not process any ore.

The power for the whole thing is from a energy tesseract, which is supplying power to the ME Controller and the TE machines are being powered from behind.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
screenshots of the TE machine setups and bus setups might help are the top side of furnace set to gray /no colour?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
screenshots of the TE machine setups and bus setups might help are the top side of furnace set to gray /no colour?

Sorry about that. Here they are:


  • 2013-05-14_01.05.06.png
    181.3 KB · Views: 103
  • 2013-05-14_01.05.16.png
    195.6 KB · Views: 93
  • 2013-05-14_01.06.02.png
    192.4 KB · Views: 99
  • 2013-05-14_01.06.06.png
    178.2 KB · Views: 94


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Try setting export bus to single item mode. Looks like it is in stack mode. AE might wait for whole stacks in that case...

It is the bottom brown icon in the bus.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I think I found out the issue.

Since I am using a chest storage system, I only had preformatted drives into the chests active (4 of them). The system wouldn't process the ores unless there was some empty inventory in a chest (non preformatted).

I didn't think it would need any space to do that....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have ores in your AE storage network? You only have one ore in the export bus.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have ores in your AE storage network? You only have one ore in the export bus.

I only had one to originally test the system out to see if it would work

To clarify, I had that one ore in the export bus, and only the export bus.
During the testing, it has only formatted chests so there was no place(i am guessing for a second) to "store" the ore block, but then reroute it to the pulverizer

do you have a ME controller? 1 is needed on the network for busses to work

Yes I do, it was attached to the system the whole time with power.