Okay...... /rant on
Aaaaaaand I have no idea what I'm doing. I thought making a red stone power cell would do the trick but it's basically like a bat box. It USED to be you could simply power these machines with any dang engine but now there's all this complicated RF BS I've never done before. HELP!
Let's break this down here:
Aaaaaaand I have no idea what I'm doing. I thought making a red stone power cell would do the trick but it's basically like a bat box
Okay, so the poster knows enough to understand what a bat box is, and understands that a redstone power cell is like a bat box, an energy storage block.
It USED to be you could simply power these machines with any dang engine
This would suggest that the poster knows what engines are. This leads to replies assuming that the poster knows what engines are, and knows that power cells are used for storage.
but now there's all this complicated RF BS I've never done before.
All I can say about this is.. Wut? After the flurry of "activity" with the lack of difficulty with Redstone Flux... This is probably what set off people's bullshit alarms.
Now, let's look at the posts that followed:
Set the cell output in the gear tab in the cell.
Based off of the information that the OP gave, the indications were that they maybe missed the output settings in the power cell... Accurate, and helpful with the information given.
And I have. Everything I find is outdated.
Again... Wut?
Next answer/helpful post:
your not really helping anyone help yourself. Send a screenshot of your setup, a pack name etc. OR take the initiative check out a recent TE spotlight by DW20.
Again, this was asking for more information, via a screen shot. And honestly, if the OP took any time to look, RF and TE has not changed
that much. Most of the information out there on pulverizer set ups is easy to find, and well explained. This goes back to "Do you even Google?"
That didn't do anything. Set it to what exactly? here's my set up. The redcell (left) and the pilverizer (right)
Finally we can see exactly what the issue is. Our assumptions that the OP understood that things needed engines to make power were
clearly wrong. How dare we not understand that the OP did not even understand the basics of power generation, even though it was implied in the OP's first post.
Next :
It would help if the Energy Cell actually had power to give.
No truer statement made on this problem. I can't say more about this. No, really.. this gave the answer.
And Idk how to give it power. No one can help me i guess I'll figure it out on my own thanks for nothing
Aaaaaand we're done here... They state an understanding that engines are needed, but then say they don't understand. WTF? My Troll'o'meter went all the way to 11 after that.
If they said something like, "I'm not sure how to power it, can you help?" would have stopped it right there. Links would have been given, guides pointed to, explanations given.
So, to sum up, until the OP thanks us for "nothing" we gave them everything they needed to solve the issue themselves, without the fully explained, with pictures post that ProfessorMudkip gave. (great post btw, but a post that has been made on many "how to" guides and videos all over Youtube.)
Spit in our eye, and we will react. Act like you know what you are doing then bitch that no one is helping when you don't have a damned clue? Get ready for ridicule, not only on this forum, but in real life as well.
/rant off