Whitelist Server Slaughter the Beast | Ultimate | Whitelist | Dedicated 24/7 | New Map | No banned Items!

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with the recent release of unleashed, wouldnt it be wise to make the switch now instead of later? :) seeing that unleashed is like the "new" ultimate of all the packs :)
I have PM'ed you about this, and I also haven't got a contact request on Skype.
In Game Name: Qysr
Location: Montreal, QC. (Canada)
Age: 18
Skype: Prone to changes. Will be forwarded to you as soon as it becomes clear.

Goals: I typically tend to be interested in massive, complicated undertakings of enormous scales, a bit Zistonian in nature. I enjoy building intricate overcomplicated systems for seemingly benign tasks and loathe taking the "easy" way of doing things. I particularly like to challenge myself, and will usually give myself certain restrictions when attempting projects in order to see how far my imagination can take things. This can range from making my bases entirely submerged underwater or in particularly hostile environment all the way to making it mobile or capable of being entirely controlled from a distance. Expect over-elaborate security systems, massive networks of questionable purposes and secret or hidden bases of slightly exagerated size and scale. In terms of mods, I mostly prefer Industrial Craft, Thaumcraft and Mystcraft among others, and have a certain fondness for the Twilight Forest. I am also currently very interested in computercraft and intend to experiment with it eventually.

Have you read the rules? Yes I have.
Why do you want to join: I enjoy servers which are, for lack of a better term, more natural, more organic. I have heard of certain servers where there are so many plugins that it can hardly even be considered minecraft anymore. Teleportation, remotely accessible markets, currencies, factions, etc... I prefer to rely on the already existing in-game mechanics and imagination to overcome challenges rather than /commands. I also greatly enjoy smaller, friendlier communities, in which everyone knows one another, relying on implicit trust and common sense rather than item bans and excessive regulations. In short, I like servers precisely like this one. I also greatly enjoy pranks.

How much you can play: Greatly depends upon the context. Generally speaking, however, you can expect me to play rather frequently, and advise you in advance before extended periods of absence.

How can you contribute? Many ways. Firstly, I absolutely love making "challenge maps" and hidden easter eggs, and have several ideas for mini games. I enjoy making impromptu, unofficial challenges, such as scavanger hunts or pvp maps. I also have a large number of ideas for community builds and have a vast amount of knowledge regarding feed the beast at my disposal. I am usually considered a rather generous person and like to make trading arrangements with other players.

Play Styles:
Sociable Loner: Although I most often will find myself living on my own rather than with other players, I enjoy socializing with others and always welcome unexpected visits or pranks.
Builder/Creative thinker: Whereas for some, their base is just a means to an end, a place to conveniently store all their fancy items and machinery, to me, it IS the end, and I will generally move on from one project to another without worrying about getting end game items or gears. Original and challenging builds are what I am truly after.

Strengths: Planning, originality, generosity and ambition. Very good at elaborating or circumventing security systems. Vast amounts of theoretical knowledge in minecraft and feed the beast. Curiosity and scientific mindset: always looking to discover new things.
Weaknesses: Poor dexterity and reflexes (combat/pvp/mobility), lack of actual practical experience, can sometimes be a bit overambitious in my projects. Despite all my planning, I can be a little lacking in foresight regarding anything which isn't directly related to to what I'm doing. (i.e: Giving away all my brass to someone in need just because I don't currently need any, but finding myself in need of it litterally 5 minutes later.)

Any additional comments: I took the liberty of adding a few questions, I hope you don't mind. Please pardon any typos I might have made. Also, lots of people from Montreal applying for this server... :o
IGN: PepsimaxL
Location: Norway
Age: 15
Skype: i dont want to write my skype here. it is Very easy to get someones ip through skype.
Goals: make friends, and build awsome stuff and help other people out.
Have you read the rules? Yes
Why do you want to join: i want to play FTB and have fun, build cool stuff and play with other people.
How much you can play: atleast 1 hour a day. but i depends, some days i may not play at all and others i may play for 3-4 hours
How can you contribute? Build awsome stuff and help other people out. i also planned to start a series :)
Any additional comments: Im very good at Minecraft/FTB/Tekkit :P
Location:United Plains of Africa
Goals:I want to join a server where my stuff isnt going to get robbed and my builds dont get destroyed. BASICALLY...
Have you read the rules?
...These rules?

1. Please use common sense Common sense is often not that common :/
2. Absolutely no griefing or stealing is allowed! ( Pranking is Fine) Griefing= Insta-Ban This makes sense
3. Act Mature I can only try
4. Be respectful to others- everybody is different Agreed
5. Swearing is allowed , but please keep it minimal I will try so fawking hard.
6. Be aware of your surroundings, you are not alone. Some players may not like you building a cobble 9x9 right next to their home. Cobble? Im a little more adventurous than that
7. Don't abuse any exploits or bugs. OKAY
8. PvP is enabled, but the consent of the other player is needed is this dueling rather than pvp?
9. No asking to spawn in items, even I won't spawn in anything for myself. getting items is the whole point in the game
10. No spamming the chat or advertising/posting links would i spend all this time writing the perfect reply to advertise or post links?
11. Be reasonable with chunkloaders, ages, and such Sure thaaaang!
12. Have Fun!!! Aslong as the community is friendly this is guaranteed

Yes i have!

Why do you want to join:How shall i measure this?
Light Years: 300
Miles: 1.76354994 × 1015 miles
How much you can play: I will aim to play as often as i can a server where my things are safe will be alot better than these other servers.
How can you contribute? I cant promise anything, but i shall try.
Any additional comments:#SWAG #YOLO #TROLLIN #PLZ #Whuute #Lezt #Meh
IGN: holamuch
Location: California
Age: 22
Goals: Perfect my knowldge of forestry
Have you read the rules: Yes
Why do you want to join:Want to start a new world online instead of playing single player
How much you can play: 4+ hours
How can you contribute? Answering questions for beginners
Any additional comments: Hope i can join this growing community thanks for consideration
Skype:i have it but would pref not to post it on the forum for security reasions
Goals: have allot of fun
Have you read the rules? yea
Why do you want to join: just got a new computer my old one died while on a dif server which has since shut down.
How much you can play: pretty much non stop
How can you contribute? im a builder who is a minecraft addict so im sure ill be of use lol
Any additional comments:holds up my fav item safari net :D
IGN: overh3at

Location: Poland


Skype: patryk970917

Goals: Have fun

Have you read therules?: Yes

Why do you want to join: I'm looking for a good server to play on.

How much you can play: Not much, usually couple of hours a week

How can you contribute?: I really enjoy helping people out.

Any additional comments: none
IGN: Zougail

Location: Virginia, USA

Age: 22

Skype: sepheros.jenkins95

Goals: Have a good time in a sociable environment, while building some things and learning more about some of the mods.

Have you read the rules?: Yes, rules are always a good thing(hate servers that do not enforce structure)

Why do you want to join: I want to join a server that i can be happy to be a part of, and one that everyone can interact with each other no-matter your knowledge of the game.

How much you can play: Usually 2-4 hours a day, depending on work and other outside factors.

How can you contribute?: If anyone needs help with a build I am always willing to help or share knowledge of certain machines to new players.

Any additional comments: Also play WoW and a few other games if anyone on the server wants to play one day.​
Goals:To build and adventure in all kinds of dimension and have fun in this server as much as we can
Have you read the rules?: Yes all do.
Why do you want to join:Want to join this server is because me and my friend have been playing open servers for few months and really want to join a whitelist server
How much you can play:We can play a few hours after school ends and in weekend we can play for almost 8-9 hours.
How can you contribute?I can contribute by building a endermen soul shard spawner and build a ender pearl drops for free so that most of the people can have ender pearls.
Any additional comments:Never played a whitelist server so we both really want to play on this server cause the Slaughter is just awesome.
IGN: indigosylence
Location: Midlands, United Kingdom
Age: 21
Skype: anchorthyself
Goals: Creative builds from underground cave systems, castles & sky builds to villages.
Have you read the rules? I have done so, yes.
Why do you want to join: My brother is a member of your server, we frequently hosted LAN games due to being disappointed with greifers on servers. Seen how much of a friends community you guys have. I am very much impressed.
How much you can play: few hours daily unless other commitments such as work are arranged.
How can you contribute? I will contribute by helping others out or building areas for the group, will express my personal opinions and ideas. I have an extensive minecraft background although new to FTB, I have worked on a few solo/co-op builds that I am very proud of.
Any additional comments:
Would be good to be on a server again, where everybody is respectful of one another, to play nice & be taught and teach others.
IGN: josephlin0714
Location: taiwan
Age: 21
Skype: not shown on public
Goals: learn more about ftb such as that bee stuff, building something awesome and auto complex factory, and join a cool community
Have you read the rules? yes
Why do you want to join: i tried an open server before, but some shitty morns destroyed everything i built and stole my stuff. Therefore I decide to look for some whitelist server where people are selected n people wont steal or destroy someone's hardwork.
How much you can play: its my summer vacation time, so i can spend much time on it.
How can you contribute? im still new to ftb so im not sure if i can help a lot to other newbies. But im friendly and i will try my best to help if i can. ;)
Any additional comments: nope so far
IGN: Bladebrew
Location: Savannah, GA
Age: 21
Skype: matt.p.2013
Goals: Have some fun and learn the game with a friend of mine.
Have you read the rules? yes ;)
Why do you want to join: A friend of mine already plays on this server and recommended it.
How much you can play: Probably a couple hours a day.
How can you contribute? I'm a noob, but I learn fast and can be a constructive part of the community.
Any additional comments:
Location: Newcastle, England
Age: 16
Skype: iimattyxxx
Goals: make everything automatic and make farms for the server
Have you read the rules? yes
Why do you want to join: looking to have a fresh start on a server with not alot of people on
How much you can play: 5-6 hours a day maybe
How can you contribute? i can help with buildings i am a really good builder and im good at automating things and farms :)
Any additional comments: not really just hope you accept me onto your server
IGN: Exhilr8
Location: GA, USA
Age: 15
Skype: none
Goals: Building a nicer house than everyone else >:3
Have you read the rules? indeed
Why do you want to join: to enjoy myself during my time away from school
How much you can play: when school isnt in (6-8 hours a week probably)
How can you contribute? I can help other users with any problems they may have
Any additional comments: none