In Game Name: Qysr
Location: Montreal, QC. (Canada)
Age: 18
Skype: Prone to changes. Will be forwarded to you as soon as it becomes clear.
Goals: I typically tend to be interested in massive, complicated undertakings of enormous scales, a bit Zistonian in nature. I enjoy building intricate overcomplicated systems for seemingly benign tasks and loathe taking the "easy" way of doing things. I particularly like to challenge myself, and will usually give myself certain restrictions when attempting projects in order to see how far my imagination can take things. This can range from making my bases entirely submerged underwater or in particularly hostile environment all the way to making it mobile or capable of being entirely controlled from a distance. Expect over-elaborate security systems, massive networks of questionable purposes and secret or hidden bases of slightly exagerated size and scale. In terms of mods, I mostly prefer Industrial Craft, Thaumcraft and Mystcraft among others, and have a certain fondness for the Twilight Forest. I am also currently very interested in computercraft and intend to experiment with it eventually.
Have you read the rules? Yes I have.
Why do you want to join: I enjoy servers which are, for lack of a better term, more natural, more organic. I have heard of certain servers where there are so many plugins that it can hardly even be considered minecraft anymore. Teleportation, remotely accessible markets, currencies, factions, etc... I prefer to rely on the already existing in-game mechanics and imagination to overcome challenges rather than /commands. I also greatly enjoy smaller, friendlier communities, in which everyone knows one another, relying on implicit trust and common sense rather than item bans and excessive regulations. In short, I like servers precisely like this one. I also greatly enjoy pranks.
How much you can play: Greatly depends upon the context. Generally speaking, however, you can expect me to play rather frequently, and advise you in advance before extended periods of absence.
How can you contribute? Many ways. Firstly, I absolutely love making "challenge maps" and hidden easter eggs, and have several ideas for mini games. I enjoy making impromptu, unofficial challenges, such as scavanger hunts or pvp maps. I also have a large number of ideas for community builds and have a vast amount of knowledge regarding feed the beast at my disposal. I am usually considered a rather generous person and like to make trading arrangements with other players.
Play Styles:
Sociable Loner: Although I most often will find myself living on my own rather than with other players, I enjoy socializing with others and always welcome unexpected visits or pranks.
Builder/Creative thinker: Whereas for some, their base is just a means to an end, a place to conveniently store all their fancy items and machinery, to me, it IS the end, and I will generally move on from one project to another without worrying about getting end game items or gears. Original and challenging builds are what I am truly after.
Strengths: Planning, originality, generosity and ambition. Very good at elaborating or circumventing security systems. Vast amounts of theoretical knowledge in minecraft and feed the beast. Curiosity and scientific mindset: always looking to discover new things.
Weaknesses: Poor dexterity and reflexes (combat/pvp/mobility), lack of actual practical experience, can sometimes be a bit overambitious in my projects. Despite all my planning, I can be a little lacking in foresight regarding anything which isn't directly related to to what I'm doing. (i.e: Giving away all my brass to someone in need just because I don't currently need any, but finding myself in need of it litterally 5 minutes later.)
Any additional comments: I took the liberty of adding a few questions, I hope you don't mind. Please pardon any typos I might have made. Also, lots of people from Montreal applying for this server...