Whitelist Server Slaughter the Beast | Ultimate | Whitelist | Dedicated 24/7 | New Map | No banned Items!

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IGN: redfire0
Location: Merica
Age: 13
Skype: Redfire0 :D/ben.lawton99
Goals:To have fun and play with others
Have you read the rules? yes
How can you contribute?I KNOW MOST OF THE MODS
IGN: Bananamanftwbbq
Location: Las Vegas, NV, US
Age: 20
Skype: bananamanftwbbq (although I prefer Teamspeak and have a TS3 server I would like to offer for use)
Goals: Make ridiculous, crazy automations that look good too. I love spending hours doing something technical, then more hours working aesthetics so all you see is a cool base with minimal interfaces. Also, Banana HQ. 'Nuff said.
Have you read the rules?: Of course
Why do you want to join: I want to join a fairly tight knit server and have fun with new friends, plus I want to share my FTB experiences with people :p
How much you can play: I do have a job, but I can easily put in at least several hours a day, and on my days off, I might be working on a project in here all day long.
How can you contribute? In vanilla servers, I'm often a builder for hire, as my attention to detail is great. I make big things, and I make em look good. Also I'm fun to talk to, if a little show-offy, and I love to hang out with new people.
Any additional comments: Once again, I have a TeamSpeak 3 server I'm willing to let this server use for free if I'm accepted, and it is soooooooooo much better than Skype.
Location: Denmark
Goals: To play with people have fun maybe start a let's play on my new computer
Have you read the rules? yes i have read the rules
Why do you want to join: to play on a server where you don't get griefed for stuff you just build the same day
How much you can play: i study from 8:15 to 15:15/3:15
How can you contribute? i will gladly help people with anything borrow stuff give stuff and much more
Any additional comments:nop i just hope =)
Location: england
Age: 17
Goals:build a self sustaining house
Have you read the rules? yes i have
Why do you want to join: i love playing with a community
How much you can play: everyday
How can you contribute? i enjoy helping others with any problems that they have
Any additional comments: hope to hear back from you
Goals:try not building in caves or underground(im not really a good builder ,I've been playing ftb for about 1~2 years, but most of the time i build underground and in a cave)
Have you read the rules? of course
Why do you want to join:the previous server i stayed is down ,so im looking for another server,and i don't like banning mods,i like using most of the mods
How much you can play:about 6 hours a day sometimes maxmimum 10~11 hours a day
How can you contribute?im not really agood builder and i sometimes work alone but i also help people solve problems if they need help such as materials or how to use the mod
Any additional comments:u can make a public mining age and lava age so that it won't make a mess in the overworld or the nether,the last server i stayed didn't make a lava age
and the nether was a mess ^^,
IGN: hale543
Location: Wisconsin U.S.A.
Skype: hale.hoglund
Goals: I want to join to get out of singleplayerand build with other people>
Have you read the rules? Yes
Why do you want to join:I want to meet new people and have fun playing multiplayer ftb.
How much you can play: Probably about 7 hours, or so, a week.
How can you contribute? I love bees and producing MJ I'm also pretty good IDC2 stuff too.

Thank You,
IGN: cpaxe97
Location: US
Age: 16
Skype: cpaxe97
Goals: If you mean by in game goal's pretty much make everything we can and make our base look amazing.
Have you read the rules? Yes, I have.
Why do you want to join: Because, me and someone else are currently looking for a FTB Ultimate server to play on and this one is perfect.
How much you can play: 3+ hours a day depending on stuff.
How can you contribute? I know alot about FTB and I can help the members.
Any additional comments: Nope
IGN: imtheplayer2
Location: US
Age: 17
Skype: maxrphd
Goals: Make a amazing base with everything we can.
Have you read the rules? Yes
Why do you want to join: We really need a server to play on.
How much you can play: 1-2+ hours a day
How can you contribute? Help people.
Any additional comments: I hope we both get accepted pretty much it :D
IGN: Frankiejoh
Location: USA
Age: 15
Skype: Frankiejohwolf
Goals: I want to reach quantum and build the best castle I have ever laid eyes on.
Have you read the rules? Yes, Yes I have :).
Why do you want to join: I am a good builder, also like to meet people
How much you can play: A lot!
How can you contribute? I can build a town or something.
Any additional comments: I hope I get accepted I really like the looks of this server.

If its okay my friends wants to post.

IGN: Vortex2122
Location: USA
Age: 15
Skype: None will get one if necessary.
Goals: Want to build a lot and meet people also setup some kind of global power supply if possible
Have you read the rules? Yes
Why do you want to join: I like FTB this server looks great for playing it.
How much you can play:
How can you contribute?
Any additional comments:
Location:Hungary, Budapest
Goals:Have fun on an awsome FTB server.
Have you read the rules?Yes and I agree them.
Why do you want to join:Becouse I want to get on a FTB server which has friendly people and no block limits with rules like this.
How much you can play:In My free time I always play FTB.
How can you contribute?I would love to help people who are new to FTB, becouse it's good to see that more and more people are trying this awesome game.
Any additional comments:I have been playing FTB when it was just released to download and I think I can do "some" things in FTB. Also I was always searching for a server like this. :)
We are now accepting more players to join, as we have more space. Any applications will be reviewed within 24 hours, if not, 2 days max. I will contact anybody who is accepted either through skype, or through a PM. We are only looking for dedicated and active players that can play daily, or at the least a few times a week. Feel free to submit your app, and I will review it asap. Thanks
IGN: Reelii
Location: Norway
Age: 14
Skype: None
Goals: Reach end game items like Gravi suit.
Have you read the rules? Yes
Why do you want to join: I like small communities and hate when alot of stuff is banned that makes it less fun.
How much you can play: 1-2 hours atleast a day if I'm not busy.
How can you contribute? Friendliness and help people with lack of resources.
Any additional comments: Hope I can help others and to contribute to the server :D
Location: UK/England
Age: 18
Skype: littlelee451
Goals: I want to make a cave base and make it look awesome
Have you read the rules? yes
Why do you want to join: I want to join a ftb server with a great community and socialize with people
How much you can play: all the time as I haven't got much taking time away from me
How can you contribute? I can help with server projects and I know a quite a bit about redstone
Any additional comments: Btw I am not very experienced at ftb so I may ask for help from time to time
Location: UK/England
Age: 18
Skype: littlelee451
Goals: I want to make a cave base and make it look awesome
Have you read the rules? yes
Why do you want to join: I want to join a ftb server with a great community and socialize with people
How much you can play: all the time as I haven't got much taking time away from me
How can you contribute? I can help with server projects and I know a quite a bit about redstone
Any additional comments: Btw I am not very experienced at ftb so I may ask for help from time to time
What's your IGN?
IGN: MaxPerpoli123`
Location: California USA
Age: 13
Skype: max.perpoli
Goals: I want to make an insane base and help out any people who might need something that I might have an abundance of. I want to help as much as i can.
Have you read the rules? Yes and I will most definitely follow them.
Why do you want to join: I want to become part of this community and help this server.
How much you can play: I can play pretty much all day on weekends and I can play for about 3 to 4 hours per weekday or maybe a little bit more than that.
How can you contribute? I can make most of the automated farms and I can supply people with food and resources.
Any additional comments: I know a ton about Industrialcraft/Buildcraft and I'm very good at forestry/bees. I'm pretty good at thaumcraft and tinkers construct, but I'm not that good at computercraft. I think that I can help this server a lot.
IGN: luke199 & Please whitelist - Lewis317, Connork11111,
Location: England and America
Age: 14-16
Skype: Miney121
Goals: Building togeather on a Quiet FTb server Maybe setting up trade routes with other players.. and building a community
Have you read the rules?: Yes We all have and agree to follow them
Why do you want to join: We want to join because we are looking for a small quiet FTB Server where we can build and PVP togeather/Against eachother
How much you can play: 4-6 Hours a day
How can you contribute?: Myself Luke199 im a Plugin Support Specilist for a hosting company so i can help with any technical server stuff, My Friends come from other popular servers like Minrprime average 200 players and Obsidiancraft average 50
Any additional comments: We are joining to Do Thaumcraft 3, Buildcraft, industrial craft, Please contact me on skype when accepted,

Many Thanks
Luke K
Location: USA, New Mexico
Age: 23
Skype: Will give this out if needed after my application is processed.
Goals: Well i still have a lot to learn within FTB. At the moment my goal is to find a server to do this on. I have only been playing ftb for 2weeks.
Have you read the rules?Yes
Why do you want to join: This server has everything i could possibly ask for.
How much you can play: Multiple hours daily. I'm hooked at the moment lol
How can you contribute? Well I don't mind helping people and i try to keep my builds aesthetically pleasing. Also I stay pretty active and i'm also very cautious when it comes to chunkloaders and anything that might server lag... can't stand lag.
Any additional comments:
IGN: Zishy
Location: Germany
Age: 27
Skype: i have added you on my side
Goals: factorization/automation and afterwards cooperation to form public networks (power/different liquids etc)
Have you read the rules? yes
Why do you want to join: im looking for a place to call home
How much you can play: usualy alot
How can you contribute? expert with ic2/ae implementations, multiblockfarms and other mods
Any additional comments: i looking forward to hear from you
We're still open for more people, keep the apps coming!
with the recent release of unleashed, wouldnt it be wise to make the switch now instead of later? :) seeing that unleashed is like the "new" ultimate of all the packs :)