Welcome to SimpleCraft! This is just a small server I made to play with some people. I made this because all other servers I have gone to have either gotten too many players, and the lag forced them to shut down or they just were not dedicated. I don't like that, and I am tired of it, so this server will only except a few people, and your application must be great. We do not want someone who just started. We want someone with at least some experience, and won't need help with everything. Everything will be player made, and I will never spawn items in. It will be a fun survival.
Server IP:
No items banned, just don't create Mystcraft worlds!
The server will be set to normal
Hosted in the US, in Missouri, or in the center of the US, for anyone who does not know where Missouri is
1. NO griefing
2. NO abusive language
If you are reading the rules then somewhere, in context, on your application include the word caffeine
3. Be respectful to everyone! Does not matter who you are or who they may be, just BE respectful.
4. NO Stealing
5. No abusing of exploits or glitches, or modifications not originally in the mod pack.
6. Have fun!
( Breaking ANY of these rules will have you immediately banned, and your slot in the server open)
IGN (In game name):
FTB/modpack experience:
Have you ever been banned? If yes, explain:
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community?
Additional info:
Good luck, and make your application good
Server IP:
No items banned, just don't create Mystcraft worlds!

The server will be set to normal
Hosted in the US, in Missouri, or in the center of the US, for anyone who does not know where Missouri is
1. NO griefing
2. NO abusive language
If you are reading the rules then somewhere, in context, on your application include the word caffeine
3. Be respectful to everyone! Does not matter who you are or who they may be, just BE respectful.
4. NO Stealing
5. No abusing of exploits or glitches, or modifications not originally in the mod pack.
6. Have fun!
( Breaking ANY of these rules will have you immediately banned, and your slot in the server open)
IGN (In game name):
FTB/modpack experience:
Have you ever been banned? If yes, explain:
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community?
Additional info:
Good luck, and make your application good