IGN (In game name): ryry9
Age: I am 15, only a few months till I turn 16!
FTB/modpack experience: I have been playing FTB for 5 months now, sorta new... Sorry about that...
Have you ever been banned? If yes, explain:No good sir! I have never!
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community? I think I would make a good addition to your server for 3 reasons. I am a generally nice guy, I can provide guidance in the fields that I don't lack in, if I am wrong I accept it. I am usually a nice guy most of the time. You usually only see my angry side when someone griefs me or steals my stuffs

. But I normally try to see the best in all and I am very forgiving. I can provide very limited information on the pack to new players, being so new my self. But if I can help in anyway possible I will. I will never turn anyone down though... Even if I don't know what I am doing, I will try my best to sit there and figure it out with you!

. And I am not stubborn. There are a lot of stubborn people in this world. I am happy to say that I am not one of them. If I'm wrong, which does happen occasionally. I admit it and apologize for my actions.
Additional info: Well I think I covered my case as well as I can in the previous paragraph, but I will describe my schedule. I am usually a not busy guy, but I do have work sometimes. Usually like 3 times a week from like 5-9. When the next school year comes around, I am active in all the drama productions there are. Drama is a fun thing. I LOVE coffee. The caffeine keeps me going late into the night. I am a happy person, that can make friends easily. And I would love to get to know everyone on a server as a friend. That is why your server caught my eye. A small server where I can do just that! It was like a dream come true. All the other servers are like... HUGE. And I wasn't sure that I liked that. So I moved on. I hope you take this into consideration.