Whitelist Server SimpleCraft!|Direwolf20 5.0.1|Whitelist|Small server, 5 slots

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IGN (In game name): TheChristensen
Age: 18
FTB/modpack experience: I played with tekkit, and FTB, plus I have experience with most of the mods
Have you ever been banned? If yes, explain: Nope
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community? I am great at the more technical sides of things, such as redstone/redpower
Additional info: I do have some experience with Java and HTML/CSS
IGN: CrazyCocoK

Age: 14

FTB/modpack experience: I started playing and experimenting with many of the mods included in the FTB packs with Tekkit in the middle of 2011. Since then, I've watched Direwolf20's let's play videos of Season 3, 4, and now 5, and have played with the mods almost every time I play Minecraft. I know practically every vanilla recipe, and much of the mods' functions. The only thing I consider myself not too familiar with is items that have to relate to programming, such as Turtles and Computers. I do love redstone, and have learned from my redstone friend a lot about it.

Have you ever been banned? If yes, explain: I have not actually been banned yet, and I hope to keep this going!

What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community?: I plan to (or try to) build an aesthetically pleasing house, that is, hope to. While playing on the server, if anyone ever needs help and I know what the problem is and how to fix it, I will definitely be helping them out! I will need help for things like computercraft or whatever if I do decide to get into that stuff this time around.

Additional info: I join the server prepared, as I have my morning cup 'o caffeinated coffee to enjoy as I conduct experiments.
(im applying for two here, We're IRL friends. We will pretty much always log in together, and if not, it would only be a short time alone.
IGN (In game name): iiamghostt Saiuzaru
Age: We're both over 20
FTB/modpack experience: I've been with FTB since before release, and tekkit before that, Saiuz is very new to the modding scene, but he's been playing vanilla since beta.
Have you ever been banned? If yes, explain: No
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community? Saiuz and I are both mature college students, I was a part of a server, but it became deserted, and I want to give saiu a real taste of FTB, so i'm looking for a whitelisted server for us.
Additional info: If there's one thing I know, It's With Great builds, comes Great caffeine.
Age: 17
ModPack experience: I'm pretty experienced with the modpack. I know my way around most of the mods except computer craft. Still haven't taken the time to learn the lua language thingy.
Have you ever been banned? If yes, explain: Nope. :)
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community? Dang, I don't know. I could be a great neighbor if anyone settles near me and I'll be involved with the community.
Additional info: My favorite drink would have to be Redbull because of the caffeine and i might consider buying the owner one if he accepts me. Haha.
IGN (In game name): bluKraKen
Age: 20
FTB/modpack experience: I have basic knowledge of FTB but played tekkit for a long time. if I need help i'll look it up.
Have you ever been banned? If yes, explain: no
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community? I'm mature, fun, joining the air force, fun to talk to
Additional info: air force...
Experience:I know most of the basics, I watch Direwolf so I know how to progress. I don't do bees.I think I progress alittle slower than most.
Banned?: Yes. I thought a unfinishedbuilding was an abandoned building so it was just a big misunderstanding.
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community? I'm just a fun loving kid who wants to help everyone. I hope I could make a big base with my newfound friends. =D
Additional Info:I am awesome. Just saying. And remember that the ban was just a big misunderstanding. Plz pick me.
Would you like my email?[DOUBLEPOST=1363146585][/DOUBLEPOST]
Experience:I know most of the basics, I watch Direwolf so I know how to progress. I don't do bees.I think I progress alittle slower than most.
Banned?: Yes. I thought a unfinished building was an abandoned building so it was just a big misunderstanding. I griefed it. Unknowingly.
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community? I'm just a fun loving kid who wants to help everyone. I hope I could make a big base with my newfound friends. =D
Additional Info:I am awesome. Just saying. And remember that the ban was just a big misunderstanding. Plz pick me.
Would you like my email?
IGN (In game name): yawinsum
Age: 30
FTB/modpack experience: I have been playing FTB since Beta
Have you ever been banned? If yes, explain: Nope
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community? I am usually pretty easy to get a long with and like to help others whenever possible. I would like to make some friends and just have a good time.
Additional info: I am not the most advanced builder but I am getting better all the time. It would be really awesome to join up with someone else who is just starting out and build some stuff together. Caffeine is good.
IGN (In game name): nega_skoll
Age: 14
FTB/modpack experience: I have been playing FTB for 8 months
Have you ever been banned? If yes, explain: Nope
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community? I am good at making practical or good looking builds but i do find it difficult to mix the two.
Additional info:
I like living in either void ages or floating islands
IGN (In game name): ryry9
Age: I am 15, only a few months till I turn 16!
FTB/modpack experience: I have been playing FTB for 5 months now, sorta new... Sorry about that...
Have you ever been banned? If yes, explain:No good sir! I have never!
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community? I think I would make a good addition to your server for 3 reasons. I am a generally nice guy, I can provide guidance in the fields that I don't lack in, if I am wrong I accept it. I am usually a nice guy most of the time. You usually only see my angry side when someone griefs me or steals my stuffs :(. But I normally try to see the best in all and I am very forgiving. I can provide very limited information on the pack to new players, being so new my self. But if I can help in anyway possible I will. I will never turn anyone down though... Even if I don't know what I am doing, I will try my best to sit there and figure it out with you! :p. And I am not stubborn. There are a lot of stubborn people in this world. I am happy to say that I am not one of them. If I'm wrong, which does happen occasionally. I admit it and apologize for my actions.
Additional info: Well I think I covered my case as well as I can in the previous paragraph, but I will describe my schedule. I am usually a not busy guy, but I do have work sometimes. Usually like 3 times a week from like 5-9. When the next school year comes around, I am active in all the drama productions there are. Drama is a fun thing. I LOVE coffee. The caffeine keeps me going late into the night. I am a happy person, that can make friends easily. And I would love to get to know everyone on a server as a friend. That is why your server caught my eye. A small server where I can do just that! It was like a dream come true. All the other servers are like... HUGE. And I wasn't sure that I liked that. So I moved on. I hope you take this into consideration. :D
IGN (In game name): pindazakie
Age: 14
FTB/modpack experience: FTB experience, about a year i think, Playing minecraft since 1.2.3
Have you ever been banned? If yes, explain: If i have to speak the truth, yes. The server probably lagged and they said i was flying and walking thru the ground... not a good reason xD
What makes you think you would be a great addition to our community? Im going to record Feed the Beast on my channel, i could have some ppl in my vidz and have a little talk (Skype: pindazakkie )
Additional info:Im planning being the mage of the server, using Thaumcraft and stuff like that ;)

Hope il get accepted, when accepted plz msg to [email protected]