Whitelist Server See new Theard

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


Heart_Breath & Venom

YouTube channel that will be on the Server
Twitch Steamers

Welcome to the Server Thread for HeartCraft
Thank you for your interest and reading the full page since all said here is import to know.

We are now accepting applications for membership.
If you love to have fun on FTB this is the server for you

If you are:

Our goals are to have at least 10 active people online at all times for you to play with.
We are based on 'Simple Rules'.

  • Respect others within this community
  • Do not spam in the skype/minecraft chat
  • Do not steal from other players/Do not take items from other players without their permission
  • Do not use hacks, cheats, glitches or whatever else that changes the game.
  • Do not be offensive, or just rude.
  • Do not start PVP with anyone unless you have their permission to do so
  • Must have 'skype' for communication.
  • Never release our IP adress to anyone.
  • And more....I'll manage our rules as our server goes by.
  • Most importantly, follow all the rules

Skype : This can be kept in private if you want to message it to Heart Breath,Login to Skype I'll message you to add me.
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? :
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? :
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? :
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? :
Did you read the rules? :
Timezone :
Extra Information : (something about your-self - What you like (food maybe?),Hobbies,etc etc....

This forum will be check daily for applications for quick responses. You will be approved or declined with-in 24 hours of posting.


PS: Once, Accepted We will Share IP in Skype Conversation after chatting.

PSS: Thank you again for being part of the awesome FTB community.

PSSS: What are you Waiting for Join Now by applying.

PSSSS: You Are AWESOME for reading this far.

PSSSSS: Have your Skype on and await a friends request to start Application process.
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IGN : vertagen
AGE : 16
Skype : I will send it to you in Private Message if acepted
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : FTB since the 1.4.2 Beta Packs, Modded minecraft since 1.8 BETA
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : Around 1-2 hours a day minimum, depending on how much time I have between studies and other free time activities.
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : Im friendly and helpful, usually arent bad with people, unless they are really bad to me .
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : Little bit of every mod + usually almost complete understanding of all the mods, even tho I wot probably use everything.
Did you read the rules? : Yes, I am fine with them and I accept them
Timezone : CET ( Central Europe TIme)
Extra Information : Hmm, I like usual food, meat, fruits, potatoes( baked, fried, etc), not really into the vegetables, but I still eat them. I like collecting different TYPES of coins. I study science mostly. So yeah, thats it xD.
  • Like
Reactions: Heart_Breath
IGN : nathie1000
AGE : 20
Skype : Nathie1000
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : Dunno exactly, but i can remember playing when RP was still a thing.
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : This will differ, but i will try to show my face at least once a day.
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : Sure, if they can keep their hands off my stuff.
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : I'm mostly game for anything. I don't mind helping and sharing resources with other players or for community projects (if there are any).
Did you read the rules? : Yep i did.
Timezone : GMT+1
Extra Information : I have a question though. Where is the server located (since you're hiding your ip, which is understandable)? I do not have fiber optics on my end, and therefore prefer close proximity servers.
  • Like
Reactions: Heart_Breath
IGN : DarstOmega
AGE : 19, 20 in July
Skype : Redacited
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : Since it first came out.
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : Well pring break is next week so a lot.
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : Of course
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : Creativity and Helpfullnes
Did you read the rules? : Yeppers
Timezone : EST
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Reactions: Heart_Breath
IGN : BlueNinjar
AGE : 15
Skype : lukepaul2
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : 1.5 Years
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : Around 4-5 hours a day!
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : Yes i am able to its my job IRL So i'm use to it
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : My heart, I can also bring server experience as i work at A Host If you wish to know the name skype me, I can also help new people and love and care for everyone.
Did you read the rules? : Yes
Timezone : UK
Extra Information : IM just a boy whos 6ft and loves to meet new people, And eat food like carrots and other shiz.
IGN : DemonicShadow89 and Xxsexy_vampxX which is a best friend of mine and she dont know how to use the forums yet
AGE : 26 /she is 23
Skype : Demonic Shadow
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : 2 years now
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? :7 days 8-10hours
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : yes
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : i know how to build epic and i love helping new players with the mod pack
Did you read the rules? :yes
Timezone : eastern
Extra Information : (something about your-self - What you like (food maybe?),Hobbies,etc etc.... minecraft and working in rl so please read over this and accept me and her thank you for your time
IGN : DatChoob
AGE :17
Skype : This can be kept in private if you want to message it to Heart Breath,Login to Skype I'll message you to add me.
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? :at least 10 months
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : Ill be able to play at least an hour a day after tennis practice.
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : of course. I try to get along with everyone. Treat them the same way I want to be treated
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : I have knowledge of the tech mods and a bit of the magical mods. ( I'm terrible at making cool bases though :\)
Did you read the rules? : Yes I have. just dont be stupd
Timezone : Pacific time zone.
Extra Information : I play tennis for my high school. 6'2" so im taller than most people :D I'm a senior playing my 2nd year. I've been besties with computers since i was a little boy.
I would like to know the time zone the server is being hosted on as well please.
IGN : Slubberdegulleon
AGE : 17
Skype : Slubberdegulleon
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : 3 years I think.
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : 4 hours average on a semi daily basis.
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : Yes, I am quite friendly and helpful, or at least I try to be.
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : Aesthetically Pleasing Structures and Extensive knowledge of most of the mods.
Did you read the rules? : Yes.
Timezone : (UTC - 05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Extra Information : I am a most definitely a humen and not a Panda in disguise...
IGN : KingxBubbles
AGE : 15
Skype : I'll message you if you add me.
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : At least 2 years
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : 1-2 hours during the week most of the time because of school, but a lot more time on the weekend.
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : Definitely as long as they can get along with me.
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : I can help everyone out with some knowledge of the mods, and decent builds (I am working on my aesthetic building).
Did you read the rules? : Yes.
Timezone : UTC - 5 (Eastern Time for US and Canada)
Extra Information : I'm a great student with a 4.0+GPA, and I love hanging out with my friends and playing PS4, PC, and basketball with them!
IGN : Fakerick
AGE : 16 Years old
Skype : In a message :)
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : Since the beginning of the map (pre-launcher)
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : Depends on the community and my ping :D
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : Definitely, I tend to get along with people well!
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : A fun guy to chat with who's online quite a bit.
Did you read the rules? : Yes
Timezone : GMT+1 (The Netherlands)
Extra Information : I love spareribs and gaming, nuff said. :-)
IGN : oldsniper123
AGE :15
Skype : ill add u
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : About half a year
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : I should be on a little before school then all the time after school..so frequently
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : Yes, I was on another community server and we all helped each other and we all got along, I quit because there got to be to much people.
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : I can bring a friendly attitude, I'm a great builder and could help on community builds.
Did you read the rules? : Yes, just did
Timezone : Eastern
Extra Information : umm lol. I like spaghetti, I play league of legends sometimes , I play hockey
IGN : skewedup
AGE : 17
Skype : pm you
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : couple months
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : weekends mostly
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : yes
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : Industrialization and technical help
Did you read the rules? : Yes
Timezone : Eastern Standard
Extra Information : FTB is da bomb
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IGN : Terlak
Age 32
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : over a year
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : couple hours every day or more :P
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : yes
What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : Stuff, knowledge, and chatter
Did you read the rules? : Yes
Timezone : Eastern Standard
Extra Information : Cheese, playing games.