School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As of my time in here i have decided to do a log a diary of sorts start as of now

Log Day 1:
My experiment went horribly it seamed lighter and got heaver its mass fluctuated so rapidly i didn't even have time to let it go but was it the weight it could have just been the force
which would explain a lot why i can only move things at a certain speed and it has been getting faster as my powers have increased over the years and through my training i would try to escape but its pointless so il sit here and let my self go insane and hopefully they will put me down or something because i don't think they will let me out of here i'm going to go to sleep now End of log.[DOUBLEPOST=1376174401][/DOUBLEPOST]As of my time in here i have decided to do a log a diary of sorts start as of now

Log Day 1:
My experiment went horribly it seamed lighter and got heaver its mass fluctuated so rapidly i didn't even have time to let it go but was it the weight it could have just been the force
which would explain a lot why i can only move things at a certain speed and it has been getting faster as my powers have increased over the years and through my training i would try to escape but its pointless so il sit here and let my self go insane and hopefully they will put me down or something because i don't think they will let me out of here i'm going to go to sleep now End of log.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am sitting up right against the wall having woken up an hour ago the next day after the first experiment i hope for no more experiments i hope they will let me free and then i hear the voice the same voice "Its time for your next experiment" "what is it" is say in a sustained sigh "I'll tell you when you get there and once again i wake up on the floor with my blood rushing to my head i stand and look around the voice says "you will be doing the simple task of sustaining flight for 30 seconds then you are free to go back" i flew once when my powers first came to me when i was throwing myself about but besides the point i needed to get this over with so i didn't pick my self up per say i didn't want to dislodge a organ or rip of my skin or hair so i picked up my cloths and lift them up slowly i lift of the ground and as my reassurance grows so does my speed within a couple seconds i was going at about 50 mph and as i was flying the voice said "stay still" i completely ignored him which i regretted when i saw the lights and felt the electricity and my shoulder hitting the floor again i lay in pain as i am dragged away


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I already killed Thanatos. No need to kill him again!

When was this?

New Experiment for Layla, please. She's really loving her dress.


{Experiment 392801920}
Experiment: 2911 will attempt to discover a hidden object in a maze by using her ability.
Status: Approved.

On a side note, would you mind me borrowing Marshal for a plot development?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When was this?


{Experiment 392801920}
Experiment: 2911 will attempt to discover a hidden object in a maze by using her ability.
Status: Approved.

On a side note, would you mind me borrowing Marshal for a plot development?

OOC: Yeah, take Marshall for a little while if you want.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thomas felt awful. That last experiment where they ripped out his liver and kidneys but some "Surgeon" guy needed them. Oh, and then he gets grouped in with this weirdo who rarely talks unless to mention something something religion or mention some book or be facetious. Eventually Mark started talking to him, though.

Oh yeah, and every hour a DING would go off, and then Mark would press his hand on Thomas's neck. (Bit gay.) and try to drug him. The first couple of times, it was an awful experience of headbanging headaches, and something like a huge hangover. Then he got a bit of a psychedelic trip, he had tried LSD before, but usually it took a great amount of it to do anything to him.

Then something happened. An attractive girl uplinked to him, or something or the other. Mark seemed to be affected worse, his back straightened and he gritted his teeth. Thomas barely twitched. But it may have been an after effect of the punishment system that Mark and Thomas ruffed out. Mark hit Thomas with a short hit of a certain, powerful drug that made him feel nauseous and shake, and Thomas would slap Mark. Then of course, Thomas and Mark would fight often, to see how strong Thomas was, and see if Mark could drug him over prolonged contact.

"What was that?" Mark said, as he gripped his head.

"I'd say something." Thomas said, drawing a face, and Mark tapped him twice on the head, which made Thomas shake quickly for around two seconds.

Thomas felt someone, the girl, talk to him. She said they were breaking out. He repeated it to Mark.

"Are you seriously this stupid? There are cameras..." Mark re"marked" (OOC: AHAHAHAG LOL PUNSSSS)

Thomas ripped out a metal bar from the bunk beds and quickly smashed out two cameras, and ripped Mark a bar out, which he took. Thomas didn't see him fighting though. Probably say that Euclid said triangle or something of that sort. Was bright, this Mark kid, but not too keen on fighting.

"Out of all the Americans, we know you know the least." Mark said with a smile. "If you can get a message to her, it is a her right, then tell her we can't get out. Thick doors."

Thomas knew this was an altered Socrates quote, and rolled his eyes with it. Mark and him had stayed together for a bit now and were something akin to friends, although Thomas regarded Mark as more a philosopher nerd than an actual powerful experiment. He couldn't do anything to him, and Thomas doubted he was anything close to the strongest thing here.

"Well, you idiotic nerd, you better get your dusty books and get ready. Or you'll probably get killed or something."

"I'm going to be, stayin' alive, stayin' alive, ah ah ah ahhh." Mark said, removing something or another and storing it, then standing up.

Thomas sighed "The BEE GEES? Seriously? Wow you are such a nerd."

"Ask her if we are gonna feel the city breaking and everybody shaki-" At this point Thomas slapped Mark, which earned three raps again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Log day 2:
Will there be an experiment daily i hope not for they are exhausting and i don't want to be unconscious besides from when i sleep so the fact that they knock me unconscious at least twice i'm just wondering what kind of experiment i have got next move things shape things make pebbles into projectiles i don't know all i know is im not looking forward to it and a little extra note i'm doing this while flying i have really taken to it so i don't think it is such a bad thing doing these experiments sort of like the short term pain for long term happyness but the first experience seamed to just be pain all around


Jul 29, 2019
Byrne sat back as mayhem unfolded before him. He had a plan that would bring trouble but may be pointless in what was to come. He decided on helping them escape the attentions of the Institution. Hm... But he would have to sit back, if all was to go well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Layla paid more attention on the way to the testing facility this time. She might even be able to find her way back if she needed. She wasn't concerned in the slightest, though. The overhead voice told her that all she needed to do was find a hidden object in a maze. No killing people, no hurting people. Layla was happy all the way there.

The voice came from a speaker nestled in the corner of the ceiling close to where the wires for the lighting and the switches split. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to put the speaker wire next to the others, but she could see the wire trail off in a different direction than the electrical lines.

"Layla Carter, we have hidden an object within this maze. The object itself is your prize for completing this test. You have one hour to find it. Failure will result in punishment." The speaker turned off with a click.

Layla figured that the timer had already started, so she went into the maze. The first thing she did was sniff. Normal people could see wood paneling, but she had to smell the glue. Normal people would see an upholstered couch, but she had to smell the fabric. In this room, she smelled the cold, faint odor of steel and the itchy, sweetness of plastic.

The second thing she did was listen. She tapped her foot on the floor. The ping of a metal surface returned. She reached out for a wall and scratched it with her fingernail. She heard the rumbling sound of uneven plastic.

The third thing Layla did was smile. She sent out her little hum, and the floor glowed brightly in her mind. Apparently her captors had thought that the plastic walls would slow her down, but she had done this her whole life. Plastic was mostly invisible to her radio sight, but it did interfere a little, just enough that she could see the faint outlines. This should be easy. Now, she looked around for something that looked out of place. They would have hidden the object, her prize, inside something they wouldn't think she could see.

She moved a little bit, but mostly stayed still as she sent out little hums and looked for the one thing in the maze that didn't fit. Nothing looked wrong to her left or in front of her, but one of the walls to her right was just a little fuzzy. She headed over there. Layla did get lost once on her way there, but an extra-strength burst lit up the maze enough for her to see the way around. She couldn't be absolutely sure how long she had taken, but she knew she had to hurry.

The wall she had seen from the entrance grew more and more fuzzy as she grew closer. When she had within ten feet of it, the floor and the ceiling started to waver and ripple. Layla had never seen anything like it before, but she pressed forward and sent out weaker hums. By the time she stood in front of the object, she was reduced to signals that were barely clicks in her mind.

The object sat on a pedestal in the center of a small room. The closer she got, the less she could see it as though her signals weren't being reflected the way they should be. She leaned against the pedestal for a moment to shake off the dizziness she felt from disorienting effect of the object's shielding. She only took a moment because she didn't know how long she had left and her prize most certainly wasn't this thing she could barely see. Her prize had to be inside of it.

She put her hands on it and couldn't believe her fingers. The object was made of many different facets like some sort of gem. The surface felt cool and metallic, and Layla realized what it was. She ran her hands up and down it to get a feel for its size. The object was shaped like an egg two feet tall and one foot wide. The surface was made of the same material as stealth planes. The material almost perfectly reflected radio waves, but the angles of the facets deflected them off in weird directions that made no sense and turned the image fuzzy. Layla was able to find it in the maze because the floor reflected the signal, too, and the plastic walls created enough interference to let her keep her bearings. Unlike the open air where the radar signals were scattered miles apart, the closeness of the maze itself helped her find it.

Layla grabbed the stealth "egg" and was surprised to find it lifted off of the pedestal easily. She reached out and felt the softness of cloth. She pulled it close and started toward the exit. She felt the warmth of lights coming on and saw the blue glow of electricity flowing through the ceiling above her.

"Good job, Layla Carter. We hope you enjoy the shirt. We made it especially for you." The voice spoke from several speakers above her.

She looked down at the shirt. Gold and purple lines of metal had been threaded through the fabric. For the first time, she had a piece of clothing she could actually see.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: May i join your adventure? :3 seeing as how you killed the only person that would talk to me LOL

I'm killing everyone. Like, everyone. I didn't plan you joining it, but you'll get killed. but go ahead, around part 5, it would be cool to see your part[DOUBLEPOST=1376249322][/DOUBLEPOST]
OOC: While usually I don't enjoy my chars being ridden, I rather liked that!

Also, Will and Mark aren't together, it's Thomas and Mark I think. I think.

Nope, It's Will (whizz's char). And I'm sorry, but get used to it, I'm doing it a lot.[DOUBLEPOST=1376249370][/DOUBLEPOST]Part 3

John’s down. He’s not dead. For now. The duo is coming. Fortunately, the speaky guy is down. The other one is carrying him. He’s name’s. I think. That’s what he said to John in the Mariana’s Trench. He’s getting close. Just around the corner. Damnit. I take one of the blades out prepare myself. Here we go.

-“Ah…Are you Deomi Jonson?”he asks. He’s looking at my boobs. I think I’m fooling this one.

-“Ah…Yes…Please don’t hurt me. It’s that guy”I point to the speaky one “He has some kind of mind control, using his mouth I think…”God. I just hope they don’t each other’s power. I sit down.

-“Yes indeed. He can make you do what you want using Charmspeak. It doesn’t work on me. But they said you had mind control powers.”He sits near me “But I’m with you. I think we should break out. These guys are mean. They obliged me to fight against you, but I now think you’re right. By the way, my name’s Thomas”

-“Okay, I admit. I do have mind control powers and I was trying to break out. But I didn’t hack your mind. I felt you were…special.” I don’t think Felix is watching me. And even if he was, he would understand. I slowly approach my face to his. I kiss him. He doesn’t do anything. Maybe he’s gay?

-“Ah…I’m sorry. But you’re special too” He kisses me. Strange guy. But I think I need him anyway.

-“MOM! DON’T DO IT! I LOVE YOU MOM! PLEASE?! WE ALL LOVE YOU MOMMY! PLEASE DON’T KILL ME!”Starts John. I think this means he’s about to wake up.

-“I thought he was dead.”says Thomas

-“No. He’s John, he’s my friend. We’re just friends.”I say. This Thomas is kinda hot, but I would rather date John. He’s hot («- Got it?). But I need allies. I can’t do it alone. I need to get out. I don’t know why but I just feel it. It happens. John wakes up.

-“Did I just--?” He sees Thomas. He automatically points his hand to Thomas. “Just a small move and you’re dead. Don’t you even dare to--“

-“No need to worry John. He’s a friend.”I say. Thomas looks at me smiling. I smile to him. Fool. “Yeah john. I’m fooling him. He thinks I’m in love with him. Don’t judge me! Just pretend you’re jealous” I say to John via mental link.

-“I wouldn’t be pretending. I think I’ve never said it, but I love you. But Felix was a good friend, so I decided not to get in the way. ” He says mentally.

-“We already knew it.”I “say” to him

-“And who’s the other guy?” says John, pointing at the speak guy.

-“That’d be Will. You might know him from the Mariana’s Trench. He was the guy that jumped to water. It seems like he’s the son of Aphrodite and another God, this one is from the water. He can Charm speak. Be careful! I still don’t know if he wants to break out.” saysThomas.

-“You really are a bloody bitch!”says Will, that is apparently awake!“Thomas. Our mission was to capture her. And now you’re in-love with her. Fool.” God this is bad. I just hope Mark is still “enchanted”.

-“But this guys want mean stuff to us! They see us as experiment subjects! She’s right, we should break out!”screams Thomas.

-“No. Our mission was to capture. Deomi Jonson come with me immediately dear. John Kennedy and Thomas, don’t move. “says Will. And, this might be weird, but my body starts moving without my permission. But I have a plan. I start to fight back and, without him noticing, I hack into his mind. But then--

-“I’m going to ESCAPE SUCKER!” says Mark. He runs towards Will and starts to punch him. Good boy.

-“I said, Don’t move!” says Will. I got it. I think I did. I start controlling him.

-“I shall not use Charmspeak ever again. Deomi Jonson, don’t come. John Kennedy, you can now move.” ”I” say, using Will’s body. The moment I end, John “melts” Will.

Then, I have an Idea. I’m pretending I’m in love with Thomas, but I think that I can just control him. There’s just one problem. It seems like he has some mind controlling abilities (far from mine, but still…), so, I think I have to make sure he can’t realize I’m in his mind.

-“Thomas. Come with me. John, stand still. If something happens, you know what to do.”I say.

I head to the corner. He is just behind me. Mark turns around, stops and looks at me.

-“Deomi, what is--”He starts. But I kiss him. I check his mind. He’s still not totally focused on me. I take off his shirt, and he automatically starts to take off mine. I check it. Almost. But good enough. I get in and do it. I shut down his emotions, feelings and memories. And start controlling him. I turn around the corner, while I’m putting my shirt on.

-“Damn you, you’re pretty!”Says John

-“I just kissed one, not ready for the next.”I ironically say

-“Did you just kill him?”he questions

-“No. Yes I mean. Let’s just say that I --”I make Thomas come to us “’Botified’ someone. No more feelings, no more memories no more emotions. He’s my android now.”

-“That’s scary. How did you --”He starts

-“ Don’t even ask”.

I check the area around me. Oh no.

-“The royal army is about to enter the building…”I declare. I try to hack their mind. I make them commit suicide but…It’s not working. I check their memories. Oh god. They were… “Charmspeak’d”


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh. I didn't know you were killing everyone. SPOILER ALERT: whos going to be the last survivors (if any?) ((Please if there are any plz let my char live lol - Remember he is strifing to get out of here because he has a girlfriend (but he might fall in love w/ deomi at first sight >_> )))


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You should replace Mark's kissiness with Thomas. He's my other char whos with Mark. Mark wouldn't carry Will because Mark is a weaknoob.

Mark would object to being "android" so much. Thomas would take it though, he's a sucker for things.
Mark also wouldn't punch Will, and Mark's mind is full of Philosophy, Latin, (He primarily thinks in Latin and English and he has a bit of Greek floating in there. Possibly the result of reasons.) Religion, which he is an expert on most all religions, and obviously old music.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Stop changing my character. None of that happened.
Switch time.
This happens after the line about him wanting to escape.
"Why would I ever need to escape?" Will asks, wryly. He melts into the background with his clock and leaves the scene.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Stop changing my character. None of that happened.
Switch time.
This happens after the line about him wanting to escape.
"Why would I ever need to escape?" Will asks, wryly. He melts into the background with his clock and leaves the scene.

Let me just clear me out. None of this "is" happening. You can say time will come back. I'm not spoilling more. The thing is, in the end, I'm going to let a LOT of questions to answer. And something for someone to do.

Also, he never wanted to escape. Mark did.
You should replace Mark's kissiness with Thomas. He's my other char whos with Mark. Mark wouldn't carry Will because Mark is a weaknoob.

Mark would object to being "android" so much. Thomas would take it though, he's a sucker for things.
Mark also wouldn't punch Will, and Mark's mind is full of Philosophy, Latin, (He primarily thinks in Latin and English and he has a bit of Greek floating in there. Possibly the result of reasons.) Religion, which he is an expert on most all religions, and obviously old music.

I think you got it now. I have all of the story planned. But yeah, I could replace Mark with Thomas. Super human fource would be great, specially with what Deomi will find in Part 4...
(all of the story is already planned (I already know what I have to write), I can change things, it's not already written.)

Also, I harte you both, you made me loose the morning show "the man who bites dogs". Damn you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the record, anyone who's "escaped" needs to look back, retrace their steps, and think about where the hell they are before they consider themselves truly "escaped". Also, thanks for letting me borrow Marshal for a bit Rymmie. I'll write plot developments when I wake up from passing out.