School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
By 320 i assume you mean this
P.S. Sorry i have been away for a while i have been preoccupied

You good sir, would be very VERY incorrect by that, the characters are actually incorrect in what they are saying. This is to show just how little they actually know about the Institution.

Darklord, your character has very limited experimentation capabilities. Do something with it to make it easier please.

{Experiment Proposal 593820181}
Subject: 2005
Experiment: 2005 shall be subjected to high level radiation with no regard for his safety. He deserves the pain he is given.
Status: Approved

Movement Proposal 3992:
Subject(s): 1995, 2389, 2652, 2991
Sector: 3
Status: Approved[DOUBLEPOST=1375834048][/DOUBLEPOST]

It doesn't mean romance is banned, just that you have to be somewhat clever about it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Forgotten walked the halls of the Institute in silence. He tried to speak to one or two of the stoic guards, but when they looked at him, a quizzical look covered their face and they slowly looked away. His last words had been screamed into one of the ubiquitous cameras, but his violent cursing raised no alarm. He walked from one hall to the next feeling for all the world like a ghost, so he undertook his own experiment with two researchers.

The first researcher's nametag identified him as Randall Worthing. He had a cup of coffee sitting on the desk next to him while he pored over raw data from an experiment involving subjects with mind-control abilities.

The second researcher was Ashley Goldsmith. She had a cup of fragrant tea sitting on her desk. She squinted through her glasses at a handwritten paper that looked like nothing more than chaotic scribbles.

The Forgotten's experiment was simple. He simply switched the coffee and tea. He made sure to take the drinks while tapping on the desks to make sure they would be aware when their respective drinks were taken. Randall did not react in any way during the tapping and taking. Ashley cocked her head to the side for a moment then shook her head and went back to deciphering the paper. Once the drinks were switched, the Forgotten waited for one of them to take a drink. Randall sipped on his cup first.

"Ashley," Randall called from the other side of the cubicle, "did you leave your tea over here?"

"Of course not," she replied. "I have my tea right here." She picked up the cup and took a drink. "What the hell? Are you trying to play a trick on me? I'm not amused at all if you are."

"God no, Ashley. Your tea is sitting on my desk where coffee should be. You're the one being tricky." His voice rose slightly in pitch. "I'll report you."

Ashley stood and looked over the short divider between their stations. "Neither of us want that. They," she nodded in the direction of the camera, "don't mess around with personnel conflict. Let's just switch our drinks back and forget this happened."

"Fine." Randall gave her the tea, and she gave him the coffee.

The two researchers sat down and returned to their work, unaware of the silently laughing skeletal figure standing only a few feet from him. The Forgotten went back into the winding corridors of the Institute with a new experiment in mind. He found the nearest guard and lifted the gun from its holster. With his paper-thin lips stretched across his teeth in a twisted grimace that looked less like a smile and more like a snarl, he pointed the gun down and shot the guard in the foot. The Forgotten dropped the gun next to the guard and stood back to see what happened.

Somewhere deep inside his mind, in the place where he had buried his humanity, Marshall Sanchez cried out in pain as the flaming hatred of those still living rose to reduce the final shreds of his sanity to ash.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
I'm thinking of dumping Thanatos, he had a good run, but I'm kinda bored of him.

Name: Nile Thomson.
Powers: Son of Chaos, god of nothing. Can do a little trick where he simply becomes non-existent, for any time of his choosing. He can walk around in this state, but not through stuff. Nothing can touch him though. They simply walk through him, as if he wasn't there...
Personality: Quiet, doesn't like to socialise.
Other stuff: When he is non-existent, he can still think, so he could use it as a break from combat, for example. IRL combat-logging, kinda :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm thinking of dumping Thanatos, he had a good run, but I'm kinda bored of him.

Name: Nile Thomson.
Powers: Son of Chaos, god of nothing. Can do a little trick where he simply becomes non-existent, for any time of his choosing. He can walk around in this state, but not through stuff. Nothing can touch him though. They simply walk through him, as if he wasn't there...
Personality: Quiet, doesn't like to socialise.
Other stuff: When he is non-existent, he can still think, so he could use it as a break from combat, for example. IRL combat-logging, kinda :D

One does not simply dump a character such as Thanatos. Patience, he will die. It has been decided upon since the very beginning.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why not see if he can make power? Power the base strap him into something? See of he can drain power, his power boosting abilities? Can he reverse them to make someone's powers weaker?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wake up on a hard floor i look round me it is dark but not pitch black i lift my self up into the air and then drop myself onto my feet through a speaker "We are coming to get you now john" i look around for a door so i can get prepared for them and possibly escape and then i feel volts going through my body and then i wake up in a completely different room i struggle to bring myself to my feet and i see a large box in the middle of the room which opens to the same voice of the speakers "You will be moving the see through ball placed inside of that box " "Why am i here, what have i done, where is this place, how did you" and then i got interrupted by the voice informing me that at this moment in time it was not important only the experiment was important and that i should do the experiment get answers later. The box opens slowly to present the content, i concentrate i lift it up slowly it feels weird i breath deeply i then move it quite fast to the other side of the room i hit the floor while being dragged away i could feel the sick running down my face my head was thumping i look over my vision blurred but i see the wall has been sucked in like a miniature black hole was there and now gone i see it sucked in a way i have never seen before and the i fall unconscious.
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Jul 29, 2019
After the mess in the cafeteria Byrne sat back and watched. Things came and went. He pitied a few of the unfortunate people who were consumed by themselves. It was not their fault, but they were treated as such. As he leaned on the antenna, Byrne was shaken out of his musings by an explosion. So he thought. It had begun. In the far corner of the cafeteria, a tendril of darkness crawled out and began to grow, searching for its brethren.

OOC: We need enemies! :p So... Anyone want to volunteer their characters. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After the mess in the cafeteria Byrne sat back and watched. Things came and went. He pitied a few of the unfortunate people who were consumed by themselves. It was not their fault, but they were treated as such. As he leaned on the antenna, Byrne was shaken out of his musings by an explosion. So he thought. It had begun. In the far corner of the cafeteria, a tendril of darkness crawled out and began to grow, searching for its brethren.

OOC: We need enemies! :p So... Anyone want to volunteer their characters. :D



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Hey voice man! I tracked the source of the power surge that took out power it came from a building in the instuntion someone inside does not want to be here! I think I know who." Zan goes to the corner of his room and sits "I'll tell you if you give me more batteries who knows they might do it again." Zan looks tired drained and physically exhausted


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bella. Experiments for Aaron with Felix and Deomi please :(

Who's Aaron? No seriously, he's not in the OP. Was he approved whilst I was vacationing or something and I forgot to add him, because I have no idea what the mistake in his DNA programming is, so I can't really make an experiment for him can I? Would somebody mind quoting his application for me so I can add him to the OP and give him an experiment?

On that confuzzling note, i'm writing a story for the contest so if somebody could please check it out and give me some feedback I'll give you an internet high five.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Who's Aaron? No seriously, he's not in the OP. Was he approved whilst I was vacationing or something and I forgot to add him, because I have no idea what the mistake in his DNA programming is, so I can't really make an experiment for him can I? Would somebody mind quoting his application for me so I can add him to the OP and give him an experiment?

On that confuzzling note, i'm writing a story for the contest so if somebody could please check it out and give me some feedback I'll give you an internet high five.

He is the enemy of Felix, Aaron is a vivomancer. He controls light, and he can heal the living. Felix killed his sister before tehy both entered teh institute.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mark was prouder than he was before. It was seen in his gait and step, and a bit more carelessness of who he touched. His preperation and experiments over time had made him much more powerful. He often wondered if he could take on that "Will" kid again.
He was beginning to develop the ability to make healing drugs as well, and he had also created his first drug, a very psychedelic one. It only worked on mammals though..

He entered the room to see a rather large man, holding a what appeared to be a liver in his hand. The guards left, shutting the door behind them.

Thomas stood up, dropped the liver and grabbed Mark's outstretched hand. Mark had no covering on his hand, but the guards had informed him he was to try to drug this man, and when he obeyed them, he got benefits.

"I'm Thomas Bittle." Thomas remarked as he sat back down in his chair, throwing around his liver.

Mark offhandedly said "Mark." As he peered around the room. There were two bunkbeds, so they were obviously staying together for a while, and two chairs, and a table. Nothing else.

Thomas wrinkled his eyebrows. "Ah, I feel funny."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Data log #37: Well, today I had some fun finally. Although the guy in the other container still hasn't tried to communicate with me (OOC: cmon guys someone can jump in - I won't bite). I'm starting to learn how to control my powers. Tried stabbing myself with a knife today. Didn't do anything. It hurt, but of course i regenerated. The only reason I'm doing these are because no one will talk to me. I don't like to talk. The only time I have talked in public was when I --- I hear someone coming. End Data Log.[DOUBLEPOST=1375991940][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, Bella - I just read your story. It's GREAT!


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
I wake up in a cell, as usual. But something's different. There's a glass wall, and on the other side there is an identical cell. In said cell, there is a guy. I haven't bothered trying to communicate with him yet, he seems content to stab himself, strange guy I guess.
I look in his direction, and he's looking at me. Before I can look away to avoid an awkward situation, his face become's Felix's. He's grinning maliciously.
"NO! NO! I'LL KILL YOU!" I use the light on his side of the chamber to cut him to pieces, but then a gas enters my chamber and I am knocked out.
I wake up, and he's still there, but he's watching me intently, slightly scared.
"Oh god. I'm so sorry. I thought... you wouldn't understand."
He gulps, then says, "tell me."
I begin to pour out all the tears, all the stress, the emotion, and I tell him about what happened between me and Felix, and my sister... Hannah... I almost stop at that point, but I manage to press on, and tell him all that happened.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Forgotten walked alongside the stretcher as the medics wheeled the guard to the medical ward. The guard had only let out a single yell of surprise but was silent since then. Another guard had run up with the medics and collected the still-smoking gun. This guard was a bulwark of barely human flesh with a shaved head and gray suit. The Forgotten fell in behind him.

The medical ward was the stereotypical white walled and floored affair. The medics rolled the stretcher into a small room and left it there with the large guard and the Forgotten. Several minutes passed in silence until the door opened and three people walked in. The two nurses pulled off the bleeding guard's shoe and sock. The doctor bent over to look at the wound.

"Gunshot?" The doctor asked the other guard.

"Apparently." The large guard responded.

"Well, it's through and through, so this will only be a moment." The doctor pulled the glove off of his right hand and touched the wound. The bleeding stopped and the skin closed. "All better." He said and smiled. "I'll have the paperwork finished in a moment."

The three medics left in a rush. The door of the little exam room had barely shut when it was flung open again. These two were definitely security and high-ranking by the reaction of the large guard.

"Emmins, up!" The shorter of the two security personnel barked in a practiced military tone.

The shot guard sat up. "Yessir."

"Give me a full report." When he said that, the three standing guards surrounded the formerly injured one.

"I was standing at attention and my gun fell on the floor and went off. That's all, sir." Emmins didn't let his expression change, but his voice ran thick with fear.

"Give me the pad." The leader said. The guard who had come in with him pulled a tablet from his pocket and handed it over. The leader tapped the screen a few times and turned it to face Emmins. "Tell me what you see there."

The Forgotten leaned over Emmins' shoulder to watch. There he was on the screen, his skin thinly laid over his bones. The camera captured every action. He walked up to Guard Emmins and took out the gun. He looked up right at the camera and smiled before he pulled the trigger. The Forgotten watched himself drop the gun and stand back shaking with his silent laughter.

Emmins blinked at the video a few times. "Sir, I was standing there guarding my post when my gun somehow fell out of my holster and fired into my foot."

"Are you sure that's what you see?" The leader glanced from the video to Emmins and back.

"Yes, sir. I didn't shoot myself." By now, Emmins was barely holding back the tears.

"I know, son. Let Franklin escort you to Psych. They'll help figure out what's going on with you." The leader pulled out a radio and started barking orders. "This is Captain Wilson, tell the eggheads that one of their experiments is loose. Look out for a telekinetic or possibly a mind-controller. And double the guards around sensitive areas..." He kept calling in orders as he and his assistant left the room.

The Forgotten laughed again. This time it was the noise of two sheets of paper sliding against each other, but he didn't care. No, he was alone again and, of course, forgotten.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He is the enemy of Felix, Aaron is a vivomancer. He controls light, and he can heal the living. Felix killed his sister before tehy both entered teh institute.

Well yes, but where's his profile, I can't very well make a view of the world destroying experiment for him without such information, now can I?