School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is only 8 of them up there.
L: "Felix, I thought there were nine magical colours"
F: "There are. Why"
L: "There is only 8 up there"
The man in blue robes stands up
I hear Felix whisper wizard into Arzoths ear.
W: "Who the f**k are you and how the f**k did you get in here"
John and I burst into laughter
The man in greenish blue robes stands up and lifts us both off our feet. He uses his other hand to create some kind of shield around us that we can no get out of. He twists his hand and the orb fills with lightning. We scream in agony. He is a sorcerer. I need to learn how to do this.
W: "Let them go"
The sorcerer drops his hands to his sides and we fall onto the floor.
W: "Answer me"
F: "We were put into the institution, but we escaped. And then Zan told us we had to come here otherwise we would die in the attack that was coming.
A woman in green stands up.
"Zan. I knew his aunt."
W: "Please leave this to me"
She sits down
F: "We are here because we need help. We need proper training and we want to destroy the institution."
I stand up
L: "Dude, you gotta teach me that thing
S: "You do it like this"
Once again he lifts me off my feet and flings me backwards. I smash into the back wall. I can tell we are not going to get along


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Out of the corner of my eye I see someone I will get along with. A woman in orange sits, her breasts bulging over the desk

OOC: Horaaaay, horny Lewis is back


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: *disgusted groan*


Well, that sucked. There are seven people here, actually. Well, six. The alchemist killed himself last year in the shadow realm, and I heard the priest died under 'mysterious circumstances'. The thaumaturge is different, though.

He's short. Really, really short. His head is bald and fat, getting fatter as it goes down, with big staring eyes set in. He's dressed in a yellow... Kimono. There's a wand of bone on the table in front of him, with a blue swirly ball on the end. Ghostly focus, I recall. Turns anything invisible and... Go-throughable. He doesn't have a back to his chair, instead he's leaning on the fucking HUGE backpack filled with magical and valuable stuff. He has a dreamy expression on his face.

"Don't stare," the large-bosomed arcanist says, "it agitates him. He's a Pech, and has chronic ADHD. We medicate him, but it seldom lasts long."

I nod.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Where are the other colours?" Aaron asks.
"Other colours?" queries the wizard.
"You know, summoner, shape-shifter, ordosian. The ones discovered in the last hundred years or so."
"We have not seen fit to allow them to join our council. They are new, and they are all unstable magics. Most of them are naturals who abuse their powers."
"Not all of them. I've met a fair few, in this cam-"
Felix stamped on Aaron's foot, and Aaron gave him a glare, before he realised what he had just done. All the survivors at the black magic camp, he had just condemned.
"What was that? A camp?"
"No, never mind, it's nothing."
"Where is this camp?"
"There's no camp, just a slip of the tongue, I swear!"
"We may not have allowed them into our council, but we already have recruited several of these newer types of magicians, including psychics."
"You wouldn't."
"We won't have to if you tell us about this camp. It wouldn't happen to be, oh, I don't know, a black magic camp?"
His blood ran cold. How did they know about it?
"I'm telling you nothing."
"Well then. GUARDS! SIEZE THEM!"
"Felix,get ready to shadow-walk us away, I'll grab Lewis and John." I tell him, telepathically.
I bring the light into panels, ready to shove John and Lewis, when a guard sends a bolt of magic into us. We're all knocked out, immediately.

[I shotgun writing about being interrogated!]


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: W is wizard

We all wake up together
The 6 of them arise.
W: "We have come to a decision. Weather you are the right kind of wizard or not, since 3 of us are missing, we need replacements. 3 of you. We will train you up. And then choose 3 of you to join us at the high table."
We all gasp
W: "Let the training begin"
The wizard claps his and we all appear in a high room. A training room.

OOC: Since this was my idea, I would like to be one of the chosen three. The other 2 can be up to bella or whoever


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
OOC: W is wizard

We all wake up together
The 6 of them arise.
W: "We have come to a decision. Weather you are the right kind of wizard or not, since 3 of us are missing, we need replacements. 3 of you. We will train you up. And then choose 3 of you to join us at the high table."
We all gasp
W: "Let the training begin"
The wizard claps his and we all appear in a high room. A training room.

OOC: Since this was my idea, I would like to be one of the chosen three. The other 2 can be up to bella or whoever
Would you kindly read the posts before yours, for once?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sorry, I was typing, then when I posted, yours loaded. I'm on a phone so I have to manually refresh for new posts to load, so stop pretending you know it all


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't care wether you like me or not. I'm guessing you don't, but this is not your roleplaying site so therefore you have no right to tell me off for not refreshing[DOUBLEPOST=1389293314][/DOUBLEPOST]sorry, once again typed before refresh


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyway, a little thing appears telling you that new messages have been posted. Just click the 'show' button.[DOUBLEPOST=1389293449][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't care wether you like me or not. I'm guessing you don't, but this is not your roleplaying site so therefore you have no right to tell me off for not refreshing[DOUBLEPOST=1389293314][/DOUBLEPOST]sorry, once again typed before refresh
Woah, woah, woah. Just a cotton-pickin' minute now. A: it's not your role playing site either. It's not even a roleplaying site. It's a forum, with a roleplaying thread. B: he never said anything about liking/disliking you. Stop overreacting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And also if you read properly, I edited my post to carry on from you. We all wake up, as it said[DOUBLEPOST=1389293506][/DOUBLEPOST]not on my phone


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
oh really
well you can be annoying alot of the time as well but then you try to act mature when your with other people. And please don't blame it on your special need. I understand that you have it and honestly if I could take it instead of you I would but please don't say that's why your annoying.[DOUBLEPOST=1389294196][/DOUBLEPOST]
Anyway, a little thing appears telling you that new messages have been posted. Just click the 'show' button.[DOUBLEPOST=1389293449][/DOUBLEPOST]
Woah, woah, woah. Just a cotton-pickin' minute now. A: it's not your role playing site either. It's not even a roleplaying site. It's a forum, with a roleplaying thread. B: he never said anything about liking/disliking you. Stop overreacting.
Ok roleplaying thread. And I don't act as though I'm in charge out of game. If I see a post I don't like, I just think sod it its their decision. I don't start disregarding every post I don't like


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guys, be nice please :p I understand you may be pissed off Lyndon, but can you please calm down? You're over reacting a bit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Huh, that's funny. I seem to have said almost the exact same thing in my post.

"I'm not saying that's an excuse for everything I do"[DOUBLEPOST=1389294436][/DOUBLEPOST]
Guys, be nice please :p I understand you may be pissed off Lyndon, but can you please calm down? You're over reacting a bit.
He tends to do that.

DISCLAIMER: Lyndon, I know you're going to get angry at that. Please don't. Take a good hard look at our past arguments and see if you haven't ever overreacted just a little bit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"I'm not saying that's an excuse for everything I do"
"But it is an excuse for everything I do."
Honestly, this has been boiling down just to Lewis, Felix, Aaron and Deomi with enough supporting characters to make The Order of the Stick blush.
In the meantime, James is still stuck down the freaking sewers of the institution.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"But it is an excuse for everything I do."
Honestly, this has been boiling down just to Lewis, Felix, Aaron and Deomi with enough supporting characters to make The Order of the Stick blush.
In the meantime, James is still stuck down the freaking sewers of the institution.
Woah. I'm not Giorgio Tsoukalos.[DOUBLEPOST=1389294873][/DOUBLEPOST]
[DOUBLEPOST=1389294974][/DOUBLEPOST]Dat hair. Dat forehead. Dose eyebrows.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Right shockwave your post still does not fit. We're being held captive by the council, as they think we know where the black magic camp is, which we do.

Don't you guys forget I shotgunned the interrogation.