Reason You want to join:
Other Info to help Your App:
Are You a youtuber that wants to record:
regards xTiMBo
IGN: Critik1
AGE: 20 turning 21 in August
Reason You want to join: I want a small server to play with my friend and some other people that I will learn to know. Just to have fun.
Other Info to help Your App: Im french but Ive been in english concentration so I know quite alot of english. Im just not the best to speak and have a discussion in english via TS. But i still dont mind logging in.
Are You a youtuber that wants to record: Nope I am not! Sadly
So ... my friend made a ftb account to post on the forum, but he has never received his confirmation email. Therefore , he can't post here.
His IGN is Dragonkidds and he is 22 years old, he doesn't know much about mods since he only played vanilla really. But I am always with him on skype and I will teach him everything he has to know.
So if you are ok with it, you can pm me or I don't know, or I can make him fill up this thing that I just filled out.
Thanks for your understanding, hoping to have news soon!