Rotarycraft - the mindblower and builds

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Anyone else getting weird jittering framerates as soon as rotarycraft items are placed? Checked with Opis, and the bucket filler is by far the highest cost in time even when it's not even active. This is preventing me from trying it out further. The bucket filler is really neat for Factorization mixer though.

The AC engine is really acting weird and very laggy for me. for a while it refused to give any power at all. Then it suddenly started giving out a little power even without any redstone signal. With the magnetic core it in it seems to work however. at least for the 30 seconds I tried it
made in Monster modpack
I have been messing around with rotaryCraft for about a week now, and came up with alot less power consuming extractor setup.

The core of this build is that it uses 2 extractors, that is due to the power and torque requirements of different stages.
  • Torque extractor: for stages 1 and 4, I'm using one industrial coil that is outputting 512nm Torque and 32 768 rad/s (that munchest throught a stack of ore/solution in less than 10 seconds)
  • Speed extractor: for stages 2 and 4 I have another coil that outputs 1nm Torque and 1 048 576 rad/s

When to power up and when to shut down is controlled by 2 buildcraft gates that turn coils on when there are items in the invetories of the extractors, and turn coils off when there are no items.

To get the dusts (first stage result) from the Torque extractor over to the Speed extractor, I had to use vacuum since it seemed to be the only thing able to pull items from the inventory of the Extractor.(since vacuum draws everything from horizontally adjacent inventories)
So the Vacuum is powered by a third coil that is outputting 16nm of Torque and 4096 rad/s(this allows the vacuum to draw full stacks of items instantly)
That allows me to power the vacuum coil with a Timer giving signal every 2 seconds.

so the Progress of one ore through the machine is as follows:
  1. Ore is moved into the first extractor (torque extractor, the coil turns on just as the ore gets into the machine allowing no room for wasted power) and the ore gets dusted in mere milliseconds
  2. Timer gives a pulse to the vacuum and vacuum draws everything from the machines.
  3. Dust now moves into the Speed extractor (filtered pipes, I used itemducts upgraded with servo motors from thermal expansion), speed extractor also turns on just as the dust arrives thanks to the buildcraft gate.
  4. Speed extractor, that is supplied with alot of water, eats through the phases 2 and 3 and ore solution (result of phase 3) is left into the machine because Speed extractor hasn't got enaugh Torque. but no worries, here comes our friend vacuum.
  5. Timer hits for the second pulse (or third depending on the pipe speed) and Vacuum draws everything from the extractors again.
  6. Ore solution can now move back to the first extractor for the final phase. Just before the vacuum hits again and pulls the Final Result from the extractor.

Some stats from my tests so far:

64x Gold ore
about 350.000MJ of power used (that is about 13 minutes of Hydrokinetic engine power)
about 30 buckets of Water
about 30 seconds in time!


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How are you powering the coils themselves between extractor runs?
Right now I was manually moving the coils to the quad hydrokinetic engine I have set up, and since it only takes about 350MJ per stack, which is about 3 minutes of work for 4 hydras. Its really efficient.

But I'm planning to automate the recharging stuff later today.
Hmm...just off the description of it, you could set up a triple coil arrangement. Two coils to alternate which is charging and which is ready for discharging to the system, a third buffer coil between charging and drive coil. Then just a lever or something for switching stuff around and you can link power without carrying coils around. Of course, I don't know how far your hydrokinetics are from your extractor setup.

Nice implementation. :)
Here is a basic ethanol crystal production line for people playing Horizons.

Sugar cane comes in at the top, fills the fermenter on the right(which produces sludge from yeast and sugar cane). If that fermenter is full the sugar cane goes to the pulverizer on the left which turns it into sugar and outputs it to the fermenter underneath. That fermenter uses dirt from the hopper and the sugar from the pulverizer to make yeast which it then sends to the other fermenter. The other fermenter uses yeast and sugar cane to make sludge which it sends to the furnace, which cooks it into crystals and pushes them to the barrel on the right.

In the background you might notice 3 different sugar can farming methods: vanilla pistons/BUD, tc4 golems, and Random Things block breakers. All 3 of these methods make me wish I had MFR. I don't think I'll be running more than 5 gasoline engines at any given time.


Fermenters can be driven by simple DC engines. You want to be careful what biomes you set this up in, the fermenters only work properly in a certain temperature range. Water for the fermenters is coming in underground from an aqueous accumulator. Power comes in underground for the TE machines via conduit.
Now if you're playing Monster you have MFR so you can go crazy with Ethanol Crystals and gas engines because you can produce ungodly amounts of both sugar cane(regular farm) and vines(jungle tree farm).
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Do vines produce 2x?
I don't know the numbers, I just know that when I have a jungle tree farm I have >80k vines after the first day. The good thing about being able to farm the vines like that is you can then dedicate all of your sugar cane to making yeast. If I had MFR I think I could probably build a setup in a day that would power 50 or more gasoline engines.

That 2nd stage ferment requires sugar cane, vines, or saplings and I don't have a good way to produce any of those in large amounts in Horizons. I might be able to make quite a few saplings with the right TC4 tree farm, I suppose? Think those same golems would make more sugar cane though, given the same footprint.

EDIT: I also just noticed that Reika added support for Forestry Ethanol in v13. I don't know if that is specific to making other fuels or for gasoline engines, yet. :P
You might try Engineer's Toolbox block breakers/BUD panels to manage vine collection. Mr KirinDave did much the same with algae in his RR LP. I do not imagine it would function much differently.

Glad I started this thread too. Learning tons despite being unable to play much for a couple weeks. :)

As an aside with Rotarycraft, is it alpha, beta, or released in it's current state?
In the latest builds (not sure about Horizons), leaves and vines give 2x the output of saplings, so it is worth it to use them instead.

I also noticed he added Forestry Ethanol support (I was hoping for that!), but when I poked around NEI I couldn't find just how it was added. There don't appear to be any recipes between the two, so I'm guessing it means gasoline (and maybe performance) engines can run off the Forestry fluid.
In the latest builds (not sure about Horizons), leaves and vines give 2x the output of saplings, so it is worth it to use them instead.

I also noticed he added Forestry Ethanol support (I was hoping for that!), but when I poked around NEI I couldn't find just how it was added. There don't appear to be any recipes between the two, so I'm guessing it means gasoline (and maybe performance) engines can run off the Forestry fluid.
Isn't there a crystallizer machine in Rotary?
Isn't there a crystallizer machine in Rotary?
He added one in v12c or d I believe. I didn't really see much use for it, to be honest, but it might make more sense if you have to turn liquid ethanol into crystals before using it in rcraft engines.
You might try Engineer's Toolbox block breakers/BUD panels to manage vine collection. Mr KirinDave did much the same with algae in his RR LP. I do not imagine it would function much differently.

As an aside with Rotarycraft, is it alpha, beta, or released in it's current state?

Vines/leaves have to be sheared. I tried some Random Things blockbreakers on a jungle vine wall I had setup for testing and they don't shear. You could probably use one of the actuator/deployer blocks in the pack with shears but the ROI on that seems pretty poor. :) Gasoline Engines just not a great choice in Horizons. Think I'd get more out of expanding canola production/processing and putting in hydroelectrics wherever I need long term power, saving my ethanol production for small temporary jobs here and there like running a boring machine at a good level to get silk-touched quartz blocks.

I think alpha/beta/ mean whatever the developer in question in a given case wants them to mean. RotaryCraft is effectively released while expansion/bugfix is ongoing. Reika has been putting out 1-2 new versions of it practically every week since Horizons showed up on the FTB launcher. People who use the mod extensively owe it to themselves to update their packs manually, IMHO, due to just how quickly he is updating. If you do don't forget DragonAPI and any of his other mods in whatever pack you're using. Best to update all of them together.
Do you know the absolutely fastest speed you can crank a Spawner Controller to? In creative, I can only manage a 240 (no idea what this value meant) spawn delay in the gui. And does the spawner with the spawner controller still obeys light level and stuffs?
Also, with the Spawner Controller, can you enable/disable the spawner with redstone signal?

I finally got around to working on this. You can definitely go lower than 240:
CVT+4:1 gear gets me 4Nm torque and 65krad/s. I should be able to get another 4:1 gear in there and go down to 1Nm torque and ~250krad/s? Anyway, that gets me down to 160 in the spawner controller. I think those units are ticks?


Lots of Blazes, 4 Looting 3 enchanted Mob Harvesters around a Bait Trap with fire charges in it. The trap does draw them slowly but that draw is overpowered by their player detection. To get this working at top speed I have a spot I stand a few blocks beneath the bait box.

One gotcha is getting your Exp out of the vacuum. It you leave it running when you try it you have to fight with it over the exp orbs. Put a clutch between it and the power so you can turn it off to grab the exp. I usually leave a couple holes so the exp can get to me outside of the trap and so that anything I drop underneath the trap can make it into the vacuum. I built this right over my main workshop so that the blazes wouldn't despawn so everytime I drop something it ends up stuck to the bottom of the trap or in the vacuum, lol.

Powering the spawner controller with 4 gasoline engines. Put engine controllers on them so I can shut them off.

Mob Harvesters, Bait Box, and Water Pump powered by steam engines hidden mostly in the base of the mob farm. Makes it quite a bit bulkier than the same thing in MFR.
I'll check if the spawner controller does anything with a redstone signal. I had to build a tunnel to it so I could adjust it while it was running. So many blazes in there can't adjust it otherwise and it won't let you change the settings at all when it isn't powered or when there isn't a spawner under it. Annoying. :)

One other thing, this won't keep working unless there is a player nearby, unlike Soul Shards or MFR setups. I tried a number of different ways to keep it going in a mystcraft age and none of them worked. Maybe an exp turtle would keep them spawned/spawning? No turtles in Horizons.

1. Spawner controller doesn't seem to care about redstone signal. I tried with redstone and red alloy wire, didn't seem to do anything. What you can do is use redstone for the engine controllers and shut down the power to the spawner controller which effectively is the same as the disable button in the gui.
2. Spawner does care about sunlight. Removed the slab roof covering the clear glass up top, no more blazes spawned.
3. The 2nd 4:1 gear got me down to 1Nm and 262krad/s, which allowed me to set the spawner at 60. :)
What I need now is a better---and by better I mean faster---way to kill them. I'm thinking I might try fans into a row of monster harvesters at enough power to 1-hit them. Think they're currently doing 9 damage/hit.

In other news look what a boring machine just silktouched:
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Nice testing there! I did noticed you went RotaryCraft heavy, I guess that is by choice? :)

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I did noticed you went RotaryCraft heavy, I guess that is by choice? :)
I'm playing Horizons so while it is by choice it isn't like I have a lot to choose from. I'm burnt out on Thaumcraft 4. I play dw20 on a server and did most of Thaumcraft 4 there. I don't want to redo all of that research/scanning again. I did just enough to get golems. If I were on Monster I probably would have spent a day with Rotarycraft and then wimped out and gone back to MFR for everything.

That is why I didn't like Horizons the first day or two but have grown to enjoy it. Instead of redoing systems I've already built before while trying to squeeze a bit more out of them I'm doing entirely new systems from new mods.
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Heres a question, can you produce lubricant by grinding canola seeds in any other mods machines, like say TE3's machines?