Hey guys,
Just wanted to say thanks for all the help! So for those reading this thread in the future, here is my setup:
1. I have 2 sugar cane farms being run by the MineFactoryReloaded mod. Per farm I have 2 harvesters, running off RJ power (this was initially done with magmatic dynamos and lava from the nether) using tin upgrades.
2. I use bonemeal through the RotaryCraft fertilizer and the RoC sprinklers to increase rate of farming
3. I setup a sakura tree farm above my sugarcane farm with the MFR system, the only difference is 1 of the harvesters doesn't have an upgrade and is set to sheer leaves. The bone meal fertilizer while below the tree farm still fertilizers the saplings.
4. This might not be the most efficient way to make yeast and sludge but I always like the "go big or go home" principle. So I have 15 performance engines running 10 sugar->yeast and 5 yeast->sludge manufacturing.
5. This in turn is run through a electric furnace (5 furnaces with 1 transformer upgrade and 7 overclockers). This setup produces more ethanol than I know what to do with.
Jet fuel
1. I have 16 performance engines running 5 grinders, 1 grinder for canola->lube and 2x netherrack->dust and 2x SoulSand->tar and 1 fractional unit
2. I have a monster spawner and grinder that helps generate blaze (use a cyclic assembler to convert blaze->blaze powder and blaze powder+slime->magma cream). Only crap thing about this is u need to next to it for the mobs to spawn. I am in the process of setting up magic crops and bees.
3. I used this method to stock pile jet fuel. After about a day of stock piling jet fuel I installed 1 gas turbine and now I run 3 extractors and 2 frac units off it.
Use things like QuarryPlus to get enough soul sand, netherrack and dirt.
Maybe not the best way to go about it but currently I have a surplus of jet fuel and ethanol and im goin to test adding more extractors to my gas turbine and potentially add more gas turbines to the mix the moment I have a steady supply from my magical crops.
Hope this helps someone!
If you use the Grinder for the Blaze rods you will get 6 powder instead of 2. ( Macerator will get you 5, pulverizer 4 btw. )