Furthermore, ShneekeyCraft, from 1.6 onward, will also be taking advantage of these config settings as well. Many users of ShneekeyCraft like to add on additional mods to enhance their gaming experience, and this sort of modularity is something I strongly support and endorse.
In fact, I am probably just going to include all of the config files from the successor to the Universal Config Pack. Having config files for mods that don't exist in the pack don't hurt the pack or cause crashes. However, if the user manually includes a mod that already has a config file, it will use that config file rather than generating one for itself. This means I can guarantee that there will be no ID conflicts or other crash bugs when adding any mod included in the config pack!
This is huge for my users who want more options, and it would be highly negligent of me to pass up on this kind of cross-mod support for my users.
Furthermore, as I believe every mod in ShneekeyCraft is found in one or another of the already supported mod packs, it will take no additional effort on Velocitan's part to work perfectly. I suppose there are some advantages to being a minimalist mod pack after all.