Thanks Mev. Indeed, the
Qi was flowing free in the discussions

I was definitely pleased at your thoughts on recipes, the game flow, etc. Let's see how your initial world test goes, before you get cracking on the mechanics. Taint can be configured to be made less aggressive so, that should be okay.
I too love the idea of LP and the itemduct compatibility was a big wow for me too (you heard me there), but, I still think that "LP functionality" can be
replicated with a combination of things that other mods offer us. I still say, we/you should try a break from LP and see how creative we can get with our sorting, storage access and retrieval. I mean, we have, enderIO, RemoteIO, Enderstorage, XU, Factorisation and OpenBlocks, translocators.... I can already think of using some of the items from here to get LP functionality. Remote ordering is something that is a big USP, but we can "semi-get it" with the enderpouch.
At least, I think we can safely drop it to begin with, and since LP is mid game mod, depending on server loads, world performance, it can be brought it back at a later date too. But I am hoping people won't miss it by then.