This is a cry out to Eloraam
Please help!
Hello everybody!
I'm guessing this would be the best place to ask for this and I hope you could all agree and make the topic popular so it reaches the right ears.
I want tooltips for Redpower colors and modes(on the sorting machine / retriever / filter / etc).
I'm not going to say this should be easy to implement or something like that because I would be a presumptuous bastard. I'm just saying I need it.
I want this because I am a guy... 90% of the Minecraft Community is male, and guys don't know squat about color. Every time I have to set a certain color for a machine I count or I guess based on the next and last color.
As I am typing this I am looking into NEI so I write it down correctly. If I want let's say lime color i look into NEI and see it's between yellow and pink and I know that's the right kind of green.
If I want purple I start from black backwards and I know purple is after blue. If i want cyan I go up the walls because it's not really light blue but not really blue... and it's next to a pink-ish color that is not pink and the best way to do it for me is to start from white and look out for gray.... when i see color I know it's the one i'm looking for.
Passing on to the tooltips for modes. This is more of a "I don't want to make a fool of myself" request. When I play on multiplayer and ask or get asked what mode should be used, the general conversation goes like this:
"it looks like a colored cross" or "the one after the one with the color under it". When asked what does it do the conversation goes like this: "which one was it? the third one? let me look on the unofficial wiki ..... the 3rd one there is Random allstack...."
That being said...
Please Eloraam,