RedPower for FTB 1.5

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're forgettin one important fact, Earl: People love to complain. If Eloraam released a fully-updated, nearly bug-free RP2 update for 1.5.2 right now, people would still bitch, nitpick, and complain until they're blue in the face. "She didn't do anything new!" "Volcanoes are still volcano-y!" "What, no redstone frame tube frames?" Along with equally nonsensical bullcrap.

This is gonna take a while. Eloraam's one person working on a huge mod while she's got, and I know this might come as a surprise to some people, real shit to deal with. Some people got lives; they got families, jobs, friends, spouses, kids, alimony, jury duty, dentist appointments, and other shit. Real life must take precedence over a hobby, real life will always trump a mod unless said person has really, really borked priorities. Eloraam has her head on straight, and given the vitrol and other rubbish I've read regarding RP2, I can't blame her for being as private as she is.

TL;DR: People will always find a way to bitch about anything.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do see your point there... really I do!
I wouldn't expect a modder to have their fingers ready to write the code for the next new minecraft mod the moment that it was released!
And I can see that either way people would find ways to bitch about whether she released a new version or not just look at this thread (no offense to anyone)
Many people give her stick to be the last one to arrive at the party all the time and it shoudln't really be that way as people have lives and her mod is one of the biggest out there with an ungodly amount of metadata to deal with the microblocks among other things I honestly cant blame her
But, to continue my metaphor from earlier, there should be someone to go instead of her, it may not be her but at least its a representation of her :)
apologies for those of you who find me to cheesy (I honestly didn't know where that came from) :-D
But yes I would see why she wouldn't let anyone else in (take the sir sengir example with him getting annoyed with the technic crew (that's as far as I know) giving the reasons behind supplying no source code so that people cant ride off on her idea)
To conclude this weird reply (that morphed into an essay) I can't empathize with her at all but I can guess why she wont let anyone else in (mainly seeing as though it's like meeting a stranger on the street and allowing them to take over your life)
I really just wanted to suggest that we could ask her if someone could (if they had more time or a small community of people) take care of base updates for mods that the community would like to see updated e.g. no more items/blocks but just the actual mod being moved to the new systems and versions
This entire post has been my system of thoughts (don't take my comments too harshly as I normally don't get the right idea across and don't seem to kind enough :-/) thanks for sticking through it though


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aye, if there are fair replacements for its functionality, then I can see replacing it so the packs don't fall too far behind vanilla. But, that doesn't mean we couldn't put it back in for a later update when it comes out. People might complain re worldgen, but the "just don't update" argument cuts both ways.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But, that doesn't mean we couldn't put it back in for a later update when it comes out.
Personally I feel it shouldn't be put back in later unless she agrees to keep the community better informed. Otherwise there is no guarantee it won't happen again forcing FTB to once again remove the pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly, I assume she's updating and working on the mod unless she states otherwise. She may be a very private person, and I respect that, but I don't see her giving up on the mod without at least putting it on her blog or somesuch.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While the machines and blocks would go missing, world gen can be kept using NumiRP as long as the IDs for RP2 are replaced. It's no solution but would allow 1.5 worlds to world gen now, and get machines later whenever RP2 gets updated.
Aye, saw that after I posted that, and it seems to be a fair compromise between the two.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any way to preserve structures built with RP2 microblocks (like converting them to Immibis microblocks)?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
and what about retrievers? I know off the bat there isn't something like it at all in the pack atm. I'm wanting to fire 720+ coke ovens and no AE would be wayy impractical for that build, routers could work but I'm not going to dig ton and half quarries and run some Crystallizers which are much longer than even coke ovens. Plus no real idea on how to use them properly and get them connected to all the ovens. BC pipes are crap and can't even get them compact enough to work with my current setup of 72 of them. So for me yea RP2 have it's own (cheap lag reduced tubes which only get really laggy if you don't empty them out fast enough and a machine that act as a super "extractor")


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
and what about retrievers? I know off the bat there isn't something like it at all in the pack atm. I'm wanting to fire 720+ coke ovens and no AE would be wayy impractical for that build, routers could work but I'm not going to dig ton and half quarries and run some Crystallizers which are much longer than even coke ovens. Plus no real idea on how to use them properly and get them connected to all the ovens. BC pipes are crap and can't even get them compact enough to work with my current setup of 72 of them. So for me yea RP2 have it's own (cheap lag reduced tubes which only get really laggy if you don't empty them out fast enough and a machine that act as a super "extractor")

Actually wooden pipes with autarchic gates shuld do the trick better than a retriever actually. Items will be pulled from the thing immediately, along with some iron, sandstone and cobble pipes and I can get this as compact as possible. Note: there is required 1 space between coke ovens. AND you don't need a lag inducing timer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea but main problem that the wooden pipes will connect to the other ovens. Therefore it's not very effective unless there a way to make it not do that cause like you said there 1 block between ovens and pipes can acts weird sometimes even when there a valid inventory they do sometime spill for no real reason. That's is also why I'm using tubes, easy to use and just setup a few machines and your good. A retriever should do the trick as it'll check all the output slot of the ovens for charcoal/coke if you have the entire pipeline on the sides of the ovens. Then the thing pulls from all the ovens with anything in that slot and if you put it adjacent to a chest or etc then you can reduce the pipeline. I'm just don't like BC pipes of all the hassles they cause to setup it up right. Chest<retriever<"miles of tubing"<all ovens. Where as BC's would be much more crazy setup cause of making sure it'll find it's "way" to the chest and making the wooden pipes not connect to the ovens and etc. Input is what I love just do this and it's fail proof as long you have enough machines to process all the inputs Input>relay>tubing> machines> and your done.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea but main problem that the wooden pipes will connect to the other ovens. Therefore it's not very effective unless there a way to make it not do that cause like you said there 1 block between ovens and pipes can acts weird sometimes even when there a valid inventory they do sometime spill for no real reason. That's is also why I'm using tubes, easy to use and just setup a few machines and your good. A retriever should do the trick as it'll check all the output slot of the ovens for charcoal/coke if you have the entire pipeline on the sides of the ovens. Then the thing pulls from all the ovens with anything in that slot and if you put it adjacent to a chest or etc then you can reduce the pipeline. I'm just don't like BC pipes of all the hassles they cause to setup it up right. Chest<retriever<"miles of tubing"<all ovens. Where as BC's would be much more crazy setup cause of making sure it'll find it's "way" to the chest and making the wooden pipes not connect to the ovens and etc. Input is what I love just do this and it's fail proof as long you have enough machines to process all the inputs Input>relay>tubing> machines> and your done.

Put the pipe under (or on top of) the ovens they will not connect to something that's not there (if you plan on layering the ovens put an extra block above or below the pipe.) and sandstone pipe DO NOT connect to ANYTHING except pipes. Iron pipes direct the traffic, I use a similar setup for my Alviaries I have yet to have ANYTHING drop from pipe systems that I did not screw up with. (ME system ran out of power)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea but main problem that the wooden pipes will connect to the other ovens. Therefore it's not very effective unless there a way to make it not do that cause like you said there 1 block between ovens and pipes can acts weird sometimes even when there a valid inventory they do sometime spill for no real reason.

That's simply not true. If they spill there's a reason, you might just not know what it is.

You're much better off using pipes (or AE) on servers anyway because it's much less computationally intensive than RP tubes are. Their 'smartness' in routing comes at a price.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay but the wooden pipe sticking to other ovens problem still exists cause you need one for every oven to pull out the output and they will stick to other machines close by so they'll try to go it in and then get out but it's may bounce again and again. Routers are probably even better than RP2 and BC but you'll need to connect all the ovens to other machines such as furnaces to fills in the gaps and then you'll need machine filters to skip them.. Not going to go and get some matrix programmers and beside I already have the tubing setup for 72 ovens and tearing them down will only take an hour or two. Then some more time to setup alternate whether if it's going to dungeons for those stinking programmers or going to BC's and make a ton of artantic gates. (getting about 300 pearls would be annoying but RS engines setup would be more practical but more time consuming to setup and make..) Then I would have to "overclock" my sand production to get all those sandstone pipes and wouldn't things be lingering in the pipes too long anyway with few or no gold pipes in line?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or.. I'm going with routers then I'll have almost no piping. Oh anyone know to how to automate the Carpenter with inputting materials cause every side I tried it's just put it in the carton/crate slots. I only got it to work with tubes on the one side but export buses don't work even on that side.


Relatable Gamer
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Retired Staff
Nov 24, 2012
You're all forgetting something. Sure, we can replace tubes and micro blocks, but one of the biggest reasons I play Redpower is for frames. At this point in my life, I have yet to hear of a mod that can be used in the same manner as frames. Any suggestions?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're all forgetting something. Sure, we can replace tubes and micro blocks, but one of the biggest reasons I play Redpower is for frames. At this point in my life, I have yet to hear of a mod that can be used in the same manner as frames. Any suggestions?

I've heard of one that sort of does. (I want to say ugocraft, but I don't really remember...).
I've never used it (whatever it's called) myself, but whenever people mention it they tend not to sound too optimistic.

I'm with you though. Frames are EASILY one the RP2 features that I like the most.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I must ask. What alternatives are there to Penumatic pipes? Im trying to see what Im going to use to transport all my lava to my geothermals. And something to connect to my ender chest. Wooden pipes work but I want free power, and redstone power doesnt work since its only 1 item per redstone engine. Granted I may be missing other items that can help me achieve what I want(Moving stacks of items without requiring energy outside of a lever/redstone power) but Im still new to figuring how to work with redstone. =(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I must ask. What alternatives are there to Penumatic pipes? Im trying to see what Im going to use to transport all my lava to my geothermals. And something to connect to my ender chest. Wooden pipes work but I want free power, and redstone power doesnt work since its only 1 item per redstone engine. Granted I may be missing other items that can help me achieve what I want(Moving stacks of items without requiring energy outside of a lever/redstone power) but Im still new to figuring how to work with redstone. =(
the new autarchic gates can pull stacks if you set 7 ? of the diamond gate conditionals to energy pulsar