It has only been a month, not really sure what the hurry is. I didn't see anything in 1.5 that I consider must-have. Most of the added functionality already exists in mods I'm using today. 
i don't feel the need to move away from 1.4.7. So Mods are updated, but without no new big features in them there is no need to go on.
Thank you for finally stating that. I thought I was alone in saying that. But then again...Most of the added functionality already exists in mods I'm using today.![]()
oh dear god.
That sums up 80% of where most of this is all coming from.
It seems it's time to re' mention some facts...
Most if not all the mods in the main FTB packs do not exist to service FTB.
FTB is a launcher, nothing more.
People make mods as a hobby, they do not get paid.
People do not pay to play these mods.
75% of society if not more are complete morons.
And lastly, none of these mod makers owe us a single thing.
Page 14 and you still need a boat to navigate the rivers of self entitlement in this thread.
Actually I will say it once more just for effect. And hell, in caps, why not....
Who? The people that actually matter Im sure she already contacts. Or are you talking about people like you? How ADOREABLE! im sure its not becuse you just want to know when some mod is being updated. You actually CARE. What horseshit.No, but this is just a matter of being a normal social being. People might worry about her because she disappeared.
lolwut? All I saw was swearing, swearing and more swearing. I think I need to say this again, this is a family forum! (I'm pretty sure)Exactly this. People that think they are somehow owed simply because they are fans or use a product need to shut the fuck up. If anything WE owe HER for having had the opportunity to benefit from her work. How people can be so diluted to think after the COUNTLESS hours she put into RP and Forge itself they are somehow OWED by her is mine boggling. Get this though your fucking heads, people: she has a life, and a dayjob and family. this is her hobby, you understand? Now fuck off.
- Every overworked coder and decent human being
Who? The people that actually matter Im sure she already contacts. Or are you talking about people like you? How ADOREABLE! im sure its not becuse you just want to know when some mod is being updated. You actually CARE. What horseshit.
get off the owed attitude, people. You bring down the FTB community and make yourself look like complete douche bags, and even more so when you try and (poorly) veil it with care<3(TM)
First paragraph, yes. (except for the not liking RP2 part) Second part, partially yes. Eloraam sees her mod as a 'work of art' rather than a mod. It might be epic, which it is, but it's still just a mod. It comes in the same category as those noob mods that makes dirt drop diamonds. I can't stand that. But it's still a mod, just like RP2. Eloraam just needs to consider it just the same as everything else.I don't think you read the earlier posts. We've already stated that we understand that she has a life outside of modding. Once again, I don't like RP2. I don't care about the mod. But it's only logical to drop mods that can't keep up with the pace of Minecraft. Also, please don't resort to name calling. We're not 5 years old. I would hope you could come up with a more intelligent response then calling us names. I expected more of you. But I guess that's to be expected on the internet.
You're right. She doesn't owe us anything. But what kind of person makes a mod in a community that is known for being social with mod makers and then expects to be a modder that doesn't ever tell the community what's happening. She doesn't go in twitter and tell us her life story. All she has to do is make it clear the she enjoy's being apart of FTB and that she enjoys making mods. That way we can get something to go on. Right now, it seems like she just doesn't care. Maybe i'm weird, but if I made mods and I didn't have the time to do it, I would at least say something like "yea. I love making mods. I just don't have time. Kthxbai."
It has only been a month, not really sure what the hurry is. I didn't see anything in 1.5 that I consider must-have. Most of the added functionality already exists in mods I'm using today.![]()
Is there are any cool stuff coming in Xycraft?
Can anypony list the main features in 1.5 mods everypony waits for?
What's that? There's no such page in that wiki...Fuzzy interfaces (AE)
Wow this thread exploded recently, I read up to page 8 and gave up because the back and forth bullshit was unchanging, and the sheer amount of self entitled douchebaggery was just annoying me needlessly.
DW20 pack is regulated by Direwolf20, when he wants to update, with or without RP2, he will do so. FTB has no say.
Mindcrack pack is regulated by the Mindcrack team, namely Guude. When he wants to update, with or without RP2, he will do so. FTB has no say.
Ultimate pack is regulated by the FTB team, when they want to update, with or without RP2, they will do so.
Theres 3 different packs with 3 different regulatory sources, chances are that if RP2 really has been discontinued, then at least one of these will not update. Hell They may just keep a 1.4.7 pack out indefinitely for those that want to play RP2, and update the other packs as they wish.
Basically, you have no right to demand anything from Elo or the FTB team so stop acting like you do. Set of standards? Yeah for YOURSELF, not public standards that others have to adhere to, that idea is absurd.