Red Power 2 News

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The only thing I don't get about Eloraam and Redpower is that the general consensus is she considers RP as a "work of art" as opposed to what the rest of us consider it as, which is a kickass nearly essential add-on to our games. She wants it to be perfect, which is understandable, but in software development, there's patches and updates for a reason. Software is never "perfect". Also, in regards to being one person and having a real life, this seems to be a big case of not accepting help from others when I'm sure there are heaps of talented programmers that would be more than willing to sift through the code fixing bugs, etc.

Ok but look at it like this.... Im not 100% but I dont know that shes ever had to release a bug fix? Like I said Im sort of new to this but from what I understand she is a loner when it comes to this stuff.. But honestly who can sit here and say that her mods arent some of the best on the scene right now or ever for that matter? I know I have yet to see another mod be as bug/lag free as some of her work... So as far as her not wanting help I say go for it girl... You are by far the best in my opinion at what you do ...ANd the minute you let some of these "talented" Programmers/coders get their hands on your work well that might just be the day it goes to crap... Keep it up and I for one will wait patieintly for her masterpiece!!!
I'm so bored without RP :( I can't start up my quarry with those (literally) dumb Buildcraft pipes.
The only thing I don't get about Eloraam and Redpower is that the general consensus is she considers RP as a "work of art" ...

It's at least art insofar as it is a product of skill.

I subscribe to the idea that art is not a special class of commodities, those things arbitrarily elected by some clique to be worthy of praise and recognition, but instead see art as a dimension to anything that may be done skillfully, a quality of every deliberate activity.
I'm so bored without RP :( I can't start up my quarry with those (literally) dumb Buildcraft pipes.
Well in lack of RP i tested my stuff with standard buildcraft pipes. Well it is more complex to get everything going but one nice feature added since i used them last time is that if an inventory is full and there is a second way the items will go that way (an not poping randomly out).With this trick diamond pipes do a good job as insertion pipes and other stuff.
What i really could use are things like a relay and this stuff...hoppers are to slow in some places. And Timers...and i miss RP :/.
To prevent this internet-wide disaster, maybe it should be publicly released and then only announced in one place. That way the announcement (and then the downloads) would spread slowly(ish) via word of mouth rather than all at once. Just a thought. :)
it was a trick elo's site is down something might possibly be happening now!
Yeah it definetely isn't down, every page could lead to a secret html file eg. /troll123456789/mysite/is/friggin/down/DOWN.html that says
Error establishing a database connection
To prevent this internet-wide disaster, maybe it should be publicly released and then only announced in one place. That way the announcement (and then the downloads) would spread slowly(ish) via word of mouth rather than all at once. Just a thought. :)

Thats now how it works in the modern world...

Word of mouth (if valuable/funny/sexy) quickly becomes viral.

Just look at Gangnam Style :P
Why shouldn't they, does it not say on her own twitter account to do so?
Example: Thanksgiving. Dire went out of town. Recorded several episodes about a week or so before leaving, and they were all posted during the time he was gone. The timeline is flexible, and it changes often.
Just because "they have it on ForgeCraft" doesn't mean it's stable, and doesn't mean it's done. We only see about 30 minutes of what Dire does on the server, per episode. With the amount of cuts for behind the scenes stuff, he probably is running about a 1:1 ratio of behind the scenes play time to recorded show time. And he's not online/recording every second of the day. (SPECULATION ALERT) They have probably found and fixed, or attempted to fix, 2 bugs behind the scenes for every one we see recorded.

Dire's videos are a rough timeline. We know these mods are stable enough to be loaded, but you can gather from that they aren't 100% stable yet. Eloraam is a perfectionist, and I'm glad for that. We won't see RP2 until she's satisfied with it.
I hope she's enjoying her holidays :)
Example: Thanksgiving. Dire went out of town. Recorded several episodes about a week or so before leaving, and they were all posted during the time he was gone. The timeline is flexible, and it changes often.
Just because "they have it on ForgeCraft" doesn't mean it's stable, and doesn't mean it's done. We only see about 30 minutes of what Dire does on the server, per episode. With the amount of cuts for behind the scenes stuff, he probably is running about a 1:1 ratio of play time to show time. And he's not online/recording every second of the day. (SPECULATION ALERT) They have probably found and fixed, or attempted to fix, 2 bugs behind the scenes for every one we see recorded.

Dire's videos are a rough timeline. We know these mods are stable enough to be loaded, but you can gather from that they aren't 100% stable yet. Eloraam is a perfectionist, and I'm glad for that. We won't see RP2 until she's satisfied with it.
I hope she's enjoying her holidays :)

You seemed to have misunderstood the question. Eloraam SPECIFICALLY points users to a YouTube series for updates. Her only direct communication besides "Making paper" in almost 6 months was to specifically direct users to DW20's youtube series for updates to the mod. Therefore "why shouldn't users use a YouTube series for updates" when the mod author specifically points said users to said YouTube channel for said updates. I said nothing nor implied anything related to "they have it on ForgeCraft" I am specifically pointing at Eloraam's twitter and direct communication with the community in regards to her mod.
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Not everything I posted up there was directed towards your statement. The majority was a rant that I've been trying to stifle for a while.
I said nothing nor implied anything related to "they have it on ForgeCraft".
Read through other posts, most people complaining about RP2 are saying it.

Chronological twitter posts (between major updates): 1.2.5 release; pre5b2 release; Progress on the alpha server
She says to see progress on her work. She will continue to progress with the work on it, but unless Dire specifically spotlights all of the changes every episode, we won't know every update. It's still not a good timeline to be basing her progress on, since he doesn't do that every single time. Also, information about progress is just information, and can't be confirmed until you have the product "in hand" so to speak.
Not everything I posted up there was directed towards your statement. The majority was a rant that I've been trying to stifle for a while.

Read through other posts, most people complaining about RP2 are saying it.

Chronological twitter posts (between major updates): 1.2.5 release; pre5b2 release; Progress on the alpha server
She says to see progress on her work. She will continue to progress with the work on it, but unless Dire specifically spotlights all of the changes every episode, we won't know every update. It's still not a good timeline to be basing her progress on, since he doesn't do that every single time.

I have and don't really care about what those other people are saying as I'm not addressing their posts. The author of the mod instructed us on where to go for updates.

Here I will quote her instructions for reference to what I'm speaking on: "For up to the minute information on the progress, watch direwolf20 on youtube. He's doing a video series on the alpha server"

She does not say "to see progress on her work" as you suggest. Good timeline or not, those are her instructions, so criticizing people who follow the mod authors instructions is a bit out of place. Which is the crux of my original remark.
so criticizing people who follow the mod authors instructions is a bit out of place.
I wasn't. I summed up the thread in 3 sentences. Stating that people are religiously using a YouTube series for timeline is not criticism. It's an observation.

I wasn't completely addressing your post. I was also addressing all of the people who are posting here. If I was directly addressing you, in a thread where dozens of others have read and replied on, I would private message you or post on your profile.
actually, the Mayan calender ends after a full universal rotation(or something like that). The theory of the world ending on that date is only attributed to the Mayan's because Nostradomus(i think) predicted the end of the world pretty close to the same date. However, Nostradomus was wrong on his predictions about 99% of the time. Still, what if he is right this time...?

Actually, it's not a rotation of the universe which would be absurd as most scientists agree it's expanding out the way (wiki for vectors), although it is a rotation. The sun will IIRC rise in alignment with the center of the galaxy which although it's quite possibly a black hole, has little chance of actually pulling us in.

Plus if it was the end of the world, my boss might just have listened to my 'it's the end of the world!' speech, and given us the week off :( That or he's being controlled by the man and he's been told if we wern't at work, we'd just cause anarchy.
I definitely miss Redpower. Vanilla Minecraft redstone logic construction techniques are so pathetic.

I actually built a RS NOR latch to control my nuke. With torches and dust and floating blocks. I had forgotten how horrific such things were to set up properly!

I definitely miss Redpower. Vanilla Minecraft redstone logic construction techniques are so pathetic.

I actually built a RS NOR latch to control my nuke. With torches and dust and floating blocks. I had forgotten how horrific such things were to set up properly!

You could always write your own gate using computercraft, I find it's quite easy to duplicate all the logic I used in rp with cc.
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