First Unstable Tinkers' tools, now this
More dynamic texturing, this time with 'bedrockium' tools.
Moving blocks without having to build your stuff out of frames? You mean like Redstone In Motion (now Remain In Motion) has allowed since Minecraft 1.5?PS: The Movable Controller is like the frames mod, but without the frames!
Skystones actually goes back all the way to Giants, I have not yet played Trap Team but as far as I know it only has "Skystones Slam", not the normal version.A tad bit of clarification: It's Skylanders: Trap Team for the 3DS.
Why? It was just a joke post telling Yusunoha that he screwed up his default post...
I think you should switch the hopper inputs around, so that coal goes in the side, and gravel goes in the top, just like with vanilla furnaces
There are. Progressive Automation can produce RF and FyberOptic made a mod that can transfer RF.Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe there are any RF generators or transfer cables available in 1.8 yet.
There are. Progressive Automation can produce RF and FyberOptic made a mod that can transfer RF.
Ill just leave this here as a little teaser.
Mod already exists, from Lepko, and is being maintained by someone else now...Beautiful, I never thought I'd see that thing again.
My only concern is that Minecraft has a million more recipes now than it ever did back then. Maybe it could use a search box?
So this is interesting. I'm pretty sure everybody has heard of, but somebody made it in MC with a custom mod
Cool idea, seems like a lot of fun with friends :3