Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The auto chisel is a good idea imo. I always wanted to be able to request chiseled blocks from AE.
But last time I tried it out it had a dupe bug.
It is a good idea, but the devs keep changing the design rather than getting it actually working...


Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
If they were shaped so you don't have to "cycle" through the blocks like you do for the TiCon chisel, that would be fine with me. (And of course quite easy to add with Minetweaker, should the need arise.)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is worrying. Someone needs to tell the Pope so he can ban Minecraft!!!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The auto chisel is a good idea imo. I always wanted to be able to request chiseled blocks from AE.
But last time I tried it out it had a dupe bug.

The auto chisel won't help with that much. You would have to set up a AC for every block you want to request.
It might be doable with Steves factory manager. But only if the AC is... I think it's called I sided. So that you can pull/insert from specific inventory slots.
But as it has no sides on the block I don't think it is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Shaders. Apparently SEUS added colored light...
Depends on what you mean by coloured light, if you mean ingame lights with different colours, then no.
Global illumination is (partly, but I suspect the shader doesn't do caustics) the effect of an objects colour 'bleeding through' onto surrounding objects, you can see it happen all the time in real life, an easy way to observe it is to get a brightly coloured object and a piece of paper. Put the object on the paper then under a reasonably bright light, and if the paper doesn't get blown out by the light, the paper should turn slightly the colour of the object, near to where the object is sitting.

If you want an online comparison, the wikipedia article on global illumination isn't bad, it has two images on the right, one without global illumination and one with, you'll notice that the far corner where the white and red walls meet, the white wall is slightly red.

Thought I'd try an explanation for anyone who might not know. Plus I'm a graphics person, I like this stuff, and work with it :D.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That would make it much less cool, it couldn't rotate or be larger without looking strange.

How would having that as an option make it less cool? It's not like you would not be able to place it remotely as well.
Ooh and having a remote interface for the reactor would be nice as well. So you could control it from a distance using it's GUI.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mickey - "What was that loud noise Goofy?"
Goofy - "I dunno Mickey, it almost sounded like the average intelligence of this thread going so low if broke the floor, hyuk"
Mickey - "Aw gee Goofy, is there anything we can do about it?"
Goofy - "All we can do is hope that someone comes and says something useful"
Mickey - "I guess the only other option would be just reside at the intelligence level of ... the basement"
Mickey wiggles eyebrows at Goofy
Goofy - "We what are yah waitin for Mickey, lets go!"

*dah dah duh duh duh duh, duh duh duh dum dum de duh duh daaah* - picture the pig in your mind
"Th-th-th-that's all folks!"
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I need to quick rant about this stupid curseforge editor...

Seeing past that its ~1/3 larger than what is posted makes it complicated enough...
Then on top of that theres no preview to see it the way it would look....


Want to change the font size? Oh ill change it but then it doesn't update the god dam editor to match.... SERIOUSLY?
I tried a new format then linked it to my mates to it and asked what's better then edited the new one back to the old way because they did not like the 'preformatted' text option... AND NOW ITS ALL IN BOLD Yet the editor says its not....
Try to get rid of the bold by clicking it on/off? Of course that's logical BUT IT DOESN'T UPDATE.... Is it on? Is it off? Does it really care what i do?

Do all of you have these problems with this editor? Cause it's borderline impossible to use this damned thing like this I might as well just paste a wall of text and some screenshots at the bottom.. Let alone the lack of options...

Heres an example.

And another

EDIT: Fixed some rage nonsense that even i got confused over..
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