Really stupid things that people have said about Modded MC(Off topicness makes moderators tired)

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Is this a good idea?

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    Votes: 66 18.2%
  • No

    Votes: 18 5.0%
  • if people don't get out of control

    Votes: 68 18.8%

    Votes: 210 58.0%

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I rather think he stole his mother's creditcard, bought some stupid shit with it and was caught, and is now trying to give a nice spin to it.

some people... well, I shouldn't say anything since I have someone like that in my family...
I reminds me of the Paint.NET installer telling you in red text: "If you paid money for this program, GET A REFUND!".
You don't kill math with fire...
Calculators are better suited to that. (Well it's not so much killing as it is solving)

However you can kill reading with fire, but it's expensive if you read from a tablet/Ebook.

But wow? people think math/ reading isn't natural? As far as I am concerned if it can be done it's natural, to me shitting in the woods and not wiping is equally natural as a fully operational man made fission reactor. To me natural is not a thing, or it's all the things. If a bee hive is natural then so is the LHC... I wonder who decided that anything humans do isn't natural? People buying in to the naturalists fallacy a bit too hard.

We read and write because our brains naturally developed via mutations and natural selection to have the capacity for complex thought. Reading, writing and math are natural results of this developed brain humans have and it's led us to live thrive better then any other organism (probably thrive too well).
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User1 said:
Hey guys so i created a modpack with a couple of mods i watched alot of videos and did exactly what all of them said? any help please?

This is my Pack

User2 said:
User1 said:
So i put that in my mods? in my pack
User1 said:
I put it in my mods folder and created a new zip. it still dont work
User2 said:
The platform is still currently not working well. You may have to wait a while to finish debugging this.
User1 said:
OK i got it working but when i go into the game a second later it goes back to the launcher

Help Please? it loads up with this thing then takes me to technic launcher.

Here is the Photo:
User1 said:
Help Please... if anyone can
User2 said:
  • You haven't updated your modpack download or the pack version number.
  • Assuming the only thing you changed was to add the legacy java fixer, I am unable to[ reproduce your issue. The pack works fine for me in SSP.
Please provide your most recent crash report in a pastebin (such as )
User1 said:
How do i find the crash report soz?
User2 said:
User1 said:
K thanks i think this is it
User2 said:
That is a crash report from some other modpack which is for Forge/MC 1.7.10, not your 1.6.4 modpack you posted the link to in your original post. Additionally, you still haven't updated the modpack archive download or the version number.
User1 said:
I Changed my pack version to 1.7.10 it made it work but then it crashes (obviously)
User2 said:
I was able to add your 1.7.10 pack to my Launcher and successfully start. I assume you have fixed your issues?
User1 said:
Uhmm idk ill try thanks
User1 said:
it still doesnt work for me
User3 said:
Does this post strike you as helpful for troubleshooting?
User1 said:
what do u mean
User3 said:
I mean that you need some sort of log, error message, or other indication as to how it doesn't work, if you expect anyone to be able to help you. We can't read your mind or see your monitor.
User1 said:
ik but idk how to tell u more information i open the modpack and it closes
User3 said:
User2 told you how, by giving us a crash report from the latest crash. It's unlikely to be the same error as the 1.6.4 pack, since 1.7.10 doesn't even need the Java fixer tool. If you can't go to the very smallest effort to give information on your situation, please just don't ask for help.
User4 said:
Would I be a bully for saying that starting with proper English? I do not mean to say that mistakes are No No (because most of us make tons of them and are not native speakers), but how about actually using words rather than "ik" or "idk" or "u".

Makes it very hard (for me, at least) to follow you.

Now, the launcher writes data what it does into a file (the log data or log files). Same as the modpacks as well. What we would need is this (well, both actually...the logs of the launcher and the modpack). We (and you) need to know what stands in there as the launcher would write what its wrong into those files.

The log files for the launcher are not at the very same place like the modpack logs, but in the same subfolder %appdata%\.technic\
User1 said:
im putting my effort in i may not be speaking alot because im trying to fix it myself because i dont understand alot
User2 said:
If your pack is working fine for other people, but not for you, the issue is almost certainly on your PC.

Things one should always try when a pack isn't working when it should:

  • Reset the pack (reinstall from the pack settings menu)
  • Provide your most recent FML log (/mods/latest.log) and your most recent crash report (in /crash-reports, assuming the client actually crashes) in a pastebin service (like ).
  • Provide clear, specific, relevant information concerning the actions you take to reproduce the issue.
You need to do (at least the last two) EVERY time you ask for help, even in the same thread.
I'm not sure I ever had faith in humanity. I've managed to never lose hope, because we could be better than this, but faith? Yeah right. Too many idiots!
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For me it is pretty much stupidity/ignorance vs art in all its forms (this includes media such as games, books, movies, TV etc.) There was a story I heard back in highschool, which is rather fitting. After one of the world wars (I didn't care to remember which, probably 2) some war crime trials were being held in Paris, and one of the judges said that while listening to all the horrible actions mankind took degraded his faith in humanity, he would restore it every morning by sitting in the Louvre and looking at man's creative achievements.
For me that's hope, not faith. Faith is confidence/trust in something not based on evidence. Hope is the desire for something to happen. I know that humanity has the potential to be great, I see that all the time, so I hope for the future; the only "faith" I have in humanity is that they're probably going to disappoint me. It's the old pessimist excuse: I assume everything is terrible so I get a pleasant surprise when I'm wrong.
User1 said:
Can someone help me fix my 1.7.10 modpack?
download link is****************
User2 said:
  • Why is eyemod named "". You should remove the .zip at the end.
  • Your ChickenBones' mods (NEI) are not from the author and you are missing the dependency library CodeChickenCore mod: http://chickenbones....ages/links.html
  • Your IC2 version is woefully out of date: http://ic2api.player...2_experimental/
  • You have Extra Cells but not the dependency mod Applied Energistics 2 rv2-beta:
  • You have Morph mod but not the dependency mod iChunUtil:
  • You have OpenPeripheral but not the dependency mod ComputerCraft (Open Peripheral is useless without it anyway):
  • You have Tinker's Construct but not the dependency mod Mantle:
  • Your version of VoltzEngine does not match your version of ICBM. Get the latest versions here:
  • You should not be using Too Many Items and Not Enough Items at the same time. Pick one, remove the other.
  • One of your mods is generating an error indicating that it's not for the version of Forge you have installed (older/newer MC version). I'm not going to go through every one of your mods. I'll leave you to do that. Way too many of your mods are simply named "ModName-1.7.10.jar". This strongly implies that you aren't getting all your mods directly from the mod authors (since almost no one names their mods that way) and is likely the reason you have an outdated/mismatched mod installed.
You need to be more careful about where you get your mods from, and in following the mod author's installation instructions. You have so many mods without their required dependencies or libraries, every one of which is specifically mentioned as required by the authors.
That's what you get for not stopping mod reposts.
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That's what you get for not stopping mod reposts.

Stopping every single mod repost out there will not prevent users from ignoring install instructions, missing dependencies, duplicating mods, etc. That's how people are.
Stopping every single mod repost out there will not prevent users from ignoring install instructions, missing dependencies, duplicating mods, etc. That's how people are.
No, but it will stop many cases. Many of the repost sites aren't even writing dependencies.
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No, but it will stop many cases. Many of the repost sites aren't even writing dependencies.

If a person can't read a log file to see they're missing a dependency, shutting down every single repost site won't change that fact. That just means they'll be having the issue by ignoring the first post in a mod thread instead.
If a person can't read a log file to see they're missing a dependency, shutting down every single repost site won't change that fact. That just means they'll be having the issue by ignoring the first post in a mod thread instead.
Logs are less user friendly. There are bigger chances that people will see the dependency info when it is placed 2 cm from the download link. I'm not saying that stopping reposts will fix all the problems though.
Logs are less user friendly. There are bigger chances that people will see the dependency info when it is placed 2 cm from the download link. I'm not saying that stopping reposts will fix all the problems though.

I have my doubts that even that will change things.
I have my doubts that even that will change things.

Well have you ever seen a repost site say that you need another mod as a dependency?

Sent From Something That You Won't Care About Using Tapatalk 2
Well have you ever seen a repost site say that you need another mod as a dependency?

Sent From Something That You Won't Care About Using Tapatalk 2

I don't visit repost sites, so I can't say.
As much as the #minecraft sites (1minecraft-9minecraft) are a royal pain in the caboose? I do recall actually seeing a dependency requirement listed on a mod there once.
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