ReactorCraft Fission Reactor Designs

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So in my creative test, the short term containers got 1 item per slot, and the drum got 16 per slot.

Now my issue is that in my survival server, I can't connect. I'm about to die from rad sickness, and it crashes every time before I die. :P
So in my creative test, the short term containers got 1 item per slot, and the drum got 16 per slot.

Now my issue is that in my survival server, I can't connect. I'm about to die from rad sickness, and it crashes every time before I die. :p
I have seen endless people suffer meltdowns and explosions due to forced 64-stacking inside the containers.
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Awesome! So much to look forward to.

Perhaps I should use the RoC item pump. ;]

I just confirmed in creative that I can pull waste from a chest and distribute it using item ducts and it places one item per slot in the short term waste containers. I don't see it stacking.

That said, I'm not sure why my survival waste container blew up. The arctic ambient is -20C, and they are submerged near bedrock. I may pad my containers with cobble so they can't be more than half full.
I just confirmed in creative that I can pull waste from a chest and distribute it using item ducts and it places one item per slot in the short term waste containers. I don't see it stacking.

That said, I'm not sure why my survival waste container blew up. The arctic ambient is -20C, and they are submerged near bedrock. I may pad my containers with cobble so they can't be more than half full.
IIRC Deeper = Hotter.
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Is there any benefits to keep the waste? I use to keep it in my me, but i might go and send it to a trash can or a lava pit....
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Is there any benefits to keep the waste? I use to keep it in my me, but i might go and send it to a trash can or a lava pit....
You aren't supposed to trash it. You're supposed to keep it. It will not dissolve in lava, nor take void damage. Keeping it safely is a gameplay element.
I wonder if submerging the containers in cryotheum is feasible.

Also, as for keeping it, yeah, I will be making a containment facility, but it will be temporary, more to stay in the spirit of the mod for a time. I don't feel bound by ReactorCraft's tech level in this, and there's actually something useful you can do with it: help making singularities.
@Demosthenex, love the research, keep it up!
I was having a heck of a time going between my test world and my server when trying to get some of these fission reactors running. I am going with the little 6 core beauty, just need enough for one turbine at the moment.
N- Neutron reflector
B- boiler
F- fuel core


The problem I kept running into was in my test world the turbine would happily go up to ~950MW while the same configuration in my server would cap out at ~110MW. Turns out the problem was the placement of the steam grate. In my server I had the grate one block higher than in my test world. I dont remember reading it anywhere but I now know the steam grate has to be at least 2 blocks below the start of the turbine. A one block gap results in the turbine maxing out at the lower power.
2014-07-18_13.05.57.png 2014-07-18_13.08.33.png
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Reactions: Demosthenex
@Demosthenex, love the research, keep it up!
I was having a heck of a time going between my test world and my server when trying to get some of these fission reactors running. I am going with the little 6 core beauty, just need enough for one turbine at the moment.


The problem I kept running into was in my test world the turbine would happily go up to ~950MW while the same configuration in my server would cap out at ~110MW. Turns out the problem was the placement of the steam grate. In my server I had the grate one block higher than in my test world. I dont remember reading it anywhere but I now know the steam grate has to be at least 2 blocks below the start of the turbine. A one block gap results in the turbine maxing out at the lower power.
View attachment 12060 View attachment 12061

That's a great find!

Can you measure the hourly output of your reactor to share? I do that with an empty bedrock industrial coil, a clutch, and a simple computercraft program to turn on the redstone signal for one hour. The computer is adjacent to the clutch with it's rear face touching the clutch.
Ok, 3.36TJ collected after 1hr solid running with the 6 core linear setup. Used the same setup your described, let the turbine spin for 20min first to stabilize, then the clutch to a coil with the computercraft timer on it for a clean 1 hr.
The power output does bounce between 899MW and 950MW as shown on the dynamo, but the total energy output is consistent with a 930MW average.
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Ok, 3.36TJ collected after 1hr solid running with the 6 core linear setup. Used the same setup your described, let the turbine spin for 20min first to stabilize, then the clutch to a coil with the computercraft timer on it for a clean 1 hr.
The power output does bounce between 899MW and 950MW as shown on the dynamo, but the total energy output is consistent with a 930MW average.

That's great! The dynamo responds very quickly to changing output, and the turbine speeds seem to vary so a long term measurement is the best.

That's very nearly a 1 GW/s reactor, because 3600 seconds in an hour * 1 GW/s = 3600 GW / hr = 3.5 TJ/hr (binary T).
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That's great! The dynamo responds very quickly to changing output, and the turbine speeds seem to vary so a long term measurement is the best.

That's very nearly a 1 MW/s reactor, because 3600 seconds in an hour * 1 MW/s = 3600 MW / hr = 3.5 TJ/hr (binary T).

Do you mean nearly a 1GW reactor? I got lost in the prefixes but I think 3600MW for an hour would be 3.6 GJ.

I thought I read somewhere that the turbine maxes out at about 950MW. GIven that, Im looking for the most efficient way to run one turbine (or two when I need more power). Have you done any studies on fuel utilization?
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Do you mean nearly a 1GW reactor? I got lost in the prefixes but I think 3600MW for an hour would be 3.6 GJ.

I thought I read somewhere that the turbine maxes out at about 950MW. GIven that, Im looking for the most efficient way to run one turbine (or two when I need more power). Have you done any studies on fuel utilization?

Fixed my derp.
Do you mean nearly a 1GW reactor? I got lost in the prefixes but I think 3600MW for an hour would be 3.6 GJ.

I thought I read somewhere that the turbine maxes out at about 950MW. GIven that, Im looking for the most efficient way to run one turbine (or two when I need more power). Have you done any studies on fuel utilization?

I have not. Subjectively I have noticed that my 4 core PBR puts out 1.8 GW/s while my 6 core fission does 350MW/s, however the PBR will exhaust it's fuel very very quickly and the fission goes slowly. Efficiency-wise I think the fission has it.
I have not. Subjectively I have noticed that my 4 core PBR puts out 1.8 GW/s while my 6 core fission does 350MW/s, however the PBR will exhaust it's fuel very very quickly and the fission goes slowly. Efficiency-wise I think the fission has it.
Great to know, thanks.
I havent played with anything besides fission with Uranium yet. Will look into PBR and breeders when Im back from vacation. On that note, gone for a week, looking forward to reading about the progress when I get back.


I'm having problems with the HP turbine crashing my entire client (but not the server) with error "Ticking Tile Entity". It appears that every so often, the 7-stage turbine I built wigs out and "rebuilds" itself (you can see this in-game by the turbine reversing its render rapidly). It's doing this while running at about 350-600 MW, right after I've fueled my 6-core reactor built to Demosthenex' specs in the upper left of his image. I'm using the 6-core "85 GJ" design.

The error that appears in the crash report is related to your getNumStages function, and it's repeated many times, at which point I crash.

See code snippet below:
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// This doesn't make any sense!

Time: 7/19/14 10:35 PM
Description: Ticking tile entity

    at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.hasNext(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.AbstractList.equals(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.HashMap.getEntry(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.HashMap.get(Unknown Source)
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.Registry.ReactorTiles.getMachineFromIDandMetadata(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.Registry.ReactorTiles.getTE(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.TileEntities.PowerGen.TileEntityTurbineCore.getNumberStagesTotal(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.TileEntities.PowerGen.TileEntityTurbineCore.getNumberStagesTotal(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.TileEntities.PowerGen.TileEntityTurbineCore.getNumberStagesTotal(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.TileEntities.PowerGen.TileEntityTurbineCore.getNumberStagesTotal(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.TileEntities.PowerGen.TileEntityTurbineCore.getNumberStagesTotal(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.TileEntities.PowerGen.TileEntityTurbineCore.getNumberStagesTotal(

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head --
    at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.hasNext(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.AbstractList.equals(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.HashMap.getEntry(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.HashMap.get(Unknown Source)
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.Registry.ReactorTiles.getMachineFromIDandMetadata(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.Registry.ReactorTiles.getTE(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.TileEntities.PowerGen.TileEntityTurbineCore.getNumberStagesTotal(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.TileEntities.PowerGen.TileEntityTurbineCore.getNumberStagesTotal(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.TileEntities.PowerGen.TileEntityTurbineCore.getNumberStagesTotal(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.TileEntities.PowerGen.TileEntityTurbineCore.getNumberStagesTotal(
    at Reika.ReactorCraft.TileEntities.PowerGen.TileEntityTurbineCore.getNumberStagesTotal(

-- Tile entity being ticked --
    Name: ReactorHigh-Pressure Turbine // Reika.ReactorCraft.TileEntities.PowerGen.TileEntityHiPTurbine
    Block type: ID #2039 (tile.ReactorModelled // Reika.ReactorCraft.Blocks.BlockReactorTileModelled)
    Block data value: 1 / 0x1 / 0b0001
    Block location: World: (-421,43,-49), Chunk: (at 11,2,15 in -27,-4; contains blocks -432,0,-64 to -417,255,-49), Region: (-1,-1; contains chunks -32,-32 to -1,-1, blocks -512,0,-512 to -1,255,-1)
    Actual block type: ID #2039 (tile.ReactorModelled // Reika.ReactorCraft.Blocks.BlockReactorTileModelled)
    Actual block data value: 7 / 0x7 / 0b0111
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
    at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(

-- Affected level --
    Level name: MpServer
    All players: 1 total; [EntityClientPlayerMP['willpayne11'/806975, l='MpServer', x=-432.41, y=41.19, z=-47.56]]
    Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 20
    Level seed: 0
    Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: false
    Level generator options:
    Level spawn location: World: (-236,64,20), Chunk: (at 4,4,4 in -15,1; contains blocks -240,0,16 to -225,255,31), Region: (-1,0; contains chunks -32,0 to -1,31, blocks -512,0,0 to -1,255,511)
    Level time: 75391182 game time, 86466746 day time
    Level dimension: 0
    Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?
    Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)
    Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
    Forced entities: 51 total; [EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/802701, l='MpServer', x=-409.53, y=70.13, z=-44.50], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/762284, l='MpServer', x=-404.31, y=70.13, z=-49.66], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/806273, l='MpServer', x=-405.69, y=70.13, z=-40.44], EntityClientPlayerMP['willpayne11'/806975, l='MpServer', x=-432.41, y=41.19, z=-47.56], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/806156, l='MpServer', x=-404.88, y=76.13, z=-44.47], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/759895, l='MpServer', x=-395.00, y=70.13, z=-44.88], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/800652, l='MpServer', x=-406.25, y=70.13, z=-56.97], EntityNeutron[''/806974, l='MpServer', x=-430.50, y=38.50, z=-49.75], EntityNeutron[''/806973, l='MpServer', x=-430.25, y=38.50, z=-49.50], EntityGolemBase['Clay Golem'/23, l='MpServer', x=-430.06, y=66.00, z=-42.69], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/800930, l='MpServer', x=-400.56, y=62.13, z=-58.66], EntityGolemBase['Clay Golem'/22, l='MpServer', x=-430.88, y=66.00, z=-42.50], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/806897, l='MpServer', x=-405.78, y=95.13, z=-57.00], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/806963, l='MpServer', x=-414.51, y=74.44, z=-47.87], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/783284, l='MpServer', x=-401.63, y=70.13, z=-52.78], EntityNeutron[''/806966, l='MpServer', x=-430.50, y=38.50, z=-49.00], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/801815, l='MpServer', x=-392.31, y=71.13, z=-47.75], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/803250, l='MpServer', x=-413.78, y=70.13, z=-52.88], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/758596, l='MpServer', x=-398.72, y=70.13, z=-47.97], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/769522, l='MpServer', x=-401.84, y=70.13, z=-56.97], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/800417, l='MpServer', x=-404.19, y=70.13, z=-60.88], EntityNeutron[''/807053, l='MpServer', x=-433.25, y=38.50, z=-49.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/806976, l='MpServer', x=-441.91, y=21.92, z=-1.41], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/806977, l='MpServer', x=-452.59, y=22.92, z=-16.09], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/806978, l='MpServer', x=-452.47, y=22.92, z=-10.00], EntityNeutron[''/807054, l='MpServer', x=-430.50, y=38.50, z=-48.25], EntitySpider['Spider'/806979, l='MpServer', x=-451.03, y=19.92, z=-14.81], EntityTFNagaSegment['unknown'/119, l='MpServer', x=0.60, y=-0.08, z=0.60], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/784342, l='MpServer', x=-406.78, y=70.13, z=-44.56], EntityTFNagaSegment['unknown'/118, l='MpServer', x=0.60, y=-0.08, z=0.60], EntityTFNagaSegment['unknown'/117, l='MpServer', x=0.60, y=-0.08, z=0.60], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/800511, l='MpServer', x=-392.28, y=69.13, z=-56.16], EntityTFNagaSegment['unknown'/116, l='MpServer', x=0.60, y=-0.08, z=0.60], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/783793, l='MpServer', x=-398.66, y=70.13, z=-53.53], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/771150, l='MpServer', x=-403.28, y=70.13, z=-43.88], EntityTFNagaSegment['unknown'/115, l='MpServer', x=0.60, y=-0.08, z=0.60], EntityTFNagaSegment['unknown'/114, l='MpServer', x=0.60, y=-0.08, z=0.60], EntityTFNagaSegment['unknown'/113, l='MpServer', x=0.60, y=-0.08, z=0.60], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/747541, l='MpServer', x=-410.13, y=70.13, z=-52.97], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/806472, l='MpServer', x=-411.72, y=77.13, z=-57.97], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/806534, l='MpServer', x=-411.13, y=71.69, z=-48.19], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/800672, l='MpServer', x=-392.34, y=70.13, z=-53.13], EntityTFNagaSegment['unknown'/124, l='MpServer', x=0.60, y=-0.08, z=0.60], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/805369, l='MpServer', x=-395.13, y=67.13, z=-59.13], EntityItem['item.tile.sapling.jungle'/803244, l='MpServer', x=-411.88, y=70.13, z=-55.88], EntityTFNagaSegment['unknown'/123, l='MpServer', x=0.60, y=-0.08, z=0.60], EntityWisp['Wisp'/806993, l='MpServer', x=-468.50, y=14.00, z=-83.50], EntityTFNagaSegment['unknown'/122, l='MpServer', x=0.60, y=-0.08, z=0.60], EntityTFNagaSegment['unknown'/121, l='MpServer', x=0.60, y=-0.08, z=0.60], EntityTFNagaSegment['unknown'/120, l='MpServer', x=0.60, y=-0.08, z=0.60], EntityWisp['Wisp'/806994, l='MpServer', x=-465.50, y=14.00, z=-80.50]]
    Retry entities: 0 total; []
    Server brand: mcpc,craftbukkit,fml,forge
    Server type: Non-integrated multiplayer server

I can't stay in-game for more than about 10 seconds at this rate. It only seems to affect clients within chunk loading radius. The server is unaffected. I'm going to try to break a steam line to hold it off. This is the version of ReC that's in Monster 1.1.2, btw.

EDIT: Also, the ReactorCraft handbook states that Low-P water can be retrieved from "below the back of the turbine". Which block exactly do I need to hook a pipe to (if I even hook a pipe up)? I have tried directly beneath the center of the largest stage and all blocks on the largest face of the turbine except the shaft output. No liquid pipes will even visually connect. Reservoirs placed directly beneath in the "dripping water" visuals do nothing.

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I'm having problems with the HP turbine crashing my entire client (but not the server) with error "Ticking Tile Entity". It appears that every so often, the 7-stage turbine I built wigs out and "rebuilds" itself (you can see this in-game by the turbine reversing its render rapidly). It's doing this while running at about 350-600 MW, right after I've fueled my 6-core reactor built to Demosthenex' specs in the upper left of his image. I'm using the 6-core "85 GJ" design.

Out of curiosity, what's your sync value?