RC/ReC/ElC/CC Policy Change Suggestion - Your thoughts?

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Jan 29, 2015
I need a good way to enforce this, or the rule might as well not exist.
Yep, fair point.

I I think the idea would be that they have to tell me, ('ask' implies I have to give permission) so that I can act accordingly.
Ah yes, I'd missed that, sorry. Again I don't think that's actually unreasonable; if they want to use your mod, the rules are clear.

The only way to trigger my mods to disable themselves (and by that I mean in functionality, not an outright uninstall, would would cause blocks and items to disappear) is to try to monetize it.
Not only is that fair, but actually very responsible I think.

Honestly, I really don't see an issue with any of this. Maybe not everyone will agree, but personally I'm a firm believer in the modmaker's right to maintain intellectual property, and decide what happens to theirs.

- GwnG


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly, I really don't see an issue with any of this. Maybe not everyone will agree, but personally I'm a firm believer in the modmaker's right to maintain intellectual property, and decide what happens to theirs.

- GwnG

Liked specifically because of this bit. You, as a content creator, have a right to determine what happens with your content, insofar as your enforcement of your rights does not cause undue harm to others or their property. In the realm of games, I'm okay with most basic forms of DRM: CD keys, one-off online authentication, requiring a login to use said content (while being able to enjoy it single-player and offline without a constant internet connection), and so on. Those are all perfectly valid and not unnecessarily draconian, and they also don't introduce what amounts to malware (like what Sony attempted to do with their music CDs carrying freaking rootkits) on to their users' systems.

You may disagree with this, and you may disagree with how Reika is enforcing his rights as a content creator, that's fine. He, as well as others, also have the right to, for lack of a better term, call you a belligerent arse if your posts are unduly provocative, or what amounts to a liar if your posts contain blatant falsehoods. What cannot be argued is that Reika is acting well within his rights with regards to his mods. What he's attempting to do, from what I can gather, is to try to give himself some social wiggle room when some arse starts mouthing off about how "RotaryCraft/ElectriCraft/whatever is broken" when they're the ones responsible for said breakage in the first place. It'd allow him to say: "Well, either you didn't read the rules, didn't bother asking if change X would break things, or ignored my warnings that change X would break things. Either way you go, this isn't my responsibility, since you're the one that broke things, not me."

Pyure, brotha, you're reading things way, way the wrong way. You're implying smug superiority where there is none. Its a simple matter of fact: Reika's big mods have a very set progression that laymen may not very well grasp upon cursory observation. Basically, they're reading some blurbs about the mod and/or skimming the handbook, but they don't bother to actually play with the mod for a while before deciding X, Y, or Z mechanic is unbalanced or could be changed. You're acting like this is, say...IC2, and changing a recipe in RoC is equivalent to changing a recipe for a metal plate in IC2. You are far, far less likely to seriously hose IC2's progression with Minetweaker because its not as strict in terms of progression as RoC or Chromaticraft. Let me give ya an example, again comparing IC2 and RotaryCraft...

Let's say you want some kind of ultra-fast ore processing. With IC2, you can mine and farm for a long, long time and shoot almost straight to the top tier, with enough patience. All you need is enough resources; power generation is a lot simpler (from what I can recall) and good ol generator spam will actually get you somewhere, if you spam 'em enough. However, if you want to do the same thing with, say, a RotaryCraft grinder, you've got a lot more on your hands than a simple investment of resources and time. You need to know the shaft limits, how gearing works, you need to automate lubricant production to make sure that your gearboxes don't grind themselves down to complete uselessness. You can't just setup an extra big-ass charcoal farm and do a little clever wiring, you need to actually know how all these things work together, and engine spam just doesn't work in RotaryCraft until you're already at the top-tier of machinery. However, let's run some numbers, shall we?

  • The grinder's speed (in how many ticks a given operation is completed) is calculated like so: 900 - 60 × log₂ (speed + 1); it also requires a minimum of 128 Nm of torque at a minimum of 4,096 watts of power.
  • Using Wolfram Alpha, we can see that, to get a grinder to run at peak efficiency (1 operation per tick), you need to be running at 32,768 rad/s. (I rounded up to the nearest power of two, since RoC uses powers of two almost exclusively and WA's exact return value is 32,390.6 rad/s.)
  • Multiply this by 128, and you get 4,194,304 watts required to run a grinder at max.
  • When chained together, RoC engines only add their torque together, their speed remains unchanged. You cannot chain together two engines that operate at different speeds.
  • The simplest way to get the 4MW of power we need would be to daisy-chain 4 hydrokinetic engines together. These require lubricant to function and a significant amount of it, at that. However, with this, we run into a problem. One hyrdo generates 16,384 Nm @ 32 rad/s. Four hydros would, therefore, give us 65,536 Nm @ 32 rad/s. To get that 32 rad/s up to the 32,768 rad/s we need, we'd have to get a number of gearboxes equal to a 1024:1 ratio, geared toward speed, which could be done with two 16:1 and one 4:1 gearboxes which also require a constant lubricant supply. This would be all well and dandy, but we get into a serious issue: 65,536 / 1,024 = 64; that's half the torque we need to run the grinder, so it won't turn.
  • The next step would be to use a shaft junction to combine the power of two microturbines, which would give us 32 Nm @ 131,072 rad/s. This would actually do the job, requiring only a single 4:1 diamond gearbox geared for torque.
As you can see, you'd need to be well into the jet fuel stage before you could even consider running a grinder at maximum efficiency. This would require either several Magical Crops farms or, if you're going for a pure RotaryCraft method, a blaze farm and magma cube (or slime) farm, ethanol production, two grinders, one for each soul sand and netherrack, as well as a large, replenishing supply of coal as charcoal will not work in a fractionator. Powering the bedrock breaker is impossible without getting into jet fuel, so creating an upgraded shaft junction would have to wait until after you've already achieved jet fuel power. The only potential way around this, that I can see, would be some clever gearing and a quartet of charged, regular industrial coils. Even then, that may very well not work.

To compare this to...pretty much any other mod besides maybe GregTech is insane. By changing a single recipe, in this case bedrock ingots, you effectively obviate most of RotaryCraft's content, allowing you to jump straight to the endgame without so much as bothering to take the steps in between. If that's your pack's thing, then that's okay. However, your complaints will hold absolutely no water if you whine that your changes allowed you to get to RoC's endgame in a scant few hours, and I believe that is what Reika's after, not telling you what you can and can't do with his content.

(Also, yes, I have spent a lot of time researching how to do things in RotaryCraft. Yes, I know I'm a complete, utter dork. :p)
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RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
I am in full, entire agreement. Unlike the vast majority of mods, there are a few keystone items used to either progress further or gate progression. Taking away a keystone will either make progress impossible or open up the endgame from the first ingame day, neither of which are remotely desirable to essentially anyone.

One small correction:
The simplest way to get the 4MW of power we need would be to daisy-chain 4 hydrokinetic engines together.
4 hydros make 2MW (524kW ea), not 4MW. :p

Your numbers are conjured and subjective (how do you define "no idea what they're doing") and their intellect, capabilities and attitudes are none of your business.
Before I had the rules in place, I had about five people a day breaking RC because they had no idea what they were doing. Conversely, I can only ever think of one public-pack RC recipe modification that did not break anything, and that was Monster's ball bearing recipe conflict fix.

Your logic applies to other modders, and yet your stance is unique.
No, as I say on my site, most other mods do not have remotely the progression system or as powerful an endgame as RC, so most mods lose nothing from being MT-edited. Additionally, such changes are a lot harder to pass off as the mod's fault, seeing how much more well-known those mods are.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a non-starter. Not only does it require a DRM system implemented in the mods, but asking things like real names is not remotely reasonable (or necessary).

Yes it is DRM, but then so is disabling the mod if its being sold, and it could be argued that anti-MT code is also DRM. Mods like Forestry, Railcraft also at one point had DRM, It prevented hacked versions of the mods.

My point is that DRM isn't evil if its done properly.

Also, the real name would be a deterrent to those not willing to follow the rules and for enforceability.

Edit: Perhaps you could just get them to provide their IGN (and find their UID), and have rotarycraft relay messages to them if it has been denied. It is then up to them to check and fix the issues
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My input, for what it's worth, isn't likely to be popular, but considering the nature of this thread I'll speak up for once. As a disclaimer, I am not a mod author and it's unlikely I ever will be. Little patience for programming, I'd rather stick to my drafting and 3D modeling.

I feel as though this is going to result in a lot of headache, frustration, and the ever continuing bad reputation and gossip that arises from your mods, Reika. I see where you're coming from, and in a perfect world I wouldn't disagree with any of your proposed changes. However, we all know that there's a lot of rampant 'dumb' running around in our modspace, so I'm having a hard time seeing this work without being an entirely avoidable strain on the mod author.

Having said that, I do have my own proposed idea for it. What use is criticism without potential solutions, right? Just whining. In any case, the thought that came to mind was that Reika maintains a possible 'dev' version of the mods that allows for the above proposed changes, but said version is private and only released via personal contact to Reika, thereby gating its access to people who have demonstrated some measure of responsibility to Reika. This still results in work for the mod author, but I feel like if you have to expend some measure of effort just to get the mod in the first place, it'll dissuade a lot of nonsense from the peanut gallery. I could be wrong of course, but that's my perspective on the matter.

Whatever you choose, best of luck with it Reika. While this might encourage more claims of 'elitism' on Reika's part, I don't know that it especially matters considering the people who are going to be saying said things are by and large going to be the same people who ALREADY make those claims. You can only cry wolf so many times before it has no impact to speak of, after all.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
My input, for what it's worth, isn't likely to be popular, but considering the nature of this thread I'll speak up for once.

I feel as though this is going to result in a lot of headache, frustration, and the ever continuing bad reputation and gossip that arises from your mods, Reika. I see where you're coming from, and in a perfect world I wouldn't disagree with any of your proposed changes. However, we all know that there's a lot of rampant 'dumb' running around in our modspace, so I'm having a hard time seeing this work without being an entirely avoidable strain on the mod author.

Having said that, I do have my own proposed idea for it. What use is criticism without potential solutions, right? Just whining. In any case, the thought that came to mind was that Reika maintains a possible 'dev' version of the mods that allows for the above proposed changes, but said version is private and only released via personal contact to Reika, thereby gating its access to people who have demonstrated some measure of responsibility to Reika. This still results in work for the mod author, but I feel like if you have to expend some measure of effort just to get the mod in the first place, it'll dissuade a lot of nonsense from the peanut gallery. I could be wrong of course, but that's my perspective on the matter.

Whatever you choose, best of luck with it Reika.
How do I prevent redistribution?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How do I prevent redistribution?
Ah right, the internet. Dammit. I'm afraid I can't really help there. That comes back to ideas of black/whitelists, I suppose. I'm afraid I don't know enough as to how that sort of thing could be potentially avoided. The only thing that comes to mind is that anyone who asks for support in said version needs to be able to show that it was acquired from a legitimate source; whether from the pack designer who got permission, or showing that they themselves got direct permission. Failing that, I'd deny support for a copy that is in direct violation of the rules. People could certainly just look for big packs that contain the mod and use that pack author's name, but then I suppose you could also require that they go to said pack author, and if they can't solve it, that author comes to you.

Eh, sorry I can't be of more help there. Mostly brainstorming, and it's time to head back to school regardless to work on learning GD&T better. Good luck folks, I'll check back in after I get home!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I dont understand your motivation for making mods in the first place since all it really seems to do is cause frustration. Do people really send you that many harassing messages? If so, you'd think that eventually you would get used to it but apparently it still bothers you. I used to make mods for Morrowind which werent anywhere near as popular as Minecraft mods. You should be happy that people are playing your mods at all. Maybe your attitude has something to do with the angry messages you get, because you exude this elitist aura that makes people wary of asking for help. Plus you add things into your mods like the ProjectE blacklisting and Minetweaker disabling which only reinforces that perception.
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RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
I dont understand your motivation for making mods in the first place since all it really seems to do is cause frustration. Do people really send you that many harassing messages? If so, you'd think that eventually you would get used to it but apparently it still bothers you
Wasting my time bothers me as much now as it ever has, and getting insulted and harassed 6000 times does not make it any less unpleasant.
A bit of a story:
When I first got out of High school, I worked a customer service job (ride attendant) for a couple years, and the things that customers do to you - which in my case included screaming, obscenities, insults, threats, throwing garbage, and "stopped-at-the-last-second 'I just realized if I punch you for not letting me on I go to jail'" physical assault - get no easier with experience.

You should be happy that people are playing your mods at all.
That is the exact same phrase used by people who go on to say things like "mod authors should do as the community wants" and/or "suck it up and deal with it, people are jerks". Is that your position? If so, we have zero chance of agreement.

Maybe your attitude has something to do with the angry messages you get, because you exude this elitist aura that makes people wary of asking for help.
Any "attitude" I have is a result of how I have been treated. Before being continually subjected to the worst the community has to offer, I had no such "most players are either stupid, lazy, entitled, @$$holes, or all of the above". After experiencing it? Much more so. You can go look to my thread (which conveniently starts around the same time I got into Monster and started receiving such abuse) to see how that progressed.

Now, to be fair, I have long held beliefs about stupid and/or selfish people and the harm they do, but that is again from experience; most problems I run into (that are not the result of natural causes) are a result of somebody either being too stupid to live (eg missing an exam because the train was late because it hit a moron jogging on the tracks) or too selfish to care (eg tossing something of yours in the garbage because it was "in the way").
Case in point: I stand a good chance of missing my train this evening, because in the walk to the station, I - statistically speaking - will have between 20 and 40 people wandering into my path and stopping directly in it less than five meters in front of me, some on phones, some not. People who do not realize they just stopped in front of a person rushing somewhere are dumb, especially seeing as I am neither silent nor alone (part of a big crowd going to the same station) when rushing. People who do not care that they are basically meat roadblocks, and stand there texting or just staring at the sky, are selfish. The nail in the coffin is that they always give you this deer-in-the-headlights look as they stop, too. [/rant]

Plus you add things into your mods like the ProjectE blacklisting and Minetweaker disabling which only reinforces that perception.
So...rules are OK, but enforcing them is not?
I shall quote my javadoc on the MT handling:
* As I can already imagine the complaints of some 500 upset server admins and mod authors, who will object to the whole purpose of this class,
* I pose the following question:
* <br>
* Given that the rules that I have in place on some of my mods, which disallows using Minetweaker or other tools to change the core recipes - with the
* reason for that being the abuse I received day in and day out from people screwing things up and blaming me back before I put such rules in place,
* <a href="https://sites.google.com/site/reikasminecraft/modifications">as detailed on my website</a> - and the fact that, as I have
* recently seen firsthand, some people take rules as suggestions and make such changes anyway, what <i>exactly</i> is the problem with the fact I am
* now enforcing the rules? If you wish to say that this implementation causes problems, that there is a better way to enforce this, then I will by
* all means listen, but if your argument is one of moralistic proclamations that I have no right to enforce my own rules, no matter what, or that
* I am committing some offence by having rules in the first place, then I will still listen...but for my own amusement.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No I dont think you should "do what the community wants" because there are a lot of stupid, spoiled 12 year old boys playing Minecraft who would just turn it into a dirt to diamonds mod or something. The official forum is a cesspool of idiocy, it seems to go with the territory. Minecraft is popular with kids, and parenting skills have gone down the tubes. its a societal problem. Personally, I would get immense satisfaction if they destroyed their worlds because of misuse of my mods. But I would keep it to myself and try to present myself with some class like Azanor does. Wise, patient and helpful. I do understand your frustration but your mods are aimed at people who can figure things out on their own, not to people who make forum posts every time they have a question.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am punctually looking through your thread right now, but the hostile posts seem to be few and far between. Sure, most of those people who post there are not the smartest ones, but cases like those in your wall of shame seem to be the exception from what I can see.
But i'm probably looking at the wrong sections of the thread.
But I guess the proportion is not the crucial factor, but rather the absolute amount.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think you're always gonna have to have a tough skin, or a carefree attitude towards things. There's a lot of negativity the way things are right now, and there probably will be some later if you change things.

Really, you have to focus on the people who are what the mods are designed for. People complain about Greg all the time, but I'm sure he doesn't think much of it. He knows that the people who are complaining just aren't cut for the mod. And despite people complaining about the mod, he's still highly respected by the people who matter.

You could choose to have a tough skin and keep things the way they are now, have a tough skin and implement some sort of DRM, or have a tough skin and loosen up the requirements. Either way, you will always have stupid people complaining. That's really what it boils down to.


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
So far I have been spared of a lot of negativity. But my mod is still young and I may have been a bit lucky :)

In any case, I do welcome the changes for a more open approach. I think you will find your mod to be much more popular in HQM style modpacks for example.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But I would keep it to myself and try to present myself with some class like Azanor does. Wise, patient and helpful.

That, right there, is your problem. You're wanting Reika to respond like someone other than Reika when confronted with blatant idiocy, incompetence, and/or malice. That'd be like asking me to behave more like Direwolf in my videos: it ain't gonna happen. I'm gonna use salty language, and my builds are likely to be the ugliest damned things this side of Sloth from The Goonies. Now, if I were doing a series with someone else...let's just say that I and, by some miracle, Dire ended up doing a co-op thing together, I'd happily conform to his standards, but, when I'm on my own, I conform to nobody's standards but my own. Reika, from what I've seen, is much the same. He's perfectly civil when people are civil with him. When people are being stupid and/or malicious, then he's call 'em moronic baboons and/or arseholes. Honestly, I respect that. People are coddled far, far too often nowadays. People feel like they've got some right to not be offended; a right which does not exist in the civilized world. Hell, even when Reika's calling people belligerent baboons, he always comes across, to me, as being completely reasonable.

I know another guy like him, an admin from another forum that calls himself Sigma. He's perfectly reasonable, very rational, and very level-headed. However, he's not above calling people out when they're being obtuse knob-ends. I'd much rather work with a man that's willing to tell me where to get off when I start acting like a dope than one that tries to make sure I don't feel bad. The former makes me feel respected, that said person respects me enough to not sugar-coat things. The latter makes me feel condescended to, as if I'm a child whose sensibilities are far too delicate to survive even a small measure of offense.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can be very outspoken as well. In most situations, Im the smartest/most correct person in the room even though I am a moron and wrong most of the time. Ive been banned from many a forum because I run my mouth to laugh at/correct, stupidity and wrongness. And every time its happened, I knew before I hit that submit button what the reaction was likely to be. Its never been worth it.

I think Reika should take a laissez-faire attitude towards his mod making.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think- allowing yourself to get insulted by people is a huge waste of energy, especially when you could be focusing on the people who truly appreciate your work. With that said, everyone has the right to feel insulted. It just doesn't do anyone any favors.

The current policies make a lot of sense. I can understand why they were implemented, but I feel they actually take away from the full potential of the mod. You see, the people who were causing issues, didn't like the mod in the first place, that's why they changed it to make it easier. They liked certain features, but didn't appreciate the work that is required to get to that point. And you aren't really restricting these people by these policies, they would have given up on the mod anyways.

The people who are however being "restricted", are the people who would have liked to use the mod in a creative way, but have it fit a specific theme. I'm currently struggling to find a way to get it to fit the theme properly and not turn my pack into a regular "mods just thrown in a folder done." pack. I might have found a way, but its far from optimal. I also pay a ton of attention to detail. I've been anxious to release this pack for over 4 months, but couldn't because I didn't feel it was perfectly balanced yet.

From what I can tell, if you open up the policies, you will undoubtedly get more people complaining "oh it's OP!". But you'll get at least as much or more people saying ".. um no its not, its bloody difficult to get to the end game". Most people nowadays are attracted to well thought out packs- whether it be the new HQM packs released by the Phoenix team or packs like Blood n Bones. And I think that is where this mod will shine the most.

Just my opinion, but I think the positives outweigh the negatives.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
People complain about Greg all the time, but I'm sure he doesn't think much of it. He knows that the people who are complaining just aren't cut for the mod. And despite people complaining about the mod, he's still highly respected by the people who matter.
I address this on my page. Greg stays in his own community, meaning he neither gets the same backlash nor sees it when there is. I am not willing to cloister myself like that.

I think- allowing yourself to get insulted by people is a huge waste of energy, especially when you could be focusing on the people who truly appreciate your work. With that said, everyone has the right to feel insulted. It just doesn't do anyone any favors.
Being insulted by a comment is not under my voluntary control, and this does not solve the issue of wasted time.

From what I can tell, if you open up the policies, you will undoubtedly get more people complaining "oh it's OP!". But you'll get at least as much or more people saying ".. um no its not, its bloody difficult to get to the end game". Most people nowadays are attracted to well thought out packs- whether it be the new HQM packs released by the Phoenix team or packs like Blood n Bones. And I think that is where this mod will shine the most.
You touch on another point, though:
Where does it end? Remember, unlike some mods, RC has a very strong design ethic, even if backlash were not an issue, that I do not want compromised - both the balancing structure, the powerful endgame, and the realistic design. While a person could theoretically change all the recipes and still leave it balanced if they really knew what they were doing, that design could be severely hampered.

I am well aware that this argument of artistic vision carries a lot less influence with most people, but it still is something I consider strongly.

Either way, you will always have stupid people complaining. That's really what it boils down to.
While you are correct, there is either one position that generates the least backlash, or they are all equal. Much of my efforts on this matter are devoted to finding this.

I am punctually looking through your thread right now, but the hostile posts seem to be few and far between. Sure, most of those people who post there are not the smartest ones, but cases like those in your wall of shame seem to be the exception from what I can see.
But i'm probably looking at the wrong sections of the thread.
But I guess the proportion is not the crucial factor, but rather the absolute amount.
The proportion is small, and posts on forums tend not to survive very long as they get flagged and removed, so looking any more than a few days back will find nothing. Also, most does not get posted on my thread; the majority comes in the form of PMs, reddit, or, as mentioned earlier, third-party sites like server forums and somethingawful.

But I would keep it to myself and try to present myself with some class like Azanor does.
Azanor (and most other developers) largely stay out of the community. The reason they generate no backlash, and do not receive any, because they rarely if ever interact. That is not the approach I want to take.

your mods are aimed at people who can figure things out on their own, not to people who make forum posts every time they have a question.
They are, yes, but more general usership, as happened with the Monster inclusion, means everyone gets it installed, and the worst, the ones too incompetent/lazy to uninstall it, feel like they are being "forced" to play it. This, I think, was the main driving force behind the backlash in Monster.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another thing to consider is that we don't necessarily know 'why' Reika mods and releases those mods publicly. Even if I were able to make my own mods, I don't know that I'd be inclined to release them publicly. If I did, it'd almost certainly be on an 'as-is' basis, where there is no technical support and I have zero interaction with the community. That's a choice every mod-author makes ultimately, and how they decide to handle whatever comes their way is also their prerogative. I think a lot of people are awfully confused on that issue; people treat mod authors like publishers, and are expected to support their product. The problem is that quite a few mod authors are independent, make minimal or no money from their efforts, and may or may not have the thick skin that years of customer service in the real world tends to confer. I worked six years in retail myself, and I still absolutely refuse to bring more public bullshit on myself than absolutely necessary, even though I'm technically better able to handle whatever that sort of thing brings.

In any case, I'm not sure any of this discussion we're having at the moment is necessarily applicable to the point of the thread. If people are deriving value from it, I'm certainly not going to naysay it. Just feels offtopic, haha. Have you had any luck in figuring out what you are going to do, Reika?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The proportion is small, and posts on forums tend not to survive very long as they get flagged and removed, so looking any more than a few days back will find nothing. Also, most does not get posted on my thread; the majority comes in the form of PMs, reddit, or, as mentioned earlier, third-party sites like server forums and somethingawful.
Okay, makes sense. Derp.
And of course answering the same dumb question for the 100th time would be annoying as well.

Azanor (and most other developers) largely stay out of the community. The reason they generate no backlash, and do not receive any, because they rarely if ever interact. That is not the approach I want to take.
Kudos to you for that. No other popular mod author that I know of is so close to the community as you :)

That is not easy. Having someone constantly bash your creation with false accusations and harrassment is horrendous, and not something you can easily choose to ignore.
Correct. However don't get into a fallacy like "every negative thing said about my creation is untrue because it's mine". One should be able to admit mistakes.

your mods do not have the same kind of "scary complexity" as Reika's mods (no mods have that)
Yea, the only comparable would be Gregtech. And Greg is encapsulating himself in his own community at the IC2 forum.

Another thing to consider is that we don't necessarily know 'why' Reika mods and releases those mods publicly. Even if I were able to make my own mods, I don't know that I'd be inclined to release them publicly. If I did, it'd almost certainly be on an 'as-is' basis, where there is no technical support and I have zero interaction with the community. That's a choice every mod-author makes ultimately, and how they decide to handle whatever comes their way is also their prerogative. I think a lot of people are awfully confused on that issue; people treat mod authors like publishers, and are expected to support their product. The problem is that quite a few mod authors are independent, make minimal or no money from their efforts, and may or may not have the thick skin that years of customer service in the real world tends to confer. I worked six years in retail myself, and I still absolutely refuse to bring more public bullshit on myself than absolutely necessary, even though I'm technically better able to handle whatever that sort of thing brings.
That's a thing that I thought about myself. My personal motivations are doing something that I enjoy (programming), making creations that I enjoy using myself (with a few exceptions) and can be proud of and doing a favor to the community by releasing them. However negative stuff like this has dampened this motivation for me quite a lot. Seeing others suffer from this makes me sad as well.
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