Whitelist Server RaptorousCraft 1.5.2 FTB Ultimate Beta without Gregtech *Whitelist*

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I just wondered. You have the serverlag thingy, that deletes all entities. Items in pipes are also counted as entities, so are they deleted?
From what im getting guys there is an option on the launcher to change your version back to .5, on the top right hand corner its drop down option
We are currently running Version .5 of the Beta pack so you will need to select it on the launcher to make sure you get the right mods. We are still keeping an eye on v.7 for when it's stable enough to use.
IGN: sak93
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 19
Reason we should let you join: I am looking for a new server for me and a friend of mine to join, had some issues with bad owners on the previous servers so we are both looking for a new server. I am a trust worthy player, very friendly and gets along with everybody.
Hey guys i have a idea for a plugin:it would be cool if you can add a plugin where you can make your own shop add spawn where people can buy stuff
IGN: maxadmiral
Age: 17
Reason we should let you join: I'm a well behaved and quite good ftb player and i like helping others with their builds and any problems (only minecraft related ones) and my friend matsuli is already on this awesome server
IGN: MoobZorz
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): I am 16 soon to be 17
Reason we should let you join: I am a great person all over, always happy i enjoy making new friends and talking to people.. So very social, i love dong FTB stuff and have crazy ideas of machines and buildings i want to make.. Also i might be a bit young but alot of my friends are of older age so i am used to talking with people who are 22+.. And act mature so it shouldn't be a problem if anyone is older.. ;)
IGN: Deviant210
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 29
Reason we should let you join: Ive just started getting back into FTB. I had ran my own private server using the DW20 mod pack. Id like to experience ultimate to see how I like it, but without gregtech. All the other mods available in the ultimate mod pack sound great. Cant wait to try them out.
IGN: ollyollyoscar
Age: 16 (turning 17 this august)
Reason we should let you join: i like experimenting on small servers as public ones are too busy for anything and the landscapes are always destroyed, i play fair, i don't grief, i help out where possible and I'm always dedicated to community's

P.S WOW! i'm the hundredth person to reply to this post :cool: HELL YEAH!!!!
IGN: MMichael1986
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): I am 27
Reason we should let you join: I'm tired of SSP and im loving FTB beta ngt on single player and im bored without others being around!