Speaking of liquid mods, has anyone here every played with Plasmacraft? It added all sorts of cool liquids and acids and stuff. It became forge in 1.2.5 too. Dev dropped off the face of the earth before the liquid API came out sadly.
When liquid glass and metals cool they turn into solids. You cannot store them as a liquid without a constant source of high heat.
In order to store them as liquid, there would have to be a new kind of heated tank.
Apparently its going to be updated, so yay!![]()
I heard in one of dires videos they are working on doing just that. Every liquid will be place able in the world. Soon. Also, if it does, I'm turning my pool into liquid diamonds.
Oh, and my bee room will have glass as flooring, an under the glass liquid DNA of the rarest bee. Mwa ha ha. And in my bee and comb processor, same deal, but liquid honey. Oh, and the diamond pool will be 30 blocks deep. Mwa ha ha. I shall make my glorious fountains even more glorious with liquid emerald. Oh the possibilities! I know! I will have 3 block thick floor/ceiling for my multi story house. Make the outsides glass, and sandwiched in between, liquid ruby. And the walls will be glass incased sapphire, but only a ring of it on each floor. Liquid gold huh? I shall make my pathways glass, and liquid gold underneath. And the snobiness channel will return soon! [ADVERT ABOUT JADED SAYING THE FEATURES OF FORESTRY BETA, VILLAGER BREEDING INCLUDED]Such blatant snobbery and showing off just for the sake of showing off... I like your style!