[Public Pack] EPiCCRAFT 1.0.x {Progression}{Survival}

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hmmm.. I'll give the stone torches a try. I never have that issue with Crash Landing since I rarely use torches. Plentiful glowstone and saw means they aren't needed. Thank you for the help.
Oh and also remember, Armor is a huge deal!! If you are naked, then temperature can get really high or down really quick. Mud Armor, Log Armor are great for both or more like keep you balanced, Metal Armors pretty hot on daylight but warm at night. So just try to think about what makes sense in real life, Like I said, FANS!! keep a fan or 2 in you room and that should cool it off, same for mines, Fans are great to keep Air Quality and Temp :D
Smelters and Blast furnaces are also good sources of heat. Once you start looking at things, you can start minimizing the temp problems. Glowstone blocks in floors, etc instead of wood torches.
Here's my 2 cents :

The bars at the side need to be much MUCH more forgiving and there needs to be a clear wiki on what exactly affects them.
Currently all strategy from every player i've seen on the server im on consists of this: Keep food full, when you overheat/go insane/ or start choking, suicide, repeat.
Right now the bars are just a simple suicide timer and will stay that way unless enviromine does a complete rework of the mod.

I advise everyone and every server to turn off enviromine manually to get any value out of this modpack.#

Ps: The temperatur bar is absolutely insane. Having an inventory full of cold water plus a alchemy bag of cold water didnt even last me 20 minutes in the nether before getting a heatstroke. Plus I have gotten hypothermia and heatstroke at the same time now multiple times and the only way to make it go is then suicide.
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@wolfenstein19 that makes sense that even with that much cold liquid you'd have heat stroke. Considering the amount of fire/lava that is inherent in the nether the ambient temp would be incredibly high. Personally I have no trouble maintaining a balance of all of the enviromine bars. Sleep for sanity, water for thirst, leaves for o2, and finally knowing where to build, where to place hot objects plus my personal favorite, where to place my infinite spring aka my indoor pool.
Indoor pool + hardened Ice or snow blocks + fans = relief.
I cool down before heading into the nether for fun and games.
Given the fact that you need materials from it to progress, there must be a way to sustain your temperature while you'r there.
Failing that, bad game design.

Also maybe though about people on a server who cant just sleep?
Bring ice blocks to the nether maybe? It isn't something that I've ever had to deal with before, so it is a bit of a learning curve. And I've not been close to going to the nether in this pack yet. I have at least found a good place to set up a home finally. In an ocean biome, on a decent sized island. It's a lot easier to stay warm with environmine than staying cool, at least early on.
Bring ice blocks to the nether maybe? It isn't something that I've ever had to deal with before, so it is a bit of a learning curve. And I've not been close to going to the nether in this pack yet. I have at least found a good place to set up a home finally. In an ocean biome, on a decent sized island. It's a lot easier to stay warm with environmine than staying cool, at least early on.

Yep. Bring cool stuff to the nether. Approach the nether like it's vanilla, and you'll die of heat. Treat it as a bit worse enviorment than overworld mining. Make snow bricks or get hardened ice from a glacier. Set up a base in the nether, or several, to cool down, heal up, and explore from. It's not that bad at all.

People get upset when hard packs are hard. It's just a learning curve figuring things out. And may mean players have to adapt and take things a bit slower than they are used to.
And next Update you will have fire prot potions and enchant which will help with heat :D
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Asides from the overly annoying bars that obfuscate your play at times, progressing in this pack is very easy. You can pretty much start with steel tools once you get your smeltery. That bypasses the copper, flint, iron, bronze and alumite tiers of toools. The poorly guarded dungeons will give you plenty of anvils or chainmail armor. Through that your set for steel. Besides the stupid 5 minute suicide timer in the nether, going and mining there is also quite easy. Alumite for the progress on dynamos & other things is easily obtained. Titanium for the Inert stone can be made entirely with the smeltery. All you ever need to touch in Mariculture is the vat. Magnetite Armor (which you are absolutely bound to get at the rate the meteors are falling down) is easy and quick protection.

Food loots from dungeons are also ridiculous.
2 stacks of deluxe cheeseburgers in a single loot chest? Lets also not talk about the spammingly abundant igloos with loot chests within that also contain portal guns, food en masse, and other precious dungeon loot.

all in all the concept is good, but if this pack aims to be hard it needs to be less annoying and unfair, and more concise with the progression, because right now, you can skip 90% of it without running risk of something bad happening to you.

People get upset when hard packs are hard. It's just a learning curve figuring things out. And may mean players have to adapt and take things a bit slower than they are used to.
Also, mechanics like this dont make the pack hard. The easiest way to progress in this is just to suicide a lot. Thats a core difference to things like BnB where its actually hard, but not because arbitrary buggy bars say that you die, instead you die because the modpack hates you. :)
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And thats why this is 1.0.7 Really early beta and actual bug reports help us fix progression bugs like this one and others people have reported but well, just screamin I dont like the pack because of this and that doesnt help at all :D, If you read the actual bug report section you will find out everything you just complained about has already been posted before and it will be fixed in the next update, And yeah If you want to die alot good for you!! I used to do the same with food since Minecraft Beta until I actually tried to play how is supose to and had more fun building farms and alot of stuff to feed myself and now with enviromine the same, I actually try to do something about the stats and not just die because im "annoyed" by food,water,temp,etc. And If you say theres nothing you can do about water, temp, air well you just have to try blocks that make sense to help those stats since like I said this is beta and we still dont have a wiki.

And If after that you dont enjoy it thats why you have an amazing catalog of modpacks on FTB where you can find the pack that fits your style of gameplay.

Oh and next time if you have more suggestions or bug reports please be sure to follow this link: BugReport Forum otherwise Im afraid I cant be anymore help to you and will abstain to answer you any further.
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I'm doing fine in the Nether. You just need a dull flower band to keep your sanity up. Bring fans, leaf blocks and a frezarite helm for air. The Nether isn't too hot unless you stand next to lava. Might get a bit of heat stroke if you get set on fire by Blazes but you'll cool back down. I took hardened ice and made some ice rooms but I can't tell if they're making any real difference.

One problem with the Nether we did have is crashing the server upon return. Eventually it got to the point where the server wouldn't start up at all and I had to remove/recreate the Nether. Ticking world NPE error. Keeping my eye on a post about it on ce's forum.

I am enjoying the progression, really changed up my usual build order. Instead of having a quarry by the end of the first real world day I don't have one at all after a week of play.
I don't know if it's planned, but if not, I really recommend spawning the player with some kind of explanatory book to teach them the more obtuse mechanics. Like, I have no idea how to increase my health or how to deal with the myriad temperature/water/sanity based status effects because there's no explanation for why they're happening, which mods they're from, or how to counteract them. I suspect that managing that stuff could be really fun once they're understood, but right now there's a knowledge gap - basically people who are already aware of the status mods being used will probably enjoy this, while people who aren't are just going to be confused.
Yes, books are good. I think they are tough to do at first though. The modpack is in beta. We get to explore and find problems and go along for the ride, but end of the day, we need to keep in mind it's an unfinished modpack and WIP. Books can be a lot of work, and best done once you are sure what mods are in, how you tweak them, etc.

However, that does open up a door of opportunity. Lots of people like to help. If theres a way to write up what would go into a book, or make it and transfer the entire file, that could be a big help to the people working on the modpack. (I know nothing of this stuff, old and don't code at all, I did Fortran in college, not Java. I just assume this is possible :) )
Im finally done with the book! :D


Sorry this took a little while but we are ready to release a major update this weekend. The book will be more of a getting started guide at first, we will be adding more as need it from feedback we get from you.

Thank you for all the feedback it helped us so much on making sure we make the pack better for everyone!
Out of all the current gen modpacks I've played in FTB, this one is by far my favorite. It does everything that the other packs tried to do in order to expand gameplay without losing focus down the line. A big hand out to Jon and CyaNide! Now get back to work, Minecrafters!
Sorry for the delay on the update but it was my birthday and my brother's wedding on the same week so I was a little bit busy :P The new update should be up this weekend.
I have found a bug.
Version 1.07
Mod: Tinkers + Other
Bug: When using a Mattock on land not adjacent to water, the Mattock will break the grass returning the block to dirt with a chance to generate a seed. But if the Mattock runs out of durability while tilling the land, it will break and vanish like a vanilla tool and no remain as a broken tool that can be repaired. This is the only instance I have found where the Mattock will break and vanish.