Psi Discussion Thread

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4 ingots to make the CAD assembly
4 ingots to make the core
2 ingots to make a socket
2 ingots to make a battery (one gold)

Sub total is 12

All useless by about the midpoint of the tutorial, mod offers no method to recover them or reuse components.

By the time you figure this out you've made at least two bullets and a few Psimetal ingots, easily bringing the total to 18 and making me question why I really really need to blow up 5 blocks with a shiny gun.

That's not alot...and it's worth it.
That's not alot...and it's worth it.
Some people also think the SlapChop or the Shamwow is worth it. I am not one of those people.

Of course not everyone feels this way about the mod but I'd have loved to save myself the goose chase, so here I am sharing my opinion in the hopes that it saves a likeminded person some time.
4 ingots to make the CAD assembly
4 ingots to make the core
2 ingots to make a socket
2 ingots to make a battery (one gold)

Sub total is 12

All useless by about the midpoint of the tutorial, mod offers no method to recover them or reuse components.

By the time you figure this out you've made at least two bullets and a few Psimetal ingots, easily bringing the total to 18 and making me question why I really really need to blow up 5 blocks with a shiny gun.

You didn't even need to make the battery. You look at it as waste I look at it as a investment. I built a few swords in my latest minecraft world that I will never use again, I don't consider the resources used to make them wasted though.

For the amount of power that PSI can give to someone who uses it correctly the small amount of resources that will be used on the tutorial is really nothing.

But you've said what is really important, this isn't a mod for everyone. Personally I can't find myself enjoying creating spells and such, but I surely do enjoy using the spells that others have crafted and looking at the amount of thought that people have put into them. The one flight spell I got a copy of isn't a really powerful form of flight but it allows me to get around and the fact that they made it work so well and be used forever without running out of energy is amazing.
You didn't even need to make the battery. You look at it as waste I look at it as a investment. I built a few swords in my latest minecraft world that I will never use again, I don't consider the resources used to make them wasted though.

For the amount of power that PSI can give to someone who uses it correctly the small amount of resources that will be used on the tutorial is really nothing.

But you've said what is really important, this isn't a mod for everyone. Personally I can't find myself enjoying creating spells and such, but I surely do enjoy using the spells that others have crafted and looking at the amount of thought that people have put into them. The one flight spell I got a copy of isn't a really powerful form of flight but it allows me to get around and the fact that they made it work so well and be used forever without running out of energy is amazing.

"I built a few swords in my latest minecraft world that I will never use again, I don't consider the resources used to make them wasted though."

This is likely because they kill slowly. The Iron CAD barely has enough energy to break 4 sand blocks. It should not cost a dozen iron ingots and be largely useless.
So, sorry for noobing on you guys, but I'm not seeing this detail on PSI's Curse mod/download page, or on Vazkii's site: How do I get started with the tutorial? I don't see any keypress for it, and JEI lists no apparent book under @psi.

Indeed it is (thank you!), and it should be prominently linked on the mod's download pages, not to mention the OP here. The key information, slightly trimmed, reformatted, and quoted for future reference:

[...]having Just Enough Items (JEI) or some other method of looking up recipes is essential[...]. In order to get started spellslinging, you'll need some Psidust.
  1. To get Psidust, you need to start by crafting a CAD Assembler and an Iron CAD Assembly.
  2. Place down the CAD Assembler and put the Iron CAD Assembly in it to construct a very barebones Casting Assistance Device (CAD).
  3. From there, drop some Redstone and Lapis in the world, preferably at a 1:1 ratio. Equip your CAD, point at the dropped items and right click to make your Psidust.
  4. Welcome to the leveling menu and Tutorial 1.
(BTW: Are there other "point the CAD recipes?" If so, do those show up in JEI?)
I would avoid that tutorial page. It was only made to have it in a readable format before it was properly available ingame.

You can find it ingame by pressing the Psi Master Keybind, which you can rebind in the keybinds menu under Inventory.
OK, I'm not sure how I missed the keybind the first time through, but now I see it. Probably it should be mentioned on the download pages. Once that game reaches the appropriate tech levels, I'll be trying it, thanks!
Super noob question here; I'm really struggling with getting my head around how some of the slightly more advanced stuff works (only very slightly; tutorial level 5) - does anyone know of any good in-depth tutorials or teaching info for Psi? I'm not super bright, and the in-game tutorial just... doesn't give me enough, to understand how to use things, you know? I was trying to use the entities one (I needed to use the "get nearest entity to a point in a list" one, or something along those lines), and I just... couldn't... do it...! I tried a bunch of different things and even when I had what I thought was a working spell it told me it was out of the range (32 blocks), even though I thought I'd done the entity look thing and I was looking close! :(

So TL;DR: in-depth and small simple steps, if such a thing exists?
I love this Mod :)

Great work (same applies to Botania, ...)

One (or two) things i would love to see for the CAD
2+ Itemslots INSIDE the CAD which you can use for tasks like:
* compare to block at world vector position
* set as item for place block tricks
* set as filter to break loops, so you can make a blockreplacer for example, which ends at some stop block, or doesnt replace some custom defined blocks.
so also a block breaker with blacklist would be possible

I know that certain of this can be archived by the Focus Slot function, but i would rather keep my tools in the Hotbar ;)
How is is that an "add motion" of 1 or 2 upwards barely hops a mob off the ground, while an explosion of the same value sends them hurtling upwards far enough to add fall damage to the blast damage?

ETA: On the other hand, explosions don't seem to destroy their own block drops, which immediately turns my "oh no, blowing up the landscape" to "hmmm, that could be useful". :)
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A suggestion and a couple of spells:

If you removed the "costs one level to learn one lesson" constraint, it would be much easier for other mods to add lessons without perhaps "trapping" the player on their track. You'd still have the accumulated-level constraint and prerequisites to control the overall path, but where more than one lesson is available, why not let the player read though them all, before choosing which to "pass", perhaps even combining them....

And, a spell for the mid-level player (in the 11s) group of lessons: I came up with this one as part of preparing for the Nether, along with a basic bridge spell and a rather weak off-by-back spell.

The first one blinks you 5 spaces ahead (because that's all my CAD can handle right now), and places a block underneath where you'll be. Main problem: If your blink is shorter than that (e.g., against a wall), the block will not be placed correctly. Note that I couldn't use Vector Raycast because that throws an error if it doesn't find a block in range.

ETA: On further consideration, this isn't working nearly as well as I'd thought -- sometimes I'm falling through with a bit of suffocation damage! I'd thought both tricks were guarded against that, but apparently they double-teamed the guards. Maybe I just have a bad altitude about this. <ducks>

Blink-block 1.0
Created Friday 24 March 2017

{spellName:"blink-block 1.0",uuidMost:-1444736660429648319L,validSpell:1b,spellList:[0:{data:{params:{_target:2},key:"operatorEntityPosition"},x:2,y:3},1:{data:{key:"selectorCaster"},x:2,y:4},2:{data:{params:{_distance:4,_target:1},key:"trickBlink"},x:2,y:5},3:{data:{params:{_position:2},key:"trickPlaceBlock"},x:3,y:2},4:{data:{params:{_vector3:0,_vector2:4,_vector1:3},key:"operatorVectorSum"},x:3,y:3},5:{data:{params:{_target:3},key:"operatorEntityLook"},x:3,y:4},6:{data:{key:"constantNumber",constantValue:"5"},x:3,y:5},7:{data:{key:"constantNumber",constantValue:"-2"},x:4,y:2},8:{data:{params:{_target:4},key:"connector"},x:4,y:3},9:{data:{params:{_target:3},key:"operatorVectorNormalize"},x:4,y:4},10:{data:{params:{_x:0,_y:3,_z:0},key:"operatorVectorConstruct"},x:5,y:2},11:{data:{params:{_vector3:0,_vector2:2,_vector1:1},key:"operatorVectorSum"},x:5,y:3},12:{data:{params:{_number2:2,_vector1:3},key:"operatorVectorMultiply"},x:5,y:4},13:{data:{key:"constantNumber",constantValue:"5"},x:5,y:5}],uuidLeast:-7071613441514526462L}
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Suggestion for a block/feature (either an addon to the features of the CAD Assembler or a seperate block. CAD Maintenance Station? CAD Modification Worktable? CAD Disassembler? I've never been good with names... so suggestions would be helpful.). A Block/feature that would allow you to "Uncraft" a CAD or alter it's internal specs. You could remove all the parts in you CAD assembly and transfer them to another allowing you to reuse parts. Also, you could add parts after a CAD is created, or even swap out parts.
Example 1: Let's say that after making a basic CAD assembly with minimal parts you want to add a colorizer and battery to it. BAM, Now you CAD looks different and you won't be killed by that awesome spell you created that requires so much power.
Example 2: You old CAD is now no longer a viable option so you remove some the parts from it (example: batteries, sockets, etc...) you use some of those recycled parts to offset the cost of creating your next CAD.
Example 3: Your Awesome CAD can't handle that new spell! You swap out some of the older parts for better stuff, BAM, You can now cast that new spell.
Anyone think this is a good idea?
Running into another problem. I'm trying to make a spell that places a lightsource on the block I'm looking at. I quickly realized I needed to use Vector Raycast Axis to move the target point out of the targeted block itself. But IIRC, VRA in this context was supposed to return the axis for the side of the block you're looking at... and it doesn't seem to be doing that. I'm getting a unit vector all right, but the choice of vector only occasionally gets the right direction -- frequently, it's off to the side instead, and I don't really see a pattern to when it's working or not.

In related suggestions: Yup, you need a manual that doesn't disappear on you like the tutorial explanations. If you really want to limit the tiles explained according to the caster's progress, you could key it to the various types of infusion: Say, using a null spell on a bookcase gets the "basic" manual, using Infusion on the same gets an intermediate manual, and using Greater Infusion gets the advanced manual.
Suggestion for a block/feature (either an addon to the features of the CAD Assembler or a seperate block. [...] A Block/feature that would allow you to "Uncraft" a CAD or alter it's internal specs. You could remove all the parts in you CAD assembly and transfer them to another allowing you to reuse parts. Also, you could add parts after a CAD is created, or even swap out parts.
Anyone think this is a good idea?

I... don't much. Committing resources to building stuff isn't nearly as universal in Minecraft as it is in real life, but it's still a thing. An advanced CAD is meant to be a major commitment of resources, and there are several different options for how to use those resources. The point is that you do need to make a choice and decide which of the options you want to go with. That's a challenge, and letting a player go back on those choices is taking away that challenge.
I have been working on doing this for a about an hour tonight lol. Enjoy my hard earned variable blink program.

The reason it took me so long is that i had to figure out how to use a number efficiantly on something that required a constant number and this is how i did it!

{spellName:"Variable blink",uuidMost:2936961566570529847L,validSpell:1b,spellList:[0:{data:{key:"constantNumber",constantValue:"1"},x:2,y:2},1:{data:{params:{_number2:4,_number3:0,_number1:1},key:"operatorSubtract"},x:2,y:3},2:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:2,y:4},3:{data:{key:"selectorSneakStatus"},x:3,y:3},4:{data:{params:{_number2:4,_number3:0,_number1:3},key:"operatorMultiply"},x:3,y:4},5:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:3,y:5},6:{data:{key:"selectorCaster"},x:4,y:3},7:{data:{key:"constantNumber",constantValue:"-3"},x:4,y:4},8:{data:{params:{_number2:1,_number3:0,_number1:3},key:"operatorSum"},x:4,y:5},9:{data:{params:{_distance:2,_target:3},key:"trickBlink"},x:5,y:3},10:{data:{params:{_target:2},key:"connector"},x:5,y:4},11:{data:{params:{_target:3,_constant:4},key:"constantWrapper"},x:5,y:5},12:{data:{params:{_number:0,_target:1},key:"trickDebug"},x:5,y:6},13:{data:{key:"constantNumber",constantValue:"6"},x:6,y:5}],uuidLeast:-7421137602432555024L}
Hey everyone, i am playing skyfactory 3 and am quite advanced so i tought i start with psi, me as stupid as i am decided to immidiatly make the max stuff. but i cant find the recipe for an Psigem anywhere, can anyone help me?
Hey everyone, i am playing skyfactory 3 and am quite advanced so i tought i start with psi, me as stupid as i am decided to immidiatly make the max stuff. but i cant find the recipe for an Psigem anywhere, can anyone help me?
Ah, you must not be familiar with the way Psi gates its crafting materials (well, you are new to it!) - making the psi-stuff requires different levels of Infusion trick - for the psigem, I believe you require Trick: Greater Infusion, which isn't unlocked until later.