They came. Just as we predicted.
We saw the signs very clearly- stars snuffed out, planets disappearing without a trace. The night sky was being eaten away. By a parasitic civilization we called the Watchers.
But we prepared for them. The best minds of technology and magic rushed from all edges of Minecraftia to work on a project for the world's salvation. We called it Project Oblivion. We thought that we could make it, that we could survive.
How wrong we were...
They came, sooner than we thought. They released their ultimate weapon; a chemical called Oblivion. Ironic, that the name of our salvation was the name of our destruction.
The world became a husk of its... self. The survivors went mad due to the isolation. I myself don't think I can hold on much longer...
If you are reading this, then you may be the last person left.... The survival of our species; no, the survival of the entire universe depends on you. Activate... Project... Oblivion... save... the...
[the note ends in unrecognizable scribbles]