Whitelist Server Project Dinamo [Monster 1.1.2][Whitelist][15 slots][No bans][18 +]

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Minecraft username: Minuhasune
Age: 21
Location and GMT: Finland, GMT+2
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why?: Not to my knowledge
Why would you like to join?: Because I've been trying to find a place to play Monster in (Most of the servers are US which does not do good for my connection) and I don't wanna do it in the complete solitude of single player (I'm a social person, I need people to talk with =()
Why should we accept you?: Eh, you'd get to have me there on the server :3 Totally a status symbol to be proud of!
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods?: The extent of my knowledge in nearly every mod apart from Blood magic is quite good, as I've played a lot since long time past. Most recently completed Agrarian Skies & played some Monster in SSP.
How often will you be online?: A lot. I'm a student with no employment who's on summer vacation. I've nothing else to do than to be on the 'puter.
Do you agree to our rules?: Aye
Minecraft username: esteban1113
Age: 20
Location and GMT: Costa Rica, GMT-6:00
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why?: Nope
Why would you like to join?: Because I like playing monster a lot but all the servers I know have too much plugins so the experience is gone
Why should we accept you?: because I am a very friendly person and I know a lot of the mods
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods?: I know a lot of the mods mostly the ones that are in FTB
How often will you be online?: A lot, I am in summer vacations so I have a lot of time and I when I came from school y start playing
Do you agree to our rules?: yes :P
Minecraft username : Vorka
Age : 23
Location and GMT : Portugal GMT
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : No
Why would you like to join? : Just tired of playing alone. Want to have some fun in multiplayer.
Why should we accept you? : I know my way around mods and can help others too.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I have more experience on direwolf20 pack but the mods aren't so different between them.
How often will you be online? : A couple of hours during the week but more time during the weekend.
Do you agree to our rules? : Yes
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Minecraft username : servusmortis
Age : 22
Location and GMT : the Netherlands, GMT +1/2?
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : no
Why would you like to join? : After playing other modded minecraft servers for a bit, i stumbled across the monster pack, and i would love a mature enviroment where i can experience all this pack has to offer:)
Why should we accept you? : because i am awesome, obviously. in all seriousness though, i am a friendly, cooperative player, with experience with most of the mods, and more so with building
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : plenty of experience with minecraft overall
How often will you be online? : most likely a couple of hours every weekday
Do you agree to our rules? : absolutely
Minecraft username :sgtjester
Age :17
Location and GMT :utc
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? :nope
Why would you like to join? : been looking the whole year for time to play and now i got it.
Why should we accept you? : why wouldn't you accept a calm friendly person who likes to help others. i have some experience but there is still a lot to learn in this modpack, i'm sure you won't regret accepting such a person :p.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : as i said i have some experience but still learning there is always new ideas coming up.
How often will you be online? : i would say 2-4 hours if the server lag free.
Do you agree to our rules? :yes surely i do.
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Minecraft username : BlodynBach
Age : 24
Location and GMT : UK, GMT
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : Nope
Why would you like to join? : Because I have that FTB craving again, I really wanna try out the new modpack and I like the look of your server!
Why should we accept you? : You should accept me because I'm pretty nice, I like playing at all times of night and I'm social!
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : None with monster (google is my friend :D) a lot with ultimate and dw20, even packs before that and tekkit even before then!
How often will you be online? : Really depends on whether anyone wants to employ me in the real world or not ;p
Do you agree to our rules? : Absolutely
Minecraft username : Conday_
Age :23
Location and GMT : U.S Central
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? :nope
Why would you like to join? :Only interested for a small community and LONG LASTING server. i get aggrivated that every time i get something cool built the server closes or everyone quits. I am looking for a place where this doesnt happen
Why should we accept you? : Great at minecraft in general. Played over 100 hours on monster 100 hours on agrarian skies and many others. just like building awesome structures and reaching the most of my potential.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : Great with alot of them. Thaumcraft 4, big reactors, AE, Magical crops.
How often will you be online? :every night during weekdays Rarely on weekends due to family
Do you agree to our rules? :yes
Minecraft username : coolvictorDJ
Age : 18
Location and GMT : U.S. Eastern
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : I have never been banned from a server before. I am kind of the "follow the rules" kind of person.
Why would you like to join? : Since school is out, I have quite the bit of time during the day and I have literally all day to play FTB. I get bored of the recent games and FTB seems to be the only entertaining game for me. I seek a server where people build upon each other as a community and help each other out. I as well want to befriend a whole new community and help as much people as I can.
Why should we accept you? : I am very friendly person and I really love to help other people out with their creations or just plain help them in bringing them up. I have quite of bit of experience playing FTB.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I have played vanilla Minecraft since Beta 1.7.9 and have played modded Minecraft for about 2-3 years. I have a good understanding on how to play Monster and have played single-player for a while trying to see the best way to start a world. I also having a good understanding on how to play the majority of the 1.6 packs such as the direwolf20 pack.
How often will you be online? : Everyday, I have ALOT of freetime.
Do you agree to our rules? : I agree to the rules :)
Minecraft username : Haurudon
Age : 21
Location and GMT : Sweden GMT +2
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : No
Why would you like to join? : Because I want to play with a friend of mine and see what it would be like with this servers mods
Why should we accept you? :You should accept me because I am a kind person that likes to help people and I am social.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I've played ultimate and direwolf but have not tried monster yet
How often will you be online? : Depends on when I have time possibly on everyday
Do you agree to our rules? : Yes
Minecraft username : trexpl0s1ve
Age : 22
Location and GMT : Istanbul, GMT +2
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : Nope
Why would you like to join? : Pass time and hang out with fellow Minecrafters.
Why should we accept you? : I love helping others out and participating in group activities. I'm a fairly active player, I get along nicely with others.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I've been playing modded MC since 1.2.5, so I can say quiet a lot.
How often will you be online? : Few hours a day, but it really depends, sometimes I can be online all day.
Do you agree to our rules? : Sure