Private FTB Server || FeedTheCrafts

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  • age: 15
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name) JoezToothbrush
  • country of residence: Canada
  • Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist): Yes and Yes
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people? Yes and Yes, as long as it doesn't involve losing expensive machines or setups! :)
  • Why do you want to join: Feed The Beast and Tekkit servers aren't the best when its open to the public and many limitations are given because of things like lag or certain plugins or even certain people, so I have been looking for a server to join and this on looks suitable to what I want and I look forward to connecting with a smaller community.
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me): I am a great "team player", I socialize and play best when on a multiplayer server like yours so I will be able to bring fun and talent in minecraft to the table. I look forward to getting to know you and the members of the server and have a great time on the server. I could tell you more but this will make it short and sweet
P.S sorry for the late entry, I just started looking for a server today and came across yours. Thankyou for reading and I hope you consider. :)
  • age:14
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name)rysken_kimjaro
  • country of residence:U.S.A.
  • Skype no
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people?I am ok with being pranked, but pranking others might not happen very often
  • Why do you want to join:I've gotten tired of playing alone and wish to play with other people
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me): So i can enjoy the FTB mod pack to it's fullest, play with other people and so i can help better the server
  • age:13
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name) xlolfox
  • country of residence: Israel
  • Skype : I have skype, although not able to talk alot since my english isnt so good but if i have to be in the call i will and mostly listen :)
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people? Im fine with being pranked, i wont prank alot, only if someone will prank me, later ill prank him back ^_^
  • Why do you want to join:I want to join this server cause it looks AWESOME and i love to play FTB and mostly because u wrote its private :) i dont like open servers
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me): I think u should add me to whitelist because i have TON of free time ingame and outgame (reality) i am kind and helpful, i will help alot of new players and old ones with stuff that i know and they dont (that why they'll need help)

    Hope to join - xlolfox
  • age:15
  • My IGN is greatshooter
  • country of residence: China
  • Yes I have skype and i will be willing to speak and chat with other people.
  • Yes i am okay with both, but depends on the type not like traps all over(mainly tnt stuff i dislike) stuff like portal gun i really enjoy using >:)
  • Why do you want to join: I don't really have a server to play on and the ones i do find i get griefed over night :(
  • Ah persuasion, it all depends on how I can really help the server, helping people, attempting to organize events, making complex redpower shizzle (hope you're okay with a frame quarry) and a lot more, i have a large experience with a lot of the mods but the only new(ish) mod is gregtech. but still that is fun.
And here is a question for you. Will you be editing the config for any of the mods? (gregtech puts some players back quite a while to grind for resources)
  • age: 11 turning 12 in may
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name) jac1011
  • country of residence:Canada EH?
  • Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist): jacfoda
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people? yes and HELL YEAH (not big)
  • Why do you want to join:I always wanted a good ftb server so i dont feel alone in my server and this one look AWESOME
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me):because i dont greif (sorry i dont have the best english) and i dont annoy every body (i annoy no one) and i know a power source that everyone could use! (secert ill tell you if you whitelist me )well ill tell you anyway so you dont get forced to whitelist me (on skype)
  • age: 13
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name): Meloras
  • country of residence: The Nederlands
  • Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist): I do Its: matthewsmeetsnl
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people? Yes i am alright with being pranked and i will do my best to do it back :)
  • Why do you want to join: Becouse i LOVE Ftb and i want to play on a server that is always online, and play with other pepole(and mabey get on youtube and record)
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me): I am very good with building, and i love to discover things AND i LOVE FTB :)
  • age: 17
  • Minecraft IGN: jkribbz
  • country of residence: Wales (United Kingdom)
  • Skype: Indeed I do have skype. Yes I don't mind talking on Skype if i do get whitelisted.
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people? Yeah as long as I can get my stuff back and I'd prank people If I am aloud.
  • Why do you want to join: I've been looking for a Feed The Beast community to join for a while now, but all of them have griefer's or have closed as a result of the griefer's. So I'd like to join a long term server which I could probably record on and get to know the other players.
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist?: For one i'm easy to get along with, I like a good prank that I can reflect on and laugh about. I also like to explore the different mod's available on FTB and build unique structures. I've developed an interest with thaumcraft recently and discovering new ways to make things self sustaining. I'd like to get to know the other members like I've said and possibly include them in some video's that i intend to do in the (Hopefully) near future. But most importantly I'm here to have fun as many people are with this game. Thank you for reading my application. ~jkribbz
  • age:18
  • Minecraft IGN:Far_away_gamer
  • country of residence:USA
  • Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist):my Skype is aaron85254
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people?:yes and YES!
  • Why do you want to join:i like to film for youtube
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me):I'll like to make your server famous on youtube
  • age: 20
  • Minecraft IGN: joekool92
  • country of residence: United States- Texas
  • Skype: Yes
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people? I'm ok with being pranked so long as it isn't griefing, but I'm not the type to be pranking, unless it's part of a group prank.
  • Why do you want to join: My friend jkribbz is attempting to join and said this was a good whitelist server. I'm relatively new to FTB and would prefer to play on a medium/large FTB whitelist server with a good community and economy.
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist?: because I'm a dedicated and mature player, I tend to donate to servers that are good to me and their community, I'm not a griefer, I have experience as an admin/ mod on another server (regualr MC, died a while back).
  • age: 14
  • Minecraft IGN (patorica)
  • country of residence: England
  • Skype yes i have skype ill message you if/when im accepted
  • Are you alright with being pranked? (yes) Will you prank people? (yes)
  • Why do you want to join: i would like to join because i have been playing minecraft ftb in single player for a cupple of weeks and would now like to show off my talents and learn some more in multiplayer
  • Why should we add you to the white-list? you should add me because im alot of fun ill will be on alot of the time and i will help others and follow the rules. i have also dun several good adventures build. Plus my pranks will just be EPIC!

Thanx`s for considering me!
  • age:14
  • Minecraft IGN:bluebull12
  • country of residence:Uk
  • Skype:bluebull121
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people:If someone pranks me i will prank them back :D
  • Why do you want to join:because i am looking for a good server no lag and i wont to meet new people
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me):Because i am good at most of the mods on the mod-pack and i willing to help people if they need help.:p
  • age: 20
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name): JohannBorges
  • country of residence: Brazil
  • Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist): Yes, I have. And I would.
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people? Sure, pranks are funny. But I don't think I would prank others.
  • Why do you want to join: Because I'm tired of playing alone and I'm looking for a small community to join.
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me): I'm a friendly person and like to help others on their buildings and stuff. I was a member of a vanilla server, but the server went offline some time ago, so, I'm looking for some new server.
  • age:17
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name)Minecraft
  • country of residence:U.S.A
  • Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist):I would be willing to Skype
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people? Yes I am okay with pranks, and I will prank, but only when it is actually a good idea.
  • Why do you want to join: I love FTB but the server I used to play on shut down and this server seems really nice.
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me): I am a great builder, but that's nothing compared to my FTB Skills. I'm a master in almost every mod in FTB. The only mod I'm not great in is Redpower 2. I am a master in everything else though. I would be willing to help others who needed help with mods, too. I really hope you consider me.
  • age: 15
  • Minecraft IGN: Trollin4dayz
  • country of residence: USA
  • Skype: Soon, i'm getting a new mic for my B-day in two days! (Trollin4dayz) is the skype name.
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people? I am totally okay with being pranked... but that doesn't mean I wont get revenge.... I probably will prank pretty often but it will be a small prank as long as they didn't do something to me first.
  • Why do you want to join: I have always loved FTB but singleplayer just bores me! If I try to play on a multiplayer server i'm just going to get griefed and get upset.
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me) I could be a good contribution with nice builds and helping my fellow server mates. I could also help any staff (if there is any) on anything. I love to help people and I usually try to be a funny person. I would probably leave a witty sign on my prank victim's land.
  • age:15
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name):faiqizaan100
  • country of residence:Malaysia
  • Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist):I do have skype, but I would not be willing to talk for the time being.
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people?:its alright with the prank but prank people,hmmm if im not lazy enough...surely i will prank people.
  • Why do you want to join:I dont want to join public server bcause,they all dont respect people and always greifing,I dont like that typical things in minecraft(FTB)
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me):I am a trustable guy,hate griefing,can help anyone who needs help,and a great builder(but not pro enough).

    *not really sure I will be pick or not..but its for you to decide :)
  • age:8 Im not like most 8 year olds im alot more mature
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name):dr_blockenstein
  • country of residence:USA
  • Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist):No i cannot get it
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people?Yes and yes
  • Why do you want to join:I wanna join a good ftb server
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me):I know alot of ftb and i got banned once but for PRANKING and PRANKING is allowed on this server plus I have very in-depth knowing about the mods plus i watch direwolf20
  • age: 14
  • Minecraft IGN xXEazzyKillaXx
  • country of residence: Canada
  • Skype xXEazzyKillaXx
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people? Yes, I am alright with being pranked, I will prank back if i am pranked and we can start a pranking war :)
  • Why do you want to join: I want to join because i want a nice goo community to play on,Not getting griefed comes to mind and also not being stolen from! Also i want to join so I can learn and teach things people know and dont know,They can help me I will help them.
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? I think you should whitelist me because, I will not break any rules and if i do i will take the punishment, I wont swear or be mean to other players on the server, I will not say mean and harsh things about the server and i will not say bad things about the staff!
Ps: If owner lets me take videos for youtube, That would be great!
  • age:8 Im not like most 8 year olds im alot more mature
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name):dr_blockenstein
  • country of residence:USA
  • Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist):No i cannot get it
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people?Yes and yes
  • Why do you want to join:I wanna join a good ftb server
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me):I know alot of ftb and i got banned once but for PRANKING and PRANKING is allowed on this server plus I have very in-depth knowing about the mods plus i watch direwolf20
By the way im 9 now.And i got youtube. (
  • age:14
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name) blackhawk964
  • country of residence:USA
  • Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist):yes to both
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people?yes to both
  • Why do you want to join: Because I want to have fun with people and I want to be safe from griefers.
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (perswade me): Be cause I am a nice guy who will help build up the community and will build cool builds that everyone will enjoy.