Age: 15
MineCraft IGN: Horn315
Country: United States, eastern time.
Skype?: Yes, I am willing to talk, I also just started on youtube, would record here + be online a lot.
Am I alright with pranks?: Yes, love em. Will I prank people?: Watch out.
Why do I want to join? We'll here is the big long part a lot of people wont read.
We'll, my name is Bret, i'm 15. I've played Minecraft for about a year now, and love it. I own a server currently, pretty popular, also have done/ran a few private small (mindcrack) style vanilla servers. I love to be realistic in the game, also very much enjoy to see and do in the game is a community. It just makes the game so much better, working together, actually making it realistic. Brings a lot more out of the game, experience wise and just total fun. I love things like that, and hope I can be a part of this one. Also, I would most likely make my own if I am not accepted, but considered joining one since running servers is not free, and i'm not rich. xD
Why should I be on your whitelist?: I'm a server owner, told to be funny, love this game and the community wise, and we can have a lot of fun out of this.

I love'd tekkit, and hated to see it fallen into the dump when it was not updated and not as many people liked it anymore. FTB is a great chance to become a community in Minecraft, with the many different features.

I also will record and make youtube videos out of this, and hopefully can do videos with others on the server.
Thanks for reading this, whatever you'r name is. I hope you accept this, I will be on skype almost 24/7, and would love if I got accepted and started ASAP.
