Private FTB Server || FeedTheCrafts

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  • age: 16
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name) : Shmorrison
  • country of residence: United States of America
  • Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist): I have Skype and im willing to talk on Skype.
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people? : Pranking is most of the time a thing to laugh about as long as it doesn't go too far. I do not like to prank people but if I do, I do it as a joke and do not take it very far.
  • Why do you want to join: The rules you have on this server seem extremely perfect for me. I like the idea of PVPing but not taking all of the person's belongings. I also was hoping that this would be a server kind of set up like the MineCrack's server on youtube.
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (persuade me): I usually like to keep to myself in terms of not getting in the way of things or begging people for stuff. I do like to work together with people and I cooperate very well with others.
  • age: 13
  • Minecraft IGN (in game name) : kingshelz
  • country of residence: Canada
  • Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist): Yes, I am fine with both of these.
  • Are you alright with being pranked? Will you prank people? : Yes, I really enjoy pranking, but I won't take it too far (Mindcrack style rules), and I don't mind being pranked as long as it is just a joke. I really like a good joke and a good laugh.
  • Why do you want to join: I have been looking for a good/popular FTB server after I got the news that the one that I played on would close soon (the server was my friend's server that he didn't want to pay for any more, and I grew to love FTB with this server), then I saw this server when I looked at search results, and I saw that this is popular. I also wanted to play on a Mindcrack style server for a while now.
  • Why should we add you to the whitelist? (persuade me): I am experienced with some of the main mods (Industrial, Build, Thaum, and Gregtech), and I can help people. I have been playing FTB for about 5-6 months now, and I have played Tekkit before FTB came along. I am very friendly, and I am not bad at building and designing. I might be pretty young, but I am mature. I have many ideas of what I want to do if I get on the server and plans of how to do it. I can be trusted, I don't cheat or exploit glitches (not Nebris :p) I have only been banned from a server once or twice (because of being hacked but I have taken actions to prevent it). I cooperate well with other people and I won't be a bother to other people.
  • Age: 16
  • IGN: qbxntyz
  • Country: US
  • Skype: yes
  • Pranking Rules: No doubt about it im gonna prank. Bees + Thaumcraft :)
  • Why Join?: I was looking for a non public, non whitelisted server so that i can play without griefers and where every i try to cave some one has already been there
  • Why accept me: 1. I'm asain :p 2. I'm a lot of fun 3. I've been playing ftb and tekkit with frieds for a couple of years 4. Why not?
I just have one question though. How many people are on the server already?
Age: 15
IGN: Pokemonfanz69
country of residence: United States
Skype: I have Skype and am alright with talking to people
I don't care if i get pranked and I sometimes prank people
I want to join because all my friend who are on my server live across the world so i get bored on my server because i am alone, this server sounds pretty epic
You should add me because I have never griefed in my life (and don't plan to), and can build some epic and technological things when i set my mind to it, and I am nice to everyone, never cursing or anything like that
age: 14
Minecraft IGN: rikkert132
Country: The Netherlands
Skype: I have Skype, and I would say my English is pretty good.
Pranks: I don't mind being pranked, as long as it doesn't destroy my property or items, and I will also, when I prank, not do that to others.
Why: I have been looking for an FTB server without Griefers for a while, and this seems like a good server for that.
Persuasion: I have been playing FTB for a while, but the singleplayer is getting kind of boring to me, so I would like to be able and Skype with others and have fun with FTB together. Also I have reasonable knowledge in almost all the mods (except Forestry, I just can't get a hang of that mod).
  • Age:13
  • MinecraftIGN:ampedvenom01
  • Country If Residence:United States
  • Skype: Yes Im Fine With It
  • Why Do You Want To Join:Because I Dont Like Getting Griefed And I Dont Like PvP
  • Why Should We Add You To The Whitelist: Because I Dont Like Big Servers It Gets Crowded And There Is No Room To Build Anywhere