Feed the Beast has industrialized everything minecraft has to offer. From huge nuclear reactors to bees, Minecraft is becoming modernized. However, there is one crucial thing that Minecraft is lacking, that will provide an added touch of realism. Is it cars? A second hand? No... It's pollution!
Now the first thing I'm going to say is that I can't modIt would not be unlike Thaumcraft 2's taint system. Every hour or so, all of the loaded chunks would be scanned for any machines, engines, etc. Some machines would be more polluting than others, for example, a powered furnace or magmatic engine would produce one, let's say, pollution point; a rotary macerator or stirling engine would produce two. When pollution points stack up, bad things would happen, but very gradually, and not always noticeable...
At first, at maybe 200 points, grass stops spreading, then at 275, plants start to die. Eventually it would lead to negative potion effects, melting ice, water becoming unusual, increasingly bad weather, etc.
But don't take all your stuff and flee to a clean chunk, there is a solution! Every tree would remove two pollution points, and every flower or such would remove one. It would take a massive amount of machines to cause pollution in a forest or jungle biome.
If you have been throwing away all your saplings and are too lazy to fix the problem, don't worry. Pollution will gradually dissipate into surrounding chunks. If one might have 150 pollution points, and the other had 50, then they would gradually equal out to 100 each. Then that chunk would dissipate into another chunk next to it so more of the first chunk's pollution would be able to go in the second chunk. If you don't produce a surplus of pollution, then it will eventually all go away.
If you can't stand waiting for it to disappear, and can't shut down your industry to wait for pollution to dissipate, there's a active method of removing it. There could be chipsets or machine upgrades that would reduce the amount of pollution they would create. A block that would boost the power of trees, another that would capture pollution in cans for you to dispose of. Pollution proof blocks so that you could reinforce your machine room to release less pollution. A pollution proof suit to let you walk unharmed in the midst of it all. The possibilities are endless!
If like this mod idea, then please give support, and if you can code in java, then please try to make a reality.
Edit: I know this has already been done to some extent, but i want it to be a Feed the Beast mod that will be included in future packs.