Pollution Mod -- Modders Needed!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, MFR has sludge and sewage. :p .. I do kinda like the idea of waste management/recycling. I can imagine a mod that uses pollution in a similar vein to TC's aura/flux systems; plant trees/crops to "clean" the air, if you let it get too polluted you get negative debuffs and attacks by mutant creatures, but by building a waste processing facility you can re-purpose the pollution to positive effect (fertilization, chemical/mineral extraction, etc).

hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yes, although those liquids are a good source for other stuff, sewage to fertilizer, sludge as a source for saltpeter, dirt and clay (and with gregtech, clay and dirt can be further used for other stuff)...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
why do you want to check the pollution based on the existence of machines?

it would be better, if it's a system like in TC2, where every chunk had vis and taint. by using a machine (that works with the mod), the machine adds a bit pollution to the counter.

and there should be some sort of way to reduce the problems.

for example, a classical steam boiler (RC): besides the liquiducts on the machine for the steam, there should be a way to extract the exhaust. maybe the sides give steam, the top gives exhaust gas. and they can be sent around with liquiducts to a catalyst that takes care of everything and releases the rest into the atmosphere.

solars + electrical furnace would be best, since there is just no exhaust, whereas the vanilla furnace would be one of the worst methods... hey, it's just 8 cobblestone with nothing else.

The adding pollution to the counter is a good idea, but over time it should accumulate until something is done about it. Underground bases should also need to have proper ventilation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The ventilation thing would be its own can of worms, methinks. How would you determine that? A straight line of air blocks that can hit the sky? That might be a bit...unreasonable, considering an open hole to the sky kinda defeats one of the main good points of an underground base: its easily defensible against mobs. One, maybe two points of possible entry, and if built right, your roof's so thick and the top of it is so far above your head that mobs on your "roof" would be a negligible concern, at best.

The only other way I could see it working is finding the nearest door, and drawing a line to the closest air block that's got an unobstructed view of the sky. Then, you get into shortest-route algorithms, and doing that for each chunk, even if you did so gradually, would take a fair chunk of time to compute, especially if your base has many chunk-loaded areas.

hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019

the only way would be: every machine produces a liquid called exhaust. this exhaust gas must be sent to filters. so basically it's a machine that voids the exhaust and adds a bit of pollution to the chunk. if there is no pipe that takes care of the exhaust, the machineblock affects the pollution value directly.

if the pollution hits a certain level, you get sick (naussea, mining fatigue and so) and plants won't grow anymore.

the problem with that:

1. void pipes, xycraft liquid void. why should someone use a filtering machine if the bad stuff can just be voided... there must be an exception-list for unvoidable liquids. as an extention: having big tanks to store the exhaust and then break the tank would also cause the exhaust to vanish. so there must be a way that breaking a valve of a xycraft tank, the central storage block of a rc2-tank or breaking a buildcraft tank means the direct release of the pollution into the air.

2. liquid tesseracts. just send it to a mystcraft age and pollute it.

a solution would be a piping system similar to the vis/taint pipes of TC2, vis and taint behaved like liquids inside the tanks, but the player can't just bother the alpha omega galaxy with the taint ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
a solution would be a piping system similar to the vis/taint pipes of TC2, vis and taint behaved like liquids inside the tanks, but the player can't just bother the alpha omega galaxy with the taint ;)

I really like the idea.

You could add your own 'pipe' system that's simply not compatible with other liqiud pipes. It actually doesn't really make sense to make it a liquid anyway. Just treat it the way TE conduits treat power.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
true, that would be the lag-less version.

but the player should actually see his pollution.

You can render whatever you want on the client, that doesn't have to affect the server. You just want to make sure that you're not hogging all the CPU on the server.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Also, based on some ideas I posted months ago about pollution, have natural world pollution caused by Lava. If a lava source block can see the sky, that adds a small amount of pollution to the environment (sulphur fumes, etc).

One method of cleaning up pollution (bit like the filter) was an "Air Miner". This sucks in the air, filters the crud out. This crud then is a random material, which can be dependent on mods installed. Most common would be Coal Dust (IC2), but small chances of other types of dust. So, there's a small good side effect for polluting the atmosphere. The air miner would be an energy sink, and the chance of a dust drop decreases as pollution level decreases.

The TC2 model of taint would be perfect for pollution. Really enjoyed that aspect of TC2, although unlike taint, it won't spread naturally.

Only problem with a pollution mod are underground bases. If the pollution affects a chunk, then that hidden base will be in a polluted chunk, so obvious there's something there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Only problem with a pollution mod are underground bases. If the pollution affects a chunk, then that hidden base will be in a polluted chunk, so obvious there's something there.

You can't 'hide' a base in MC. There are well know tricks to see inside the world and spot what's underneath. So there's no point in taking that into account.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Before the mention of the other stuff I was actually gonna put forward air filters myself. In Galacticraft there's a system where you can plant trees on other planets so you can extract oxygen from them. The pollution and ventilation system could work similar in that you could use the vents to get rid of the pollution and then bring in oxygen from trees that you have growing. It would basically be a form of air condition really.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Though I realize that it doesn't have to apart of my experience, I hope you do realize that most energy systems people use are green energy systems. The only systems that would produce pollution off the top of my head would be the IC2 generator, Several Engines (Stirling, Combustion, Biogas, and Peat specifically) , and Steam Boilers. Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, Water Turbines, Geothermals, and any type of Electric Engine don't produce pollution. Indeed, even the Nuclear Reactor doesn't produce pollution, only steam (which could make for an interesting IC2 addition).

Not very many people use the polluting generators as a stable power supply, excluding the Steam Boiler. But if you're using Lava like a geothermal system, you wouldn't have exhaust, just cobblestone (cooled lava). Also, be aware that machines themselves don't produce pollution like the OP seemed to imply, electricity certainly does not equal pollution. So my point is, you are just discouraging use of already underused power systems.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Though I realize that it doesn't have to apart of my experience, I hope you do realize that most energy systems people use are green energy systems. The only systems that would produce pollution off the top of my head would be the IC2 generator, Several Engines (Stirling, Combustion, Biogas, and Peat specifically) , and Steam Boilers. Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, Water Turbines, Geothermals, and any type of Electric Engine don't produce pollution. Indeed, even the Nuclear Reactor doesn't produce pollution, only steam (which could make for an interesting IC2 addition).

Not very many people use the polluting generators as a stable power supply, excluding the Steam Boiler. But if you're using Lava like a geothermal system, you wouldn't have exhaust, just cobblestone (cooled lava). Also, be aware that machines themselves don't produce pollution like the OP seemed to imply, electricity certainly does not equal pollution. So my point is, you are just discouraging use of already underused power systems.

Ya, sorry about that. Its just that nowadays, it's implied that even leaving the light on will result in catastrophic global warming. Well, maybe not that extreme, but on large servers, the pollution problem might eventually result in something more severe, if everyones too lazy to do anything about it. On that note, once the pollution progresses reaches a certain amount, something irreversible, or extremely-hard to reverse should happen, so that there will be some lasting effect. I expect that many people will let it amount, and then create some automatic mass tree planting system to fix it all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Though I realize that it doesn't have to apart of my experience, I hope you do realize that most energy systems people use are green energy systems. The only systems that would produce pollution off the top of my head would be the IC2 generator, Several Engines (Stirling, Combustion, Biogas, and Peat specifically) , and Steam Boilers. Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, Water Turbines, Geothermals, and any type of Electric Engine don't produce pollution. Indeed, even the Nuclear Reactor doesn't produce pollution, only steam (which could make for an interesting IC2 addition).

Not very many people use the polluting generators as a stable power supply, excluding the Steam Boiler. But if you're using Lava like a geothermal system, you wouldn't have exhaust, just cobblestone (cooled lava). Also, be aware that machines themselves don't produce pollution like the OP seemed to imply, electricity certainly does not equal pollution. So my point is, you are just discouraging use of already underused power systems.

Except a lot of people use steam boilers and last I checked nuclear waste was a pollutant.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Except a lot of people use steam boilers and last I checked nuclear waste was a pollutant.

I am aware, and what I was saying is if a steam boiler is powered off something like lava and not coal or another combustible, wouldn't produce since it would be like a geothermal generator. Then you'd have to address whether some other fuels actually combust or not (I'm thinking of blaze rods).

While I'm not a nuclear engineer, I can tell you that DU is handled already by the Near-Depleted Uranium Cell that already exists for IC2, but I suppose you could change it. Strictly speaking, IC2 Uranium isn't really radioactive and doesn't operate according to real Uranium, so I suppose a mod could overhaul that, but you'd be looking to increasingly complicate an already complicated system.