New progress report.
Here you see a tooltip of a realized dimension tab item. This is an item which contains information for a specific dimension. In the tooltip you can see a summary of the kind of dimlets that have been used as well as the progress on creating the dimension (23% in this case, the item was taken out of the dimension builder before the dimension was ready). In addition you can also see the total cost (per tick) to create and maintain this dimension as well as the total time needed:
Note that these values are totally not balanced in any way. I just invented some numbers out of thin air
But basically you can configure the cost fully. There are three costs associated with a dimension:
- The RF/tick needed to create the dimension
- The amount of ticks needed to create the dimension (so multiplied with previous value this will give the total RF)
- The RF/tick needed to maintain the dimension.
These three values all have a base cost which is currently set too:
- At least 1000 RF/tick to create any dimension
- At least 100 ticks
- At least 10 RF/tick to maintain any dimension
So the cheapest (void) dimension will need a total of 100000 RF to create and need 10RF/tick to maintain.
Then for all types of dimlets (biome, terrain, block, structure, ...) there is a default cost for any of the three above settings.
And then every specific dimlet type can override any of these (i.e. diamond block overrides the settings from the material dimlet type).
And of course ALL of this is configurable