Super Lams are indeed very nice but a little finicky in that they must remain pressurized (fully filled- 8000mb per duct piece) to maintain their infinite throughput. This is great for sources that pump or auto-output at high volume. If the consumer pulls more than the producer they will lose pressure and a high volume consumer can easily outstrip a resonant servo pulling from a static source. The Thermal Dynamics fluid allocator conveniently outputs 8 buckets (and does some pretty neat additional stuff).
That Mek pump, at default config and max upgrades, only pumps at 500mb/t. A really good infinite source is the goofy sink from cooking with blockheads but it doesn't auto output. Nuclearcrafts water sources do pump out but at fixed rates.
For easy mode max_int fluid transfer try Integrated Tunnels exporters and interfaces, Pressure Pipes stuff or the AA fluid laser relays.
Had to laugh at your Mek 'silly piping system' comment. I've had a few networked Mek Hilbert curve setups in my basement- 1M Rf/t off of basic universals, yah baby!