Phoenix Team - One Year Anniversary Party! - AUA (Q&A)

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Phoenix Team Founder
Jun 11, 2013
The Immortal's Cemetery
Since I was not present at the time the thread of awesomely awesome stuff existed, nor when the tide of people came along; How is it anyone would join the Phoenix Team? (if possible :3)
In all seriousness, usually, the person is suggested by a member -- the admins analyze the request, if considered, the person passes through a poll where the entirety of the team gets to vote and then, if no one has any counterarguments, and if the team reaches a consent, the person is added. The initial suggestion is usually consisted of how well known you are, what you have done, and if the thing you've done is useful at all to us.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Coding, mod making, pack making, that kind of thing.
The newest mod in the community! Behold! The grass villager house mod!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't really have any questions cause I happen to know the answers but I would like to offer a toast.

To the Phoenix Team members of the past, present, and future. Good luck in your endeavors. Provide strength and companionship for your fellow members as you never know what they could be dealing with. Never go half way in anything you do because you never know if you will get a chance to try again. Anything you make is an art and art should be beautiful, keep that in mind when your making your spreadsheets and modlists. But above all else, keep Jordan away from the damn cake!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't really have any questions cause I happen to know the answers but I would like to offer a toast.

To the Phoenix Team members of the past, present, and future. Good luck in your endeavors. Provide strength and companionship for your fellow members as you never know what they could be dealing with. Never go half way in anything you do because you never know if you will get a chance to try again. Anything you make is an art and art should be beautiful, keep that in mind when your making your spreadsheets and modlists. But above all else, keep Jordan away from the damn cake!
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Lord of the Tumbleweeds
Sep 21, 2013
Where else?
WOOT WOOT I'M HE- oh. i missed a bunch. dammit, well, i'll see myself out.

or not

Are the team members close to each other? Like, have you guys bonded? :3
I definitely have become freinds with everyone on the team.(hopefully) there is nobody i dislike in the team soo :p
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
well, this woodchuck can chuck 0, as he died quite a while ago. this joke has lived longer than its woodchuck.
What happens if you push this button?
I dunno, Lets see! *pushes*
Whats your favorite modpack youve ever made
Phoenix craft one ;p
Oh, oh, oh, then my question is:
Can we have one-word-spoiler for each planned pack? :3
OK, real questions.

* What has been the best design decision in any of your packs?
* What has been the worst design decision in any of your packs?
Debloating is always nice, and adding bloat is always bad. :p
Which mod or modder from days gone by do you wish was still around/updated?
Eloraam. /me lieks redpower
Okay, my turn with a question!

If the sun is exactly 60 inches in diameter, and the square root of pi is 61, how come my sweatshirt is red?
So that is what the button does...
huzzah, the thread is derailed! thanks to the woodchuck chucks! *ahem*

Say, if you could wish a mod of your design into existence, what would it be?
well, cubic chu- DAMMIT. well then, how abouuuuut Intelligent AI.(ie All creatures in the game are "sentient" to different levels.)(by extension the villagers would create empires, the zombies would gather in hordes, things like that)
Okay, real question time... If you could change a mod that you didn't like a certain aspect of, what mod what it be and what would you change?
Forge, i would add more FPS :p
Which mustelid would you most like to own as a pet/army?
hmm, i dunno. the easiest controlled i guess, as long as i have an infinite supply.
What do you guys exactly do on the Phoenix Team? Is it just modpack tweaking and creation? Or is there something more?
yes, there is much more to us than that!run, they are on to us.
*raises hand* I have a question.

What does the Phoenix Team's birthday cake look like, and can I have some? :3
a pile of delicious mush. we aren't great with cakes.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
at max speed, it could circle your mom in about a week, if it did not have to rest.
So, what are all your top secret project and where do I get them? :p

SquidUtils can do that (shameless plug :3). I actually think that was jordsta's idea.
Secret projects? where?
Whats your best "Homer" moment?
(You totally screwed up and pulled off something amazing as a result)​
Why did you skrubs not invite me to the original convo when it happened? Was me being the least notable semi-pro not enough?!

Sarcasm, if you couldn't tell. Dota is making me salty.
you were too smelly 4 us ;p
Creating a team of content creators for Minecraft.
:3 d'awww
Heh, you're having problems :p I can assure you I'm at least 10x less useful than you ^^

Q: Are the disclaimers in your signatures ("my opinions are not representing FTB or PT") really mandatory? Who is instructing you to use them?
I'm 100x less useful than YOU! *looks at siggy* WAIT OH GOD I DON'T HAVE ONE HALP
Regarding cake @jordsta95 :

I tried, but horribly misjudged the size of my fiery cake base. Oh well!

how much did it cost to get that much edible ink for printing out our avatars :p
I have a question for everyone: What's your favorite non-PT modpack?

For me, I'd say departed, but that isn't released until friday. :p
ye olde Technic pack.
Q: r u avin a giggle ther m8s?
and hav u shagged each others nans yet?
yes, i am having a giggle. also no comment.
I don't really have any questions cause I happen to know the answers but I would like to offer a toast.

To the Phoenix Team members of the past, present, and future. Good luck in your endeavors. Provide strength and companionship for your fellow members as you never know what they could be dealing with. Never go half way in anything you do because you never know if you will get a chance to try again. Anything you make is an art and art should be beautiful, keep that in mind when your making your spreadsheets and modlists. But above all else, keep Jordan away from the damn cake!
:D a toast, to everyone! :)
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