First off, this post is way too big.VOTE!! SKIP THE BOAT! Dunno wth just came out of my mouth!!!
First off, this post is way too big.VOTE!! SKIP THE BOAT! Dunno wth just came out of my mouth!!!
def make_a_make(base_function):
def _function(arg):
def __function():
return __function
return _function
def print_base(num):
print num
my_make = make_a_make(print_base)
my_functions = [my_make(i) for i in range(0, 101)]
for each in my_functions:
All it does is print the numbers 0-100. But it does so in an oh so glorious wayHuh?! I would record my vocal reaction if i could. I think i just woke up my parents with a hecka-loud "HUH!??!".
Just wanted to post the Meta-Meta programming here
Code:def make_a_make(base_function): def _function(arg): def __function(): base_function(arg) return __function return _function def print_base(num): print num my_make = make_a_make(print_base) my_functions = [my_make(i) for i in range(0, 101)] for each in my_functions: each()
404 players not foundWhat happened after the asphalt juggernaut rampage with people like Tyler, Jason and Jack?
I wonder when it'll reach speed of light and we'll get back to the part where people interacted with one another.
And not only the shipping.
What happened after the asphalt juggernaut rampage with people like Tyler, Jason and Jack?
Also, how the heck did you go back in the hospital?? Don't you thing it would be completely rampaged by the asphaltmun?
Yeah. Everyone is kinda just doing their own thing, so there's not really too much room for interaction yet. Gotta get everything set into place.To be fair, there were three major scenes in our group, the first one was me encountering Tyler, Glade and Esaias, we interacted pretty well, no shipping, considering it was a fight scene and all. Second scene, the asphalt dude scene, we destroyed him pretty quickly, Christopher protected Esaias from the fall, damaging himself and saving probably a few of her bones, shipping started. And the hospital scene, where the shipping went pretty much off the charts.
Overall, we're going pretty well.