Hey Boss, My ISP sux, and I haven't been playing lately due to massive lag spikes which have lasted longer than 2 mins, Also, I have to update my modpack and I cannot due to timeout issues with the slow ISP and creeperhost putting a 10 min or less requirement on their DL connections. it really sux not bein' able to download 38Mb in 10 mins.
[18:06:28] [INFO] ModManager$ModManagerWorker.downloadModPack:95: Downloading Mod Pack
[18:17:00] [ERROR] in Launcher ErrorUtils.tossError:10: Error downloading modpack!!!
About the lag, I don't think there's anything that can be done, It's my ISP's fault, they have a partial system outtage in my area and there's no resolution date. They have oversold our network and continue to do so.
When I was running around at surface level, it got dark, and I ran back into my base, and then I died up top 1 minute later, then it took 2 minutes for the server to recognize that I picked up some of my items, by which time I died again... very frustrating... but please don't take me off the whitelist, I will continue to play when my ISP stops being a very very dirty bad lady of questionable integrity.