First, there is no way Exedra is a church member, that would give us six, which is borderline ridiculous.
Second, If Exedra is not a church member, he has to be a detective. You've (SpwnX) confirmed this, by saying his version of your will matched your own.
If Exedra is indeed the detective, goreae has to be a follower. goreae's will said so.
If goreae is a follower, he can't be an active wolf.
We have an active wolf. Evidence for this: 016Nojr was killed last night.
goreae is most definitely NOT the last wolf. Especially since he's been in the church the whole time.
So...... goreae is not a wolf, is not the penitent, and there is still a wolf out there. Going through and lynching the church will give this wolf four more nights to kill villagers, leaving... no villagers alive. Result? Wolves win. Why would you do that?
Next, Shazam's question from forever ago: I don't know. There are six non-church players left. Out of that, some are proven. As for the last wolf. I have no idea. And this terrifies me. Pyure has clearly set up a situation in which we are all lost. gg Pyure.