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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I probably would have literally shit a brick in fury.

No chunk reset is a good chunk reset.

How about that chunk where you just mined 2 iridium ores? That wouldn't be a bad chunk reset!

A reasonable facsimile of intelligence...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the info, my tickrate is good, I have bechill's tps and overworld is generally 5-6ms, chunkoader in the centre of the base is the only one close and was covering the frame loc.

I'll chalk it up to experience and try to remember to copy my world before I shut the server down or use the backup mod if my memory fails :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know what would of caused it could be anything really.

Frame machine with block breakers and all that stuff? Cause there is a bug that sometimes causes unknown items between a block breaker and frame and deployer (IE a frame being turned into unknow)... If you grab it and put it in your inventory you crash out bad.... After that anything can happen to your poor world when you try to load it.. from never loading again... To crazy other things.

So who knows... Just too many things that can go poop.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got the same sort of problem - just not sure what happend. Had a beekeeping house (several alvearies and apiaries with bees of various kinds) along with an on site bee product processer (basically a small sorting system and some centrifuges)
Had chunks reset somehow, 2 wide and 6 long all reset, beehouse seems to be a random victim. no other machines were present at the affected chunks

no chunk loader however. what could have happened?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got the same sort of problem - just not sure what happend. Had a beekeeping house (several alvearies and apiaries with bees of various kinds) along with an on site bee product processer (basically a small sorting system and some centrifuges)
Had chunks reset somehow, 2 wide and 6 long all reset, beehouse seems to be a random victim. no other machines were present at the affected chunks

no chunk loader however. what could have happened?

I never worked out the cause, has happened once more since then, the chunk to the north of that one became a glacier chunk. Both times have been after a server restart, luckily the second one was pretty close to a back up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I never worked out the cause, has happened once more since then, the chunk to the north of that one became a glacier chunk. Both times have been after a server restart, luckily the second one was pretty close to a back up.

I wonder if these have anything to do with Mojang's world code being broken. The same one that is causing the world leak with certain other mods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yeah, brightside :)

Anyone got any ideas what might have caused this? I usually leave the server up all the time but decided to turn it off lastnight as I had 4000 iridium nuggets to find a use for so didn't need to leave my automation on.

Our server had one chunk reset. The server crashed while placing a timer on a frame. A fairly normal operation. On server restart that chunk was reset.