Minecraft Account Name: KingCullen
~ Your Age:16
~ How active will you be? [How often do you play?]: 4-5 hours a day
~ What is your preferred way to play Minecraft? [Builder, Engineer, Gatherer, Explorer, etc]: Engineer, Mage, and a gatherer
~ How much do you know about DW2 and the mods inside it. [To new DW20 players, it has similar mods to packs such as Beta A, Ultimate, and Unleashed.] ? I've played feed the beast since it first came out and I watch direwolf20 everyday
~ Do you use teamspeak? Yes
You've been white-listed onto the server. Welcome to OPTIKS Nations.

Our mods are:
(TheSuperJew) Kantarius [me]
(Viking) Essej30
Please follow our rules and respect the mods. If there are any issues you have with mods, please report it to myself or Elite_Wing.
If you want to be a builder, the mods and other server builders will take notes on your survival build. If we like it, we will make you a builder. Builders are given a good amount of trust, so if this is your intent I suggest that you are on extra good behavior in the server/teamspeak.
We urge you to try to use teamspeak, it's how we communicate in game 9/10 times.
We also HIGHLY urge you to sign up on our forums at http://www.optiksgaming.com/!!!
This is where we post information and updates for the server. OPTIKS is also gaming community that offers a lot more than minecraft. We'd love you to at least check out the forums, sign up, and come into teamspeak to chat and joke with us while we game.
The IP for the Teamspeak we use is: ts.optiksgaming.com:10001
Come in at any time

- The Super Jew
aka Kantarius [OPTIKS Nations Server Owner][DOUBLEPOST=1388335863][/DOUBLEPOST]
In game name?~ Your Age: 27 - 01/11/1986
~ How active will you be? [How often do you play?]: at least 20 hours a week
~ What is your preferred way to play Minecraft? [Builder, Engineer, Gatherer, Explorer, etc]: Building/Technical Engineer
~ How much do you know about DW2 and the mods inside it. [To new DW20 players, it has similar mods to packs such as Beta A, Ultimate, and Unleashed.] ? A fair bit. I have my own (0/2) test server that I play on with my little brother from time to time so a fair knowledge is needed to fix issues without wiping.
~ Do you use teamspeak? Only if I like the people in the channel =P