Whitelist Server OperationCraft|Monster 1.1.2|Whitelist|16G Dedicated|Close community|BoP,Bloodmagic|Teamspeak,Forum|

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Monster 1.1.1
Server Ip:

Teamspeak information: Ask an admin once in game

Server Information
After renting minecraft servers for the past 4-5 it was finally time to build my own
This servers brand new as of this post. We have 16Gb of ram with another 16

coming soon. This is a survival server on normal. We aim to have an active 15-20
experienced players to make a nice community. All of our admins are very knowledgeable
about almost all of the mods. We also use the plugin Greif prevention which allows
you to claim land using a golden shovel to prevent griefing.

1: No stealing or Griefing
2: Do not exploit bugs are glitches-Please report them
3: Respect all of the admins
4: No 1x1xY "Nerdpoles"
5: If you think anyone is guilty of breaking rules, Please inform any admins.
6: All automated mining is to be done in the DeepDark
7: All creations need some sort of Primary On/Off switch
8: Chunkloaders are Allowed but dont go nuts with them (we will be checking)
9:Mystcraft is also enabled but ask before you make an age (If you make them
Without permission you will be kicked)
Bonus: Players who live with 700 blocks from spawn get a nice starting kit

of mod of their choice


World border
Grief protection
Essentials chat

Enabled mods
(make sure this is enabled before joining)

Please follow this format
Why you want to join:
How long you will play for and what are your plans:
Favorite mod:
What is rule # 6, and Bonus
How much experience do you have in Monster? don't worry if you haven't much:

If you think servers down you can always check this http://xpaw.ru/mcstatus/

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I would like to know where is the server located due to possible connection problems.
PS: I also wonder what is the point of rule 6 ? The deep dark is not a hard place to get or conquer since you have the server on normal and all it takes is someone to get lucky and find a sigil in a dungeon or tree chest. Setting up quarries there is just tedious and people with enough knowledge in computer craft can just bypass this rule and make an army of turtles that mine wherever.
There are also the arcane bore and rotary craft bore that i guess are excluded from this list?
Basically I don't want you doing anything that's going to make the overworld look like shit lol. And no we really dont want any automated mining done in the overworld. Yes I know there are many ways around such things and if you dont really like that idea maybe the server isnt for you.

The server is also based in the Us, Illinois to be exact.
Username: FirstDeathWish
Locationn: Philadelphia, PA
Why you want to join: been looking for a small server to play on
How long you will play for and what are your plans: As long as the server is up and build build build
Favorite mod: Thaumcraft
What is rule # 6: All auto mining is done in the deep dark
How much experience do you have in Monster? don't worry if you haven't much:
Ive been playing monster since it was released, i played ultimate and unleashed too
Please follow this format
Username: combatlobster
Age: 30
Location: LA
Why you want to join: Looking for a good online server, I have tried a few but they were unstable or inactive.
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I play when I have the spare time and I will have more spare time when school starts. I usually don't adopt a plan before world start. Normally I will pick a mod and do everything possible I can do with it then move to the next; while building what suits my needs or just looks cool.
Favorite mod: Forestry
What is rule # 6
quarry in the deep dark only
How much experience do you have in Monster? don't worry if you haven't much: 1 play through 4-5 months ago.
Deathwish and Lobster I added you both ^^ You will be the first new players on the server other then admins
Username: KIRTAP2
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Why do you want to join: There is not much good modded servers for me but this one seems perfect
How long you will play for and what are your plans: As long as I can, cover all mods.
Favourite mod: Tinkers Construct
What is the rule #6: All auto-mining in the deep dark
How much experience do you have in monster? Don't worry if you don't have much: I know 98% of the mods(I'm terrible in computercraft)
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Username: Docxx
Age: 32
Location: UK
Why you want to join: Looking for a new Monster Home
How long you will play for and what are your plans: For as long as it take to takeover the world with a million cookies!!! muhahaha
Favorite mod: AE / Ender IO (undecided :P)
What is rule # 6: Do Mining in Under Dark
How much experience do you have in Monster? don't worry if you haven't much: Played FTB since the days of the FTB map and before that Tekkit.

I have one question btw, the Automated mining in the Under Dark. What about the Ender-quarry in the overworld? as it doesnt make a hole and leaves lovely grass and flowers :P
  • Like
Reactions: jjamarus13
Username: thegesh
Age: 25
Location: east EU
Why you want to join: SSP is not fun and i cant find a good server to play on but having a good hardware and 4 admins makes this one seems good. Only problem is connection since i am from east eu and server is in us but i am hoping that wont be an issue.
How long you will play for and what are your plans: currently i got a ton of free time and i am going to play a lot . My plans are to build some massive and cool builds and explore rotary and reactorcraft those are the mods i am most interested in this pack
Favorite mod: well i cant really point out a mod as favorite i like many items from different mods like the ME system ,tesseracts , ender io conduits and more.
What is rule # 6 automated mining only in the deep dark
How much experience do you have in Monster? don't worry if you haven't much: i have a lot of experiance with modded minecraft and monster.
As for the question that docxx asked i want to add : what about myst age ?
Username: pepi1331
Why you want to join: want a server to relax on
How long you will play for and what are your plans: 2-3 times a week cuz i got school
Favorite mod: blood magic
What is rule # 6 auto mining deep dark only
How much experience do you have in Monster? don't worry if you haven't much: stil new to the mod pack but i got a few hours under my belt
Username: TehVentus
Age: 17
Location: USA
Why you want to join: Was looking for a casual server I can play and start an amazing base on
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I think I will probably play as long as the server is up
Favorite mod: ME systems are just amazing and make life so much easier.
What is rule # 6 : Automated mining in the deep dark only
How much experience do you have in Monster? don't worry if you haven't much: Around a few months, maybe half a year?
Username: MisterDuckyDuck
Age: 17
Location: US
Why you want to join: Because i want a small server to play on :P
How long you will play for and what are your plans: i play around 9-10 hours a day
Favorite mod: Thermal Expansion
What is rule # 6 : All automated mining is to be done in the DeepDark
How much experience do you have in Monster? don't worry if you haven't much: I dont have much experience however i know some mods from other 1.6.4 modpacks
All of you guys have been added!

Uhm We would just perfer all the automatic mining done in the same place honestly. Its a group admin decision so.
And with mystcraft Im not completly sure how the group feels let me speak with the other admins and ill get back to you!
Username: iBootleg
Age: 23
Location: Wisconsin (cheese and beer :))
Why you want to join: Im looking for a stable server to play on with blood magic (ive never played with the mod but looks like fun). My past few servers shut down after about a month
How long you will play for and what are your plans: My play time will depend on my work schedule and my social life. How much i love ftb work and friends come first. (full time jobs are fun). as for a plan, i have no clue i kind of do what i find fun. I always jump into magical crops because its op and fun way to get resources.
Favorite mod: Thermal expansion, Applied energistics, and magical crops (ofc)
What is rule # 6 All automated mining is to be done in the underdark.
How much experience do you have in Monster? don't worry if you haven't much: Tons, ive played on about 3 servers with this mod pack (admin on one) and they always shut down before i get anywhere near finished.

Some one will have to explain to me how the grief protection thing works (every server ive played on has just went on the honor system. I have some limited experience with mystcraft, i could help with a mining age if i can get my hands on the right pages
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Username: Crhymez
Age: 27
Location: Germany (born USA)
Why you want to join: I have played on many servers, My favorites are always whitelisted servers with a Mature active community. I also find there are less griefers on whitelisted servers
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I plan to build, build and build.... =)- I also play alot.
Favorite mod: (Mods) i like All the mods. Recently i have fell in love with chisel and carpenter blocks. sadly carpenter blocks isn't in monster,
What is rule # 6 States that all automation mining must be done in the Deep Dark. (question on that, does that include laser drills? since they dont actually mine any blocks.)
How much experience do you have in Monster? don't worry if you haven't much: I'm experience with most of the mods, i have also played most of the FTB packs. In my 2 years of playing minecraft i have become famillar with most of the mods, i do have to learn some like kami and rotatory
Username: Ryan784
Age: I am 18 years of age.
Location: I am located in the United States, East Coast.
Why you want to join: Looking for a Server with a nice community that I can call home and play on. Looking around, this Server seems to be very nice. Just looking for a nice Server with a good atmosphere to play on.
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I will probably play until I "beat" the game, which is practically impossible. So, I'll probably end up playing until the new Modpacks come out, in which case, I will wait for a Server that supports said Modpack. My plans are to most likely (when just getting started), work on getting resources and the ability to fly - from there, I will work on making an aesthetically pleasing base/home to live in, as well as start automation of everything.
Favorite mod: That's a tough one. To be honest, I'd have to say either Logistic Pipes or Tinkers. Tinkers is just so much fun and makes life so much easier, but I love building complex systems with Logistic Pipes - it's a blast.
What is rule # 6: All automated mining is to be done in the Deep Dark.
How much experience do you have in Monster? don't worry if you haven't much: A lot, really. The only Mods I am not very experienced with are Blood Magic and perhaps Thaumcraft. Blood Magic being the main one - I'll probably try to get into it this time around.
All of you guys have been added!

Uhm We would just perfer all the automatic mining done in the same place honestly. Its a group admin decision so.
And with mystcraft Im not completly sure how the group feels let me speak with the other admins and ill get back to you!

Having a Mystcraft world dedicated to literally nothing but mining would be preferable. Doesn't have to have Dense Ores or anything - but this way, players can mine without destroying the Overworld.
Sorry everyone Internet company did some work today and reset my internet while at work. Its back up now and everyones been added.

Having a Mystcraft world dedicated to literally nothing but mining would be preferable. Doesn't have to have Dense Ores or anything - but this way, players can mine without destroying the Overworld.

My friends and I enjoy the difficulty of making everyone mine in the deep dark, If thats not something you like then we are sorry.

Crhymez The lazer Drill is acceptable for the overworld.
Sorry everyone Internet company did some work today and reset my internet while at work. Its back up now and everyones been added.

My friends and I enjoy the difficulty of making everyone mine in the deep dark, If thats not something you like then we are sorry.

Crhymez The lazer Drill is acceptable for the overworld.

No criticism of the rule, I think its perfectly understandable and I prefer to set-up my quarries there anyway, my question was just some clarification for myself.