Official FTB seed thread.

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Unless its a video you can watch on site (without leaving ftb forums) then i'm against it. Just for sheer laziness! :D
I know this isn't a seed request thread, but I can't find one..

Does anyone know a seed which has extreme hills, vanilla forest and vanilla plains? Preferably close to each other. I use the default Ultra Pack. I know that there are a lot of other biomes to build my base in, but I'm most comfortable in the three I mentioned. Thanks in advance!

I know this isn't a seed request thread, but I can't find one..

Does anyone know a seed which has extreme hills, vanilla forest and vanilla plains? Preferably close to each other. I use the default Ultra Pack. I know that there are a lot of other biomes to build my base in, but I'm most comfortable in the three I mentioned. Thanks in advance!

I have a vanilla forest and an extreme hills next to a vanilla plains, but the forest and hills are not very close to each other, and the forest is small I'm afraid.
Seed is: -2595683039509326098
Forest is around +130,+50
Plains is around 0,0
Extreme hills is around -80,+60
I have a vanilla forest and an extreme hills next to a vanilla plains, but the forest and hills are not very close to each other, and the forest is small I'm afraid.
Seed is: -2595683039509326098
Forest is around +130,+50
Plains is around 0,0
Extreme hills is around -80,+60
Thanks for the suggestion! I will check it out.
Figured it was about time for an update so here's my nothing-special meadow seed for Ultimate 1.0.1, -1971763784558202834.


It includes at least 15² adjacent chunks of flat terrain bordered on three sides by woodland featuring every type of vanilla tree in addition to both types of rubber and redwood/fir for happy turtle automation. The central area is peppered by shallow pools, patches of exposed surface stone and ores, oak trees (almost certainly including at least one silverwood) and features all animals (pig, sheep, cow, chicken), red and yellow flowers, sugar canes, pumpkins, and lots of visible beehives. Notable features include lava for easy early-game EU (totaling over 1,200,000), a desert for sand, coastlines for clay and oil, taiga for tigers, a ravine extending down to Z-35 (deep) possibly featuring exposed bauxite and ending in an extensive cave complex, and marble, basalt and red rock for building, plus four villages in close proximity including one which is partially zombieproof. The nearest stronghold is 1,000 blocks to the northwest and a Nether portal will exit at a large lava lake surrounded by multiple fortresses which incidentally is the most ludicrously convenient Nether I've ever seen. As for the Twilight Forest, a portal will take you within walking distance of a lich tower and within 500 blocks of a maze to the northeast. Back in the Overworld, I also found lots of swampland 500 blocks south of the mountain ridge but was unable to melons or indigo flowers. Thankfully you can bonemeal grass for the latter and minium stone pumpkins for the former, and with enough skeleton kills you can use an engineering turtle to automatically right-click quartz grindstones and multiply your bonemeal for free, hooray! (You're welcome!) All in all this is an easy seed with all six main biome types in close proximity and lots of level construction space -- pretty much everything I ask for in a seed.

For those wondering I'm using Unmined to produce these maps. The monochromatic pixels indicate unknown textures (red rock in this case) and the darker shades represent greater altitudes.

  • All biomes with desirable resources
  • Extensive flat space by spawn
  • Marble/basalt/red stone
  • Volcano with deep lava spout
  • Deep ravine with bauxite
  • Multiple villages
  • Stronghold within 1,000 blocks
  • Multiple nether fortresses
  • Lich tower and maze
  • No melons or indigo flowers, sadface :C
Figured it was about time for an update so here's my nothing-special meadow seed for Ultimate 1.0.1, -1971763784558202834.
It includes at least 15² adjacent chunks of flat terrain bordered on three sides by woodland featuring every type of vanilla tree in addition to both types of rubber and redwood/fir for happy turtle automation. The central area is peppered by shallow pools, patches of exposed surface stone and ores, oak trees (almost certainly including at least one silverwood) and features all animals (pig, sheep, cow, chicken), red and yellow flowers, sugar canes, pumpkins, and lots of visible beehives. Notable features include lava for easy early-game EU (totaling over 1,200,000), a desert for sand, coastlines for clay and oil, taiga for tigers, a ravine extending down to Z-35 (deep) possibly featuring exposed bauxite and ending in an extensive cave complex, and marble, basalt and red rock for building, plus four villages in close proximity including one which is partially zombieproof. The nearest stronghold is 1,000 blocks to the northwest and a Nether portal will exit at a large lava lake surrounded by multiple fortresses which incidentally is the most ludicrously convenient Nether I've ever seen. As for the Twilight Forest, a portal will take you within walking distance of a lich tower and within 500 blocks of a maze to the northeast. Back in the Overworld, I also found lots of swampland 500 blocks south of the mountain ridge but was unable to melons or indigo flowers. Thankfully you can bonemeal grass for the latter and minium stone pumpkins for the former, and with enough skeleton kills you can use an engineering turtle to automatically right-click quartz grindstones and multiply your bonemeal for free, hooray! (You're welcome!) All in all this is an easy seed with all six main biome types in close proximity and lots of level construction space -- pretty much everything I ask for in a seed.

For those wondering I'm using Unmined to produce these maps. The monochromatic pixels indicate unknown textures (red rock in this case) and the darker shades represent greater altitudes.

  • All biomes with desirable resources
  • Extensive flat space by spawn
  • Marble/basalt/red stone
  • Volcano with deep lava spout
  • Deep ravine with bauxite
  • Multiple villages
  • Stronghold within 1,000 blocks
  • Multiple nether fortresses
  • Lich tower and maze
  • No melons or indigo flowers, sadface :C

Thank you so much for this. I was looking for a meadows spawn, and having a map like this is just perfect.
seed : 5521133272067791141 on ultimate
nice flat medow @ 175 240 with surface dungeon within 30 blocks chest with portal gun close swamp/desert/woodlands(for bauxite)
Figured it was about time for an update so here's my nothing-special meadow seed for Ultimate 1.0.1, -1971763784558202834.

It includes at least 15² adjacent chunks of flat terrain bordered on three sides by woodland featuring every type of vanilla tree in addition to both types of rubber and redwood/fir for happy turtle automation. The central area is peppered by shallow pools, patches of exposed surface stone and ores, oak trees (almost certainly including at least one silverwood) and features all animals (pig, sheep, cow, chicken), red and yellow flowers, sugar canes, pumpkins, and lots of visible beehives. Notable features include lava for easy early-game EU (totaling over 1,200,000), a desert for sand, coastlines for clay and oil, taiga for tigers, a ravine extending down to Z-35 (deep) possibly featuring exposed bauxite and ending in an extensive cave complex, and marble, basalt and red rock for building, plus four villages in close proximity including one which is partially zombieproof. The nearest stronghold is 1,000 blocks to the northwest and a Nether portal will exit at a large lava lake surrounded by multiple fortresses which incidentally is the most ludicrously convenient Nether I've ever seen. As for the Twilight Forest, a portal will take you within walking distance of a lich tower and within 500 blocks of a maze to the northeast. Back in the Overworld, I also found lots of swampland 500 blocks south of the mountain ridge but was unable to melons or indigo flowers. Thankfully you can bonemeal grass for the latter and minium stone pumpkins for the former, and with enough skeleton kills you can use an engineering turtle to automatically right-click quartz grindstones and multiply your bonemeal for free, hooray! (You're welcome!) All in all this is an easy seed with all six main biome types in close proximity and lots of level construction space -- pretty much everything I ask for in a seed.

For those wondering I'm using Unmined to produce these maps. The monochromatic pixels indicate unknown textures (red rock in this case) and the darker shades represent greater altitudes.

  • All biomes with desirable resources
  • Extensive flat space by spawn
  • Marble/basalt/red stone
  • Volcano with deep lava spout
  • Deep ravine with bauxite
  • Multiple villages
  • Stronghold within 1,000 blocks
  • Multiple nether fortresses
  • Lich tower and maze
  • No melons or indigo flowers, sadface :C

LOVE this seed. thankyou <3
Me and some friends play on own made server and we were looking for a better map, thats how i find this topic haha
After reading through this it appears to me that i think my map is what most of you where looking for as it has almost all stuff quite near spawn point it self.
I tried to render a map with unmined but our world save seemed focked up as it seems to have 1 block somewhere at 130000 so map looks like 0------------------------------------------- where 0 stand for explored map and - for emptyness, also it could not save it, so i made a SS from the renderd one.
Also our nether portal spawned in the fortress :p

Seed: 5237169325305946248
gen: Large biomes (here i have a question about cause when i gen world with defualt biomes are still HUGE prolly EbiomesXL ignores it somehow )
Mods: Mindcrack + DivineRPG (but shouldnt screw with overworld/nether/end dimensions).
Pros: You spawn ON the vulcano right in front of a village (wich seems to randomly adding stuff as most time you have bees sometimes not)
village is in shrubland right next to the desert (usefull for solarpanels as you can see how we build our base in the village :p )
Extreme hills is within 500m 200M further ocean (very handy for divineRPG users)
Oil spout between 2nd village and extreme hills. 2nd village is right next to the village at spawn points 75m to the west.

PS: did my best to give as much info and good pics, dont whine cause its the best i can do :p

Part of Overworld Red cursur is spawn

Nether: Portal is at Cursur i believe :p

Live spawn pic:
Some biomes types naturally tend to be larger than others -- for example vanilla tundra often has the appearance of being oversized due to its vastness -- but I've never encountered large vanilla and small EB biomes like you're describing. Hit F3 and make sure those aren't EB biomes in disguise.

For anyone who finds large biomes offputting: Terrain algorithms are determined by seed and are preserved between sizes. As long the seed ID is the same you can generate a default-sized maps from large-sized seeds. (And visa versa). Incidentally, large biomes are four times regular size.
Can some one please give me a seed with a Mountain Ridge, Meadows, Volcano, and if possible a Extreme Hills Biome all together.
(ps. may you please see if their are any temples, dungeons, or villages with a portal gun, etc. and if not it is OK)
Direwolf20 Pack v4 (For Minecraft version 1.4.6)

Extrabiomes XL version 3.8.0

Seed: CL4P-TP Steward Bot

or 166344299
This seed contains a spawn village with everything you will need to get started, and VERY easy access to 2 Portal Guns. I recommend this seed to anyone playing the current version of Feed The Beast, as listed above.

Spawn is at a junction of Redwood Forest and Ice Wasteland Biomes.



Overworld Map:


Village 1 at spawn (X:+41, Z:+325) has an Apiary, a Forge and a Thaumaturgy Tower.
The Forge has: Iron Chestplate, Steel Helmet, Steel Chestplate, Steel Boots, a Steel Block, a Steel Pick and a Steel Axe.
The Thaumaturgy Tower has: 11 Knowledge Fragments and 1 Nitor.
The Apiary has a Wintry Queen and a Tropical Queen.
The village also has 3 wool lamps, enough to make a bed.

Village 2 at X:+241, Z:+736 has a Forge and a Thaumaturgy Tower.
The Forge contains: 1 Steel Sword, 9 Steel Ingots, 2 Copper Ingots, 7 Obsidian, 2 apples and a Crowbar.
The Thaumaturgy Tower contains: 6 Knowledge Fragments, 2 Gold Nuggets, 1 Glass Bottle, and 1 Glowstone Dust.

Village 3 X:-200, Z:+500 has an Apiary.
The Apiary has a Marshy Queen and a Forest Queen.

Village 4 at X:-710, Z:-325 has an Apiary and a Forge.
The Apiary is glitched and cut off by another building, but if you can get there fast you can pick up a Marshy Princess, a Forest Drone and 3 Impregnated Frames.
The Forge has: Copper Chestplate, Steel Helmet, Steel Chestplate, and 7 Steel Ingots.

Village 5 at X:+260, Z:-242 has nothing of interest.

Village 6 X:-380, Z:+140 has an Apiary.
The Apiary has a Marshy Queen and a Tropical Queen.

There is a skeleton spawner at X:+25, Y:23, Z:+282 LITERALLY JUST NORTH OF SPAWN WHICH CONTAINS A PORTAL GUN. (P-Body variant, but functionally the same.) Full contents:2 iron, 7 tin, 3 string, 1 amber, 1 bread, 1 bucket, 1 Portal Gun (P-Body).

There is another skeleton spawner at X:-78, Y:20, Z:+419 which contains: 5 tin, 2 copper, 1 Bucket, 1 Thaumium Hoe, 5 wheat, 1 bread, 6 gunpowder, Enchanted Book: Flame I, Music Disk(C418 - Wait), 1 Steel Sword, and 1 Logic Matrix Programmer.

There is a zombie spawner at X:194, Y:54, Z:317, easily accessible from a surface cave by a river, which contains a SECOND PORTAL GUN. (Potato variant) Full contents:6 iron, 4 tin, 2 cocoa beans, 1 wheat, 1 bread, 2 Enchanted Books: Flame I, 1 Enchanted Book: Sharpness III, Music Disk (C418 - mellohi), Music Disk (C418 - chirp)

EDIT: Deleted screenshots, forgot there was a max of 2. they can be found here.

When i use the seed it doesnt work, but i dont know if it is because im using ultamite
can someone please find me a seed with a Desert,Jungle,Snow pine forest,forest and a (extreme hill OR a Plain biome) all together pls :)?
For Magic World
Ultimate Pack v1.0.1
Default Generation Settings
Seed: kiss my ass <---- I know I know kinda silly but its worth it at the end!

Nothing too special but if you want a thaumcraft totem and a npc village here you go and if you want a mountian type biome well here is one too

NOTE: The brown building in the top left corner is part of a diffrent mod that i have added to my modpack
If you wondering what it is Here
