(Official) FTB Resurrection Beta Testers

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Lord of the Tumbleweeds
Sep 21, 2013
Where else?
Minecraft IGN: Qazplm601

Teamspeak Access:
yes Mic: yes

Modded Minecraft Experience:
vanilla since beta 1.7.3, tekkit in 1.2 ftb in 1.4 and made my own packs 1.5+ admin and original of the PhoenixTeam, has run 1.6 and 1.7 servers.

Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: ofc, my dear sir.

GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10):
infitech2 mostly, was messing around with it in creative mode on a old 1.7.2 pack of mine.

Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack:
not gonna lie, i won't be too active. i will play it quite a bit, mostly on weekends, but i do have school. if i find bugs i will report them, and if i think of suggestions i will suggest them.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: BillCaruso
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: Been playing Modded MC since 1.4.7 and multiple different packs.
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: yes
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Minimal, just started a SSP with Beyond Reality pack that includes Greg Tech to learn it and its interactions with mods.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: I have a fair amount of experience with mod packs, and mod interactions (good & bad) as I have created and maintained a private server pack hosted on FTB, Lumincraft, as well as have administered the server the pack was created for.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: check1001

Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes

Modded Minecraft Experience:
-Operated FTB Monster 1.6.4 privite server
-Ultimate 1.4.7
-Tekkit (can't remember when)

Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: yes

GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): None, willing to learn.

Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: (make this count)
-Lots of time for playing
-Experience with mods and modpacks
-Good computer, can handle most things without lag


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: Slaagathor
Teamspeak Access/Mic: Yes, both.
Modded Minecraft Experience: Vechs Super Hostile 12 (Inferno Mines), FTB Insanity (SSP and SMP), Beta Pack A, Ultimate, Unleashed, MindCrack Pack 8.3.2, Horizons, Monster, TPPI, Agrarian Skies, Crash Landing, Direwolf20 1.7.10, Wanderlust Reloaded, and ImpactFlux. AT Launcher packs: MadPack, Overload, Bevo's Tech Pack, MadPack 2, Solitary Craft, Reasonant Rise
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Yes, it is the launcher I primarily use.
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Minimal experience with GT5 (early bronze and electrical), extensive use in earlier versions.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: I've beta tested numerous games throughout the years. The past two years I've primarily focused on running a small private Minecraft server using many of the aforementioned packs above. Running a server has taught me quite a bit about Minecraft in general, including both vanilla and modded tick-heavy issues. I've tweaked configs, added and removed mods, dealt with ID conflicts, etc. Each pack I play I try to find unusual or unintended mod interactions such as processing zombie flesh for methane, or auto-crafting cakes for culinary generators. I've been eagerly awaiting an updated FTB pack which includes GT, as is my private server population. I generally play 2-3 hours daily during the week, and several more on weekends so I'd be able to generate reports for any issues encountered on a fairly regular basis. The past two years FTB packs have given me quite a bit of enjoyment and I'd really like the opportunity to help test a pack for community use.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: PaladinAHOne
Teamspeak Access: Yes Mic: Yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: Two years, all modded, of it with GregTech
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Yep
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Long-time beta tester
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: I have been a permanent resident of the GregTech thread on the IC2 Forums for the last year and a half, and I have spent the last year testing and investigating various random things that can be done in and with GregTech. Also, I wrote about a third of the previous GT wiki.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: MrNoe93
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: I've been playing modded minecraft since 1.2.5
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Yes
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Ive played up through getting an Industrial Blast Furnace and making chrome
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: I've played way more modded minecraft than one person should and I have extensive knowledge of most mods. I like making pretty builds but with extensive automation underneath. I constantly play with a multitude of mods so mod interaction is something i have experience with. I believe I would be able to progress through it quickly and discover any bugs there are to find.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN:Vanroden
Teamspeak Access: yes and yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: started playing modded in ultimate =) started a server shortly after
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: yup
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): none, but i learn fast =)
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack:
when i used to play ultimate, the one thing that i was sad about was that development was finished and things wouldnt be fixed, So now i would like to help find and fix bugs, I dont know code or anything like that, i currenlty manage 3 stable servers and have recieved many compliments on how well i manage my servers and figure out and fix problems. what i have to offer is common sense, relavent and valid input, and lots of playtime, i have lots of free time currently, So i can play ALOT, helping to find problems =)

Bashful Giant

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN:Bashful_Giant
Teamspeak Access: Yes Mic: Yes
Modded Minecraft Experience:
Been playing pretty much non-stop since 1.4. Am really experienced in both magical and non-Magical mods
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC:Indeed
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Experience in all other previous Gregtech mods, not used 1.7.10 of it. Yet.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: (make this count):

I'm what some people call a server crasher. If there's a mod combination out there that the authors never thought would be combined, then I'll combine them and break all the things. Of course, i'll then report the breakage. I'll exploit all the bugs, Dance with the cracks in the pack, and generally cause complete havok with anything that could go wrong. All in the name of progress, of course.

I'm also a really fun guy to play with, I pick up new mods exceptionally quickly, and I'm a very co-operative player. So there's also that.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN:Mindofaprodigy
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: something to the tune of 2000+ hrs of modded mc since the original ftb challenge map came out
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC:yes
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10):none as of yet
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: i have a decent amount of experience setting up and and breaking modded minecraft environments


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: x_Fame
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: uhh tough one, I started playing with IC2 back in 1.2.5 and that developed over the time to more and more mods and I then created my own modpack (Project Sunrise on the TechnicLauncher).
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: yes
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Because of my modpack I am pretty familiar with Gregtech 5, I would say I know about 70 to 80 % of It, maybe more, don't want to overestimate myself, Im reading/writing much in the GT subforum aswell
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack:
I am pretty good when It comes down to find bugs (mostly because of my own modpakc making) I also could try to fix the bug and report a solution tight away if you guys want that. I also am a very Cometitive player, so i try to be the fastest palyer in progress, which leads to finding many bugs and using them :) not sure if you would say thats a good character setting.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: solu1
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: no (i really can't speak very well english anyway, but in writing and understanding i am good at).
Modded Minecraft Experience: since 1.4.7.
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Yes.
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): immense, i am from the IC2 GT thread.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: i am a prefectionist for badly balanced and buggy things that make the game easier than it would be whit GT normally, i try to go to all mods and how they effect the gameplay.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: omri123453
Teamspeak Access: no Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: i played since 1.2
Can you setup a MultiMC Instance: no
Gregtech 5 Experience: i know a lot of it
Why should I choose you to be a beta tester of this pack: i know what is the problem when a problem shows and i can fix it too. it can be more fun , try more things and be more creative than normal, test all the things, and being a tester will make me excited to explore the pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: Phycist1616
IRC Nick: Physicist
Teamspeak Access: Yes Mic: Yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: Started when FTB 1.5 packs were first released to the exclusion of all other PC and console gaming. Spent significant time building personal and maintaining packs to play with friends and family; hosted, maintained, and troubleshot those packs as servers.
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Yes. I have been using MultiMC to create packs for at least a full year.
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Began playing GT5 within two weeks of its launch, and was an early player on the Kirara server that Greg himself plays on. I keep up with the GT forums, and was referred here from there.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: Analytically focused. Have reported bugs to many devs through Mojira, Jenkins, Github, and mods' home forums. Shocky reports my current level as 65 (lots of time in IRC). Aside from my experience above, see the following bug which I discussed with AlgorithmX2 in IRC.
Discovered a serious compounded series of bugs in AE2, which I believe they fixed for the Stable RV1 release.

While in a Spatial Cell dimension, the confines of the cell could be escaped in a way AX2 and fellow devs (I think Raydeejay was the 3rd person in our discussion) hadn't forseen:

Enderpearl to the very edge of a corner, so face is sticking out (Bug one).
Use water buckets to displace (Bug two) the otherwise immutable Cell Boundary blocks
which (Bug three) could be collected, and are like invisible bedrock (imagine the power for server mischief that tempted me having that knowledge),
climb above the maximum level, which (Bug four) only went to y=128,
where you can build without limit, despite the intent for the cell to be a very confined space.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Naexuiz
Teamspeak Access:Yes
Mic: currently broken
ModdedMC experience: im playing modded Mindcraft since 1.3.2
Can you set up MultiMC:Yes
Gregtech 5 experience: Yes, not to the latest late game but definitly to the later mid game.
Why should I choose you ?: I played the Ultimate pack a lot and like Gregtech a lot,I can read crash reports, REALLY would love to see a Gregtech pack again,have a lot of time to find as many bugs as possible and would report them all.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: geert19
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: played modded minecraft from day one setting up own servers/modpacks and playing packs like monster and agrarian skies.
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: yes
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Started using gregtech with one of the first versions, i used GregTech 5 in one of the packs i make myself. and used it a bit in the beyond reality pack (AT Launcher)
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: i love challenging mod-packs and also see and report bugs when they are pressent and would not exploit them as i like the challenging aspect not in any way to just cheat my way past obstacles.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: loganfx
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes

Modded Minecraft Experience: I've been playing modded since minecraft 1.2.5, and have worked on modpacks by myself, and with friends.

Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: yes

GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): I played GregTech 5 a little bit a month or two ago, but hadn't really got far. But I'd quite enjoy going through and playing through all of it.

Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: I believe you should choose me to be a tester for this pack because I have had a lot of testing experience whilst making my own pack, I understand a ton of mods so testing will be smooth and simple for me, and I'm also great at finding cheaty exploits, if that's also the type of thing you're looking for.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Minecraft IGN: karl2002
Teamspeak Access: Yes i have teamspeak as well as a good working pair of headphones with a mic.
Modded Minecraft Experience: Lots have ran servers in the past and created my own small addons packs for fTB packs. Ran a server called Aurora
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Yup no issues doing that either have done so in the past.
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Not much as i only played gregtech from 1.6 and below sadly but did play ultimate.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: I think i should be chosen as i have lots of knowledge on mods within ftb packs as well as being able to hunt down bugs and squash them that came with my paste expeicence in running my own servers. I want to be able to help with the dev of this mod pack as its something i ahve been waiting awhile for is for FTB to do another modpack with gregtech!
Many Thanks

Xavier McMage

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: XavierMcMage
Teamspeak Access:
Yes Mic: Yes
Modded Minecraft Experience:
I've been playing modded Minecraft since the Tekkit days(MC 1.2.5 I think). Ever since then, I've been maintaining a private modpack for a few friends and myself to play. One iteration of said pack had GregTech in it until my friends got tired of it.
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC:
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10):
I don't have any recent experience with GregTech. I last played with GregTech back in Minecraft 1.5.1.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack:
I've spent many hours digging through crash logs diagnosing and fixing problems in my private pack when my friends inevitably broke something. Ever since I saw some folks streaming the Alpha version of this pack, I've been itching to try out some GregTech. I'll likely want to dive into every obscure corner to see if things are at all similar to when I played with GregTech before. Ultimately, I want to help out however I can.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Strikingwolf

TS access: yes

Mic: yes

Modded MC experience: 1 and 1/2 years of play, 5 months on the PhoenixTeam, and 3 months of mod dev

Can you setup a MultiMC instance: Yes

GregTech 5 experience (1.7.10): none, this should make me a good *noob* tester

Why you should choose me: I have tested many packs including Running Red 1&2, Terminal Velocity (unfinished pack by @Gideonseymour), PhoenixCraft, and currently Let it End. Also, I have now been a part of this community long enough to have an understanding of what people want in an Ultimate remake


FTB Pack Developer
Feb 27, 2014
United Kingdom
Minecraft IGN: SnowShock35
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: Tones, been playing modded minecraft for over a year now maybe even longer... Who knows it has been so long ;p
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Piece of cake!
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): I have seen bits of it on streams and on videos and played tones of gregtech in 1.4.7. And willing to learn more and pick mods up fairly quickly.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: (make this count) - Well, where to start? I love helping out and being a part of the modded community I have a fairly good pc so lag wont be a problem with a bigger packs. I like to work at a fairly fast pace and incorporate lots of different mods into my builds, reporting bugs and finding them is fairly easy :D That's me in a nutshell. If I am needed Poke, hit, kick, slap and pinch me if you want me. I am here most of the time ;)
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