(Official) FTB Resurrection Beta Testers

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: slbrim
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes With one caveat: I have small children. I know that's not a problem most of the time, but probably should be stated. There's always push to talk.
Modded Minecraft Experience: I've been making my own packs to play myself for a while.
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC:
I can learn how. I usually use the vanilla launcher just because it's what I'm used to, but I can deal with a new thing.
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Absolutely zero. But, hey, I'm a quick learner.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: (make this count) I have Minetweaker experience and love messing with recipes. Pushing myself to try something new would be welcome at the moment. I am also insanely curious about what is different in the new Gregtech as opposed to the old which I very much disliked. I know how to report bugs and test various mods as it is. I also think tfox is awesome. Does that help?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: davidpox
Teamspeak Access: Yes
Mic: Yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: Plentiful. I've been playing Modded Minecraft for a long time (roughly the start of the Feed The Beast Map) and have created huge power systems and magic rooms.
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: I sure can
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Barely, but very motivated to learn.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: I'd like to be a beta tester for this pack because I have been following the Feed The Beast community for a long time now, and I have always been ecstatic to help others on the subreddit, and on other various servers I used to play on. When I play a pack, I always take the pack and examine it, looking at what mods there are and then explore each mod to it's fullest extent. I always strive to make large rooms full of machinery, or make magical rooms for the magic mods. Making sure that mods work well together is always something I like to look out for, so I make sure that there's no issues between the mods and that there isn't something that can be exploited in the bad way.

Good luck for others!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: dannypie123
Teamspeak Access: Yes, usually.
Mic: No.
Modded Minecraft Experience: Began with Tekkit, been hooked ever since. Not really sure of a good mod to give a time frame with, but I believe Thaumcraft 2(?).
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Yep, that's where I do my instances.
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): A little, not much. Luckily, I have had enough experience with a massive amount of tech mods, and the old GregTech (although I am aware that a massive amount has changed), so it shouldn't be very difficult for me to pick up.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: I simply love testing, and finding all of the weirdest bugs and issues. I like to always have the bleeding edge mods, and be at the forefront of these sorts of things. Although I do not have a mic, I can articulate my thoughts or any issues I may have clearly to the best extent possible. I also love server and SMP environments in general, so I tend to be very outgoing and willing to communicate with others on the server to discuss any potential problems. I also have enough experience with mods to be able to really utilize all mods, and as a result I can find some more obscure bugs. Thanks for reading and considering!

Mr H100000

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: TheHashTag
Teamspeak Access: Yes
Mic: No
Modded Minecraft Experience: Same as my friend numbah90 up there, (Playing since 1.1, Modding since 1.3, Good with tech mods.)
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Definitely
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Large
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: I'm a minecraft mod dev (No public mods currently), Java developer, And web developer. I've created private packs before, so I can spot&fix crashes. I can play quite
often. Besides that, I just enjoy playing minecraft.

H100000 :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: Relkofizz
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: Lots , been playing mods since before MC forge
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Yes
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): None
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: (make this count)
I am very good at finding bugs, I play lots of minecraft, I enjoy problem solving and finding things that are broken, and don't pester people when things are broken.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: Tedyhere
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: Hmm been Playing Modded since 1.2.5
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Of course
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Been playing on and off with the new version since Beyond Reality appeared
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: I have played and tested many packs. My play style of building things out of various and usually odd mod interactions has caused me to find various bugs. I have tested many packs, both public and private including for FTB before. Blood N' Bones, Magic Farm 2, DW20 1.6, Horizons, and a bit on Monster. I know how to find the relevant mod interaction causing the bug and know how to read crash logs very very well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: spidey003
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience:Been designing mod packs and playing mod packs for youtube for more then 2 years
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC:Yes
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10):I have no 1.7.10 experience with it have not used it since IC2 experimental came out
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: (make this count)I have many years of beta testing experience both professional and in gaming. I'm very skilled in minecraft tech mods and automating them. Also know my way around documenting Java errors and recreating weirdness when it happens.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: frostlee
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: I've played most of the FTB packs and some ATlauncher and Technic launcher. I watch most FTB members on twitch&youtube and I've seen almost every direwolf20 videos of the last year. I'm trying do learning mod programming thanks to Pahimar series.
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: yes, it's my favourite launcher since it can handle also the FTB packs.
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): none in version 1.7.10, but some from previous version.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: Let's be honest: you have no reasons to choose me. But still, it's a fantastic opportunity to play with some of the best minecraft players (or at least my favourite) and some great mod authors. If you are still reading my submission I know quite well mod of the current mods thanks to all the video from the FTB team anc I'm a quite good programmer (studing software engineering at local university) and skilled at fixing bugs. I'm putting together a pack myself and already done some basic configuration tweaks (maybe when it will be ready I will even submit it as FTB puclic pack) and I really enjoy playing minecraft with friends. Unfortunatly I'm not interested in steaming but I may eventually record few videos for youtube (I hope this is not a problem).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: Iq2Gamer
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: dw20 packs since 1.4.7, FTB ultimate 1.4.7, Agrarian Skies, Crash Landing
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: No
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): None
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: Fun , community loving player. Mod for fireball so he is a reference for me. As for experience, I don't have the best but won't stop tying to learn.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: jawdylawdy
Teamspeak Access: From about 8 AM to 3 PM, EST typically Mic: Yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: Loads. My experience with Vanilla Minecraft is less than my experience and knowledge with modded.
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Yes.
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Exactly none, though it's something I've played with in the past.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: I am a dedicated player, I'm more than willing to give any feedback and reports to you as I come across them, and I do love testing! I've been playing Minecraft for rather shorter than most people, but I do like to learn as I go, so testing is something I'm very good with. In addition, one of the first modpacks I played was FTB Ultimate, so I've got experience in that department as well! If you require any more information or want to talk, feel free to shoot me a message!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
team speak yes
mic yes
expiriance yes
great each no
I should be a tester because I love modded Minecraft and absolutely love to play with mod packs no one else has


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: ibitmyeye3
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: Playing with mods since 2009, some modding experience. Playing vanilla since indev/infdev.
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Yes
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Medium. 3 Weeks worth.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: Extensive modding experience. I've been setting up modpacks for my friends and I for years, all with upwards of 160 mods. I'm a programmer, so I know how to debug and turn in a proper bug report. I plan on playing daily, for a few hours each day if accepted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: Zerant
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: I play modded Minecraft since 1.4.6 (tekkit) to now
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Yes and an Server too.
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): Actually YES, i have my own Server running with GT5 and tweaked much arround in the configs.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: (make this count)
I would be glad to help. I have my own Server running with about 162 loaded mods. GregTech 5 too.
I also know the configs of GT5.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN:Siamese_Toitoise
Teamspeak Access: yes/no Mic: yes/no
Modded Minecraft Experience:Yes
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC:Yes
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10):No
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack:I play alot of minecraft and i have lots of experience with mod packs i haven't really used GregTech but im a pretty fast learner and don't think i would find it too hard to work around i would really like to be a tester as i am helpful and think it would be a good experience being a tester for a potentially big modpack

Ethan Drake

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN:BaconMaster50
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes
Modded Minecraft Experience:1.2.5 and above
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: Yes
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10):Very small
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: I would love to help in any way I can to help this pack. Also I can play the pack a lot and find any bugs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN:charlescraft90
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: no
Modded Minecraft Experience: Alot
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: yes
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10) none
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: just what to help out

Dr Grapeman

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN:
Teamspeak Access: yes/no Mic: yes/no
Teamspeak Access: yes (DrGrapeman)(Not able to TS past 6:00 on Sat. Friends are coming over and spending the night.)
Mic: no
Modded Minecraft Experience:
I've started modding minecraft ever since the first Difewolf20 pack came out (the one with XYCraft)
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC:
I can
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10):
Out of 10, a 2. I know the machnes, and partially ow to use some of them.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: (make this count)
I've been playing modded minecraft for years, and have discovered exploits(I only submitted a few here and there, the rest aged out). It felt awesome to find there glitches, and be a part of resolving them, and I have beta tested Vanilla server(with bukit mods), and I love helping out with projects that people have created. I would love to 'offically' test a new-ish FTB modpack, and see where I can help out here.

Gabriel (Grapeman/GabeBLBEAST) L.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: ashzification
Teamspeak Access: yes/no Mic: yes/no Yes, Yes
Modded Minecraft Experience: Tech support for Technic and FTB, part time at Creeperhost
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: yes
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): None to date. Recently returned from a Minecraft hiatus.
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: (make this count) I've done a significant amount of tech support for FTB in the past, and would love to continue to help FTB put out quality modpacks.
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: WarriorFelip_
Teamspeak Access: yes Mic: yes/but only use it on weekends
Modded Minecraft Experience: Excellent-ish,I have played on a lot of modded servers, and started playing since 1.3.5
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: kind-of, but i would have to look it up
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): zero, zilch
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: Because I am a great person, I would help when I can, and also I would love to play minecraft on a server again


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft IGN: MinecraftDevin11
Teamspeak Access: yes/no Mic: Yes, I have a mic, probably will not be able to talk though
Modded Minecraft Experience: Been playing since 1.2.5.
Can you set up an instance in MultiMC: I already use MutliMC for most of my packs. :p
GregTech 5 Experience (1.7.10): None! :p
Why I should choose you to be a tester for this pack: (make this count) Hrm, I'm willing to help with a server and testing of a pack, I've seen Fireball play it and I'd like to take a shot at it.

A little disclaimer, Between moderating, school, and playing 2 servers atm, I probably won't have the most amount of time to play.
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